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Jim Moseley July 15, 2012

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One of our forum volunteers spent months updating the existing text and writing and editing new articles. Many of those new articles weren't included when the founder of UFO Watchdog took it back. It's sad.
Too bad, maybe you should start our own rogue's gallery here!
In the meantime, where's that official Paracast link for Jim's rare, nearly out-of-print sensational, tell-all book?
How does Jim manage to fill his magazine with material without having access to the internet? It seems like an impossibility.:rolleyes:
He's just that good! Seriously, Jim has a contributing editor, Vince Ditchkus, who sends him internet material, and many others also contribute news items or phone in tips.

The question we should be asking is, how other UFO writers come up with material without an extensive network of trusted sources developed over a lifetime?
I love when Moseley is on the show, great episode! Just out of curiosity, can someone provide the link where you can read Saucer Smear on the internet? I'd love to check it out. Thanks.
I must take issue with the statement (made by Chris during the show and agreed by Jim) that claims of alien abductions have declined. IMO nothing could be further from the truth.

The Net is literally throbbing with hundreds of blogs where alleged experiencers —and yes, I use the term 'alleged' since it must be admitted in most cases we only have their word to validate their experiences— share their stories of otherworldly visitation.

My friend Mike Clelland, whose blog Hidden Experience I've followed for several years now —Time is train out of control— has tried to keep tabs with some of these online journals. And of course, he also shares some of his own, though it must be stressed that Mike has never claimed to be a 'UFO abductee', since he doesn't like to use labels —in fact, that's one of the most refreshing things that have come out of this DIY approach: people can share the weird aspects of their stories in a raw and unfiltered format, without a so-called researcher striving to fit their square peg into his particular round categorical hole.

So maybe what's happened is that the mainstream media has grown disenchanted of abductees' claims, precisely because they're so hard to categorize by any type of conventional explanation —and the news channels like to keep it simple for the 8 o'clock news.

But that does not necessarily mean the 'abduction' activity has actually become scarcer.

PS: I really don't know if Menzel was acting as a 'containment manager' for UFOs with his obtuse skepticism toward the phenomenon, but maybe Moseley should consider his strange antics as a classic case of doublespeak —maybe that was the reason he was so adamant in his public negation of it ;)
I must take issue with the statement (made by Chris during the show and agreed by Jim) that claims of alien abductions have declined. IMO nothing could be further from the truth.

The Net is literally throbbing with hundreds of blogs where alleged experiencers —and yes, I use the term 'alleged' since it must be admitted in most cases we only have their word to validate their experiences— share their stories of otherworldly visitation.

My friend Mike Clelland, whose blog Hidden Experience I've followed for several years now —Time is train out of control— has tried to keep tabs with some of these online journals. And of course, he also shares some of his own, though it must be stressed that Mike has never claimed to be a 'UFO abductee', since he doesn't like to use labels —in fact, that's one of the most refreshing things that have come out of this DIY approach: people can share the weird aspects of their stories in a raw and unfiltered format, without a so-called researcher striving to fit their square peg into his particular round categorical hole.

So maybe what's happened is that the mainstream media has grown disenchanted of abductees' claims, precisely because they're so hard to categorize by any type of conventional explanation —and the news channels like to keep it simple for the 8 o'clock news.

But that does not necessarily mean the 'abduction' activity has actually become scarcer.

PS: I really don't know if Menzel was acting as a 'containment manager' for UFOs with his obtuse skepticism toward the phenomenon, but maybe Moseley should consider his strange antics as a classic case of doublespeak —maybe that was the reason he was so adamant in his public negation of it ;)

I like Jim's idea concerning abductions. It's that its an external force that messes with people's minds, but which doesn't involve them literally entering into people's rooms.

There are far too many abduction cases for it to be aliens literally arriving in spacecraft to take people. So maybe the abductions are psychic hijackings that are real, but don't take place in public space. Maybe there are done remotely through some kind of psychotronic technology.

