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Jim Marrs on March 7th

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You hit the nail on the head Mr Schuler , but you have to admit..there WAS something very 'fishy' regarding 911 AND the Kennedy assassination.
You hit the nail on the head Mr Schuler , but you have to admit..there WAS something very 'fishy' regarding 911 AND the Kennedy assassination.

Sure, that is. But that doesn't mean there's irrefutable evidence of it. There has to be space left to the hypothesis that a disturbed guy with a rifle or a bunch of men in a dusty cave can change history for the worse.

That's also suspicious in some conspiracy theories. They include a defense mechanism that's a viral, vicious thing: once you talk of conspiracies, any lack of material evidence becomes circunstantial evidence of the conspiracy itself, and points to the fact that the conspiracy in question is actually even darker, even more successful. It tends to spiral down in circular logic, and circular logic is bad.
Sure, that is. But that doesn't mean there's irrefutable evidence of it. There has to be space left to the hypothesis that a disturbed guy with a rifle or a bunch of men in a dusty cave can change history for the worse.

That's also suspicious in some conspiracy theories. They include a defense mechanism that's a viral, vicious thing: once you talk of conspiracies, any lack of material evidence becomes circunstantial evidence of the conspiracy itself, and points to the fact that the conspiracy in question is actually even darker, even more successful. It tends to spiral down in circular logic, and circular logic is bad.
Not much to add. but very nicely said.
Interesting show.

Unfortunately the 'whole' is always greater than the sum of its 'parts'.

Taking a rational look at the parts to build a 'whole' takes incredible persistance and investigation. Breaking barriers to get to the truth usually requires the help of a 'deep throat'. What bothers me with these conspiracy theories is the lack of 'deep throats'.

35 years ago someone had the courage to lead reporters to 'watergate' and Nixon eventually left.

What does the absense of a 'deep throat' for 9/11, Roswell, Kennedy.... etc. mean ?

Lack of courage ? No conspiracy ? ... or a parallel environment that operates outside of our parameters ? ;)
What does the absense of a 'deep throat' for 9/11, Roswell, Kennedy.... etc. mean ?

That's a good question to ask. Nothing can be better for a newspaper or tv channel than revealing a good nasty scandal. Here in Brazil you see it all the time. Corruption schemes. State and federal representatives being bribed into passing laws. Fraudulent overbudget contractor projects. Toilet paper for schools costing a hundred bucks a pack, and the money going who knows where.

Newspapers feast on conspiracies, and there's plenty of them to choose from. If there's real evidence to a dark, satanic force inside your government, chances are that many people have a lot of money to make by uncovering it.
Great show. Loved it. I would have liked to hear you guys discuss the show a bit after Marrs left.
He offered nothing in the form of evidence only wild speculation than neither made sense or was logical. The guy spewed lot of crap, and to be honest as a guest, he was was one of the worst i have heard in the many years of listening to this show. His not informative, he is believer in everything as long as it can make him a few bucks.
He offered nothing in the form of evidence only wild speculation than neither made sense or was logical. The guy spewed lot of crap, and to be honest as a guest, he was was one of the worst i have heard in the many years of listening to this show. His not informative, he is believer in everything as long as it can make him a few bucks.

The questions about the Kennedy assassination are accurate and long-standing. Even a House committee in the 1970s ruled it was a conspiracy, but did nothing further to find the perpetrators. The rest is a mixed bag. Typical conspiracy theory stuff, but a good way to learn what lots of people, in addition to Marrs, think about it.

As I said, it's a show where you enjoy the ride and not expect solid evidence in every case.
The questions about the Kennedy assassination are accurate and long-standing. Even a House committee in the 1970s ruled it was a conspiracy, but did nothing further to find the perpetrators. The rest is a mixed bag. Typical conspiracy theory stuff, but a good way to learn what lots of people, in addition to Marrs, think about it.

As I said, it's a show where you enjoy the ride and not expect solid evidence in every case.

The show started of good with the JFK assassination. The later part of the show is were i had serious problems with some of the comments from Jim Marrs. He is bat crazy Gene, maybe i am the only one who taught so?
The questions about the Kennedy assassination are accurate and long-standing. Even a House committee in the 1970s ruled it was a conspiracy, but did nothing further to find the perpetrators. The rest is a mixed bag. Typical conspiracy theory stuff, but a good way to learn what lots of people, in addition to Marrs, think about it.

As I said, it's a show where you enjoy the ride and not expect solid evidence in every case.

Have you considered St John Hunt as a guest? He is E. Howard Hunts son and wrote a book called Bond of Secrecy. He has some interesting information on the Kennedy assassination and actually helped in destroying Watergate evidence.
If and when we want to do a whole show on the subject, rather than a brief reference. The question is whether anyone cares anymore. How many people around today even remember Kennedy? Sad.
No, I think that too. I just said it more politely and in a more analytical fashion.

Marrs? No. He's mostly just a story teller. That you disagree with his conspiratorial bent doesn't make him insane or even close. Even if it's all about selling books, it's still not a bad way to make a living. It's not as if he's not entertaining at the very least.
Marrs? No. He's mostly just a story teller. That you disagree with his conspiratorial bent doesn't make him insane or even close. Even if it's all about selling books, it's still not a bad way to make a living. It's not as if he's not entertaining at the very least.

He's entertaining, no doubt about that. And I already said I enjoyed the show, Gene. :)

Ok, I agree, he might not be a complete lunatic, and might be just a honest storytelling entertainer. It's the "credo quia absurdum" thing - believing in theories because they're conspirational, and having that as a basic routine for interpreting the world around him, that sounds a little looney to me. Or, as I said the other day, intellectually suspicious.
Just finished listening to this show and I enjoyed it. Always fun and thought provoking listening to Jim Marrs.

Gene- If you ever have him on again maybe you could ask him about a TV program he was hired to participate in that was canceled before ever airing because they were actually getting results. It was going to be a series. I heard him talk about this once and it was very interesting and would like to know more.
The question is whether anyone cares anymore. How many people around today even remember Kennedy?

To underscore that point in a peculiar way, not being American and not having lived through the 60s when I think of JFK "assassinated" is the first thing that comes to mind. Then the space program, then cuban missile crisis, then Marilyn Munroe.

He's basically famous for dying.
No, I think that too. I just said it more politely and in a more analytical fashion.

It is fine to talk about conspiracies as long as they make sense to person listening, and in fact have substantial evidence that would make you stop and think about what the person is saying. However must of Jim's theories had very little evidence other than wild speculation. Is this the standard we accept today? In the real world outside of this sandbox, Jim would be considered a lunatic, this is suffice in my opinion. I would consider myself as being a polite person, and probably gave a reply to this thread in a less than analytical fashion, but sometimes simple words will sum up how i feel without me over analyzing my thoughts.
In part, it may be wild speculation. In part the evidence is lacking, but I don't think Marrs is making it all up. There are independent sources for many of these theories. Whether he believes them, or just likes to tell a good story, is up to you to decide. But I don't think we need to attack his sanity. That's not on the table. Nothing in what he said, however outrageous it might seem, should make you feel he's less than sane.