Curious Cat
You bring Racism into it, but the fact is there was a cover up, and there is official documentation to prove it. It's widely accepted today that other peoples from Europe and elsewhere travelled to New Zealand before the Maori, so they are not native to the Island.
Read the link. It shows archived records from the New Zealand government discussing this issue.
Last year I spent a lot of time looking in to the claims of celticnz. I found that the wiki pages had been authored by Doutre and associates. They linked back to each other to present a veneer of truth. Eventually Wiki had them removed for intellectual dishonesty and fraud. Wiki isn't perfect, but it maintains records of removed pages and reasons why. You can go along and see.
I discovered the actual landowner who built some of the walls claimed to be pre-Maori...Jim Crosbie in the late-19th Century. His photo and biography are available online.I found that the close-ups of alleged walls were either recent (19th Century) or familiar rock formations found in NZ.
The story of a banished Scotsman being a founder of NZ was without basis. It was a fictional piece presented to add credibility to the claim that the native population of NZ is white.
I'm a dedicated student and a teacher of history so I looked into the academic research history. The impact of Maori populations from 1200-1400 is found in the landscape. There's a layer of human activity in the earth from the period. This is represented by hearths, animal bones and the widespread extinctions of native fauna. The human remains are those of Maori and the assemblages are Maori. Prior to the period there is no record of human habitation.
Why would they do this? What could such a conspiracy seek to achieve?
By making the claim of indigenous whites, they could support the NZ nationalists. Much like the British National Party's identical claims...they could then offer to 'repatriate' the Maori non-whites to other places.
I can provide sources for everything I've written