Like most people interested in UFOs, the paranormal and all those things that bump in the night, Ron is not that well versed in the history, science or facts surrounding these subjects, not to mention implications of the mass "belief" in these mysteries. Like many people, he trusts his TV to educate himself and is most impressed by those who squack their snake-oil stories the loudest or those who spout stories that appear to bolster, confirm or validate his own want-to-believe tendencies. This is sad, but true. I've known the guy and worked with him for over a decade and have continuously tried to temper his enthusiasm w/ suggestions on where to go for what I consider to be the most credible sources of research and facts. But, sadly, like most people, he's too busy to read the books and research these subjects properly, opting for the easy way out as described above. Sure, he knows quite a bit about the subjects, but the extent of his knowledge only makes him more dangerous as he is a video producer and formulator of programming that has the potential to influence many people eager to be told what to believe no matter how unfounded and unproven the information may be. All I can do is continue to try and temper his enthusiasm w/ facts and point him in the direction of quality research and give suggestions on who to question the veracity or legitimacy of their dubious claims.