Robert Baird
Paranormal Maven
Drugs and helpful social agencies are a major part of the real problem that many of the kids know first hand. The churches are often still in control inside school boards. A few years ago one Texas couple held sway over the curriculum development of the entire US. My lifelong significant other retired recently but is a top national official and World Congress of Teacher's participant. I could give another page of facts but people here seem intent on retaining their stupidity.
Ritalin is not a real or even decent solution. Proper nutrition, good curricula and considerate charismatic teaching with freedom to choose given to attendees (alternative schools) works so well that only about one half of one per cent of those having the gateway drug that can cause heart failure would be advised to take it. Schools are paid to hire psychologists and guess what happens - diagnosis goes up. Check out France and a totally different approach.
During the first Bush Presidential campaign there was a person still in jail in Massachusetts for cunnilingus. There are probably still a number of states where screwing sheep is on the books. Of course some women would rather their hubby did that and that was why many states never had the laws (Joke). Here is more to think about if you want the real issues of what causes alienation and why our society is so censored and uptight or screwed up.
I would be surprised if Iceland was the only place where Blasphemy Laws still existed in this supposedly free world. Even after the repeal of such laws there lingers elements of witch trials and Inquisitions in other laws and social systems. There are places in British Columbia that still allow Gideon Bibles and other Christian garbage into public schools. It may take another century before people really get free enough to begin to explore reality without dogma rattling around inside their heads or hearts.
"Blasphemy Law Abolished in Iceland! Press release July 2, 2015
Iceland’s parliament agreed today to abolish the blasphemy provision of the Criminal Code. The Pirate Party’s parliamentarians submitted the proposal in January, which received broad support from all other political parties in Parliament and the matter was unanimously supported by the committee examining the proposal. Icelanders have now taken an important step in guaranteeing human rights and joined other nations which respect freedom of speech and expression."
BC Humanist Blog
Ritalin is not a real or even decent solution. Proper nutrition, good curricula and considerate charismatic teaching with freedom to choose given to attendees (alternative schools) works so well that only about one half of one per cent of those having the gateway drug that can cause heart failure would be advised to take it. Schools are paid to hire psychologists and guess what happens - diagnosis goes up. Check out France and a totally different approach.
During the first Bush Presidential campaign there was a person still in jail in Massachusetts for cunnilingus. There are probably still a number of states where screwing sheep is on the books. Of course some women would rather their hubby did that and that was why many states never had the laws (Joke). Here is more to think about if you want the real issues of what causes alienation and why our society is so censored and uptight or screwed up.
I would be surprised if Iceland was the only place where Blasphemy Laws still existed in this supposedly free world. Even after the repeal of such laws there lingers elements of witch trials and Inquisitions in other laws and social systems. There are places in British Columbia that still allow Gideon Bibles and other Christian garbage into public schools. It may take another century before people really get free enough to begin to explore reality without dogma rattling around inside their heads or hearts.
"Blasphemy Law Abolished in Iceland! Press release July 2, 2015
Iceland’s parliament agreed today to abolish the blasphemy provision of the Criminal Code. The Pirate Party’s parliamentarians submitted the proposal in January, which received broad support from all other political parties in Parliament and the matter was unanimously supported by the committee examining the proposal. Icelanders have now taken an important step in guaranteeing human rights and joined other nations which respect freedom of speech and expression."
BC Humanist Blog
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