Joe Buchman
Paranormal Novice
Just checking in here and want to say THANKS for the comments/compliments. The only faint praise I offered the good Dr. Greer was in his ability to monetize his work both in Sirius and in Unacknowledged. Beyond that for those who listened to the full show I'd ask to find much favorable, much less "ass-kissing"?!? Paola Harris condemned me for trying to get Dr. Greer to provide any evidence of what he testified to in the Citizen Hearing (and for challenging her statement that only those who had paid for the 5 May NOT-Roswell slides event had "any right to an opinion," and that the only question now was "What crash did they come from." Just silly.
From: Steve Greer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: Citizen Hearing Transcript question
To: Joseph Buchman <[email protected]>
Ampere prize- like amps. believe it is Adm Morin but would need to ck. files and i'm in the uk
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:44 AM, Joseph Buchman <[email protected]> wrote:
Dr. Greer,
I'm working on a transcript of the recent Citizen Hearing.
You said:
>>Admiral Moran, who won the Empire Prize in France and is an MD, as I am, and also a PhD physicist, and was an adviser to President Sarkozy <<
I'm writing to double check the spelling of "Moran" and the name of the French Prize. If you could confirm, or correct, those for me I'd be most grateful.
For context, under Oath, this is what Dr. Greer testified to during the Citizen Hearing, 29 April 2013:
Woolsey: We will call the afternoon session together and the oath will be given.
Buchman: It is my distinct honor to, once again, administer the oath. Before I do that a couple of housekeeping announcements: if everyone could please silence anything that rings, buzzes, vibrates or could be a distraction to others, we would appreciate that. We will begin with the two witnesses who are here. If you would be so kind as to repeat after me:
I do hereby affirm; that I will tell the truth; and nothing but the truth; to this Committee today.
Thank you.
Woolsey: We’re going to begin with Dr. Greer.
Greer: Thank you; it is an honor to be here. I would just like to summarize this subject by saying that I got involved in 1990 when I formed the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and put together some of the early briefings for folks in the administration of President Clinton. This occurred because in 1992 I was leading a team of people where we had a contact event on a beach in Florida. This got reported into a Department of Defense report that was done by John Peterson of the Arlington Institute. He was friends with the man who became CIA Director, R. James Woolsey.
. . .
I had sent in advance a briefing similar to the one that I provided here, this is the one I had provided for President Obama through John Podesta who, as you know, set up the Obama Administration. I was astonished and appalled to learn that the first document has actionable intelligence listing project code names and code numbers effective as of the early 1990s. Admiral Tom Wilson looked through this document, identified one of the compartments, contacted them and was told, and I am quoting:
“Sir, you do not have a need-to-know.”
Now, this is the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He said to the person, it was a contractor, I cannot disclose which one, who said that basically that, sir we will not discuss this with you further and basically hung up on the admiral.
This I will testify under oath before any. . . . Now, because of that event, we then wrote an “Unless Otherwise Directed” letter. My military advisor said, Dr. Greer what you need to do is an UNOD letter that goes to all branches of government that says that we have concluded that this subject is being managed in an extra-Constitutional fashion. A priori the National Security Act no longer applies under those oaths, and they are hereby exonerated, or freed from them. We wrote such a letter to the heads of all agencies. It was never contested and the way “Unless Otherwise Directed” letter works is unless you hear back from the agency, you are allowed to proceed with your assessment and our assessment was that we were going to go forward with these men and women and documents. In fact, there was a senior CIA official who I have been asked not to name who is still in the Science Directorate of the CIA who said, please do this for our nation. At that point, we began to gather together more of these so-called witnesses, they’ve been called now, I called them patriots who want to have the truth out and we then did the 2001 Disclosure Project in this ballroom. We are about at our 12-year anniversary of that. I organized that for the purpose of getting the public informed and also Congress.
There were tens of thousands of petitions and faxes sent to members of Congress asking for Hearings. Unfortunately a few months later 9-11 happened. The day before 9-11. . . . I will make no further comments on that, except to say that on 10 September, you will see tonight in our film Sirius if you come to see it at 8 o’clock, that there was a comment in a speech by then Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who stated that there’s 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for in the Department of Defense budget. Let me repeat that number, 2.3 trillion dollars. This was on 10 September 2001. Now