It was an interesting program, but I have a standard in listening to interviews: don't trust anyone who can talk for over an hour without saying "uh" at least once. It means that there is no actual thinking involved. Everything is pat and prepared.
Re: "We respect the fact that this is your planet, not ours," vs, "You belong to us, you are ours," "you" and "yoor planet" are not synonymous. One can read it to say, "You are our children from eons back, but this is your world to do with as you please."
There comes a time when parents must allow their children to learn to live beyond the shell of protection, to take charge of their lives, to make errors and learn by experience. That does not presume disowning and abandoning them.
If aliens had "seeded" Earth with human life, they would have then stepped back and watched, not interfering or aiding other than in dire times. One couild compare it to parents watching as their kids make independent lives for themselves, starting homes and raising families, with mom and dad standing aside and letting them undergo life's highs and lows, and growing in wisdom.
So, do mom and dad refuse to offer help and guidance to their kids when they need it? If they did, they'd be poor parents indeed.
This in no way suggests that I buy the story. However, rejecting it based on misreadings or interpretations is dishonest. Only Mr. Sparks can say what he meant by the seeming contradiction.
IAC, the whole paranormal "field" is rife with nuts, notions and nonsense. It's wise to take it all with a generous helping of skepticism. Ghosts and psychics and channelers, oh my! It's fascinating, but not overly serious.
Re: "We respect the fact that this is your planet, not ours," vs, "You belong to us, you are ours," "you" and "yoor planet" are not synonymous. One can read it to say, "You are our children from eons back, but this is your world to do with as you please."
There comes a time when parents must allow their children to learn to live beyond the shell of protection, to take charge of their lives, to make errors and learn by experience. That does not presume disowning and abandoning them.
If aliens had "seeded" Earth with human life, they would have then stepped back and watched, not interfering or aiding other than in dire times. One couild compare it to parents watching as their kids make independent lives for themselves, starting homes and raising families, with mom and dad standing aside and letting them undergo life's highs and lows, and growing in wisdom.
So, do mom and dad refuse to offer help and guidance to their kids when they need it? If they did, they'd be poor parents indeed.
This in no way suggests that I buy the story. However, rejecting it based on misreadings or interpretations is dishonest. Only Mr. Sparks can say what he meant by the seeming contradiction.
IAC, the whole paranormal "field" is rife with nuts, notions and nonsense. It's wise to take it all with a generous helping of skepticism. Ghosts and psychics and channelers, oh my! It's fascinating, but not overly serious.