This is to assume that they are more than mere psychological aberrations. Again, the numbers seem too high to all be explained away as mental illness.
I like Jim's idea concerning abductions. It's that its an external force that messes with people's minds, but which doesn't involve them literally entering into people's rooms.

There are far too many abduction cases for it to be aliens literally arriving in spacecraft to take people. So maybe the abductions are psychic hijackings that are real, but don't take place in public space. Maybe there are done remotely through some kind of psychotronic technology.

This is to assume that they are more than mere psychological aberrations. Again, the numbers seem too high to all be explained away as mental illness.

Yeah, I've considered such scenarios myself. It's almost as if the abduction takes place in some sort of 'hyperreality' which could be filled and peopled with elements taken from the abductee's unconscious.

BUT, that does not diminish the potency of the experience, nor is this alternative realm any less 'real' that our consensual daily life.
Yeah, I've considered such scenarios myself. It's almost as if the abduction takes place in some sort of 'hyperreality' which could be filled and peopled with elements taken from the abductee's unconscious. BUT, that does not diminish the potency of the experience, nor is this alternative realm any less 'real' that our consensual daily life.
Good point RPJ. Apache Medicine Man (and the longtime head of the Dulce Department of Public Safety) Hoyt Velarde made me sit up and think out of the box about "abductions" when I first met him in '95. He mentioned asking his grandfather about abductions and I recall him saying something like: The abductee isn't taken through the wall, out of the house and up into the ship, the ship forms around them in the room. For some reason, that always stuck w/ me. Perhaps this insight is akin to the "hyperreality" hypothesis you propose? Lance and Angelo will undoubtedly beg to differ, (on most, if not all things "paranormal") but I personally feel that some abductions are truly real and truly high-strange and that there is a much more complicated process going on w/ the mystery than standard "true-believer" thinking would suggest, etc...
I'd agree that there's definitely more going on than aliens in saucers coming down to snatch people up. I've thought for a long time now that it's either some unknown form of psychosis/mental disease or some kind of non human intelligence that utilizes scenarios from the abductees own minds. Which is why a long time ago people got abducted by fairies and leprechauns and today it's aliens from outer space. It would also go a long way toward explaining why whenever abductees are given things like predictions, they're pretty much always wrong. It would make sense if the predictions are coming from their own subconscious and not advanced alien intelligences from another star system. Either way, I think it's worthy of further study.
I'd agree that there's definitely more going on than aliens in saucers coming down to snatch people up. I've thought for a long time now that it's either some unknown form of psychosis/mental disease or some kind of non human intelligence that utilizes scenarios from the abductees own minds. Which is why a long time ago people got abducted by fairies and leprechauns and today it's aliens from outer space. It would also go a long way toward explaining why whenever abductees are given things like predictions, they're pretty much always wrong. It would make sense if the predictions are coming from their own subconscious and not advanced alien intelligences from another star system. Either way, I think it's worthy of further study.

Agree this is where Remote Viewing is plausible tool which 'might've been researched for use on foreign or domestic as another plausible control mechanism or data retrial ?Furthermore , this is in speculation imagine someone or group who could influence investing, defense etc in achieving their agenda with aid of electromechanical devices. More plausible human rather than ET theory maybe.
Jim mentions during the show how landed craft seem to be carrying slightly different creatures each time they made an appearance on Earth.
Like why would presumably a main alien race have so many varieties of strange creatures and robot-type things?This has puzzled me also until I hit upon the idea simply of witness testimony.

If you were to take 100 people to a sci-fi movie for the first time, and then hours after it finishes ask them all to draw the main robot or creature - how different do you think the memories might be? And so, if people really are scared witless by witnessing some landed craft's occupants wandering a forest or whatever, is it any wonder that often major details are similar but smaller ones or so different? I don't see why this cannot account for the variety of things reported. If true, it's probable there are far fewer 'beings' but many interpretations and memories of them.
This is not to say of course that I believe all such reports!