quelling chaos since 2352BC
Here's the paper.Then in the late 90s there was an article in the Science Times section of the New York Times about astronomers who used the polarization of light to prove that the entire universe is rotating, and it even gave the axis of the rotation from one constellation to another. This would be huge news, because in 1949 Kurt Gödel proved that travel backward in time is possible within a rotating universe. But now I can't find any mention of this discovery.
We report a systematic rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic radiation prop-
agating over cosmological distances. The effect is extracted independently from Faraday rotation,
and found to be correlated with the angular positions and distances to the sources. Monte Carlo
analysis yields probabilistic P-values of order 10−3 for this to occur as a fluctuation. A fit yields
a birefringence scale of order 1025 h0 m. Dependence on redshift z rules out a local effect. Barring h
hidden systematic bias in the data, the correlation indicates a new cosmological effect.
Here's the article:
'This Side Up' May Apply To the Universe, After All
It's not that interesting and has been discredited:
Is the Universe Birefringent?This page contains links to various papers having to do with the interesting question of whether light propagates isotropically through the Universe.
Borge Nodland and John Ralston claimed in Physical Review Letters (78, 3043, 1997) to have detected rotation in the polarization of radio waves from distant galaxies, as if the Universe were birefringent (sort of, but not really, like a giant piece of icelandic spar). Daniel Eisenstein and I published a brief comment explaining an error in this paper. We concluded that there is at this point no demonstrated evidence that this effect is real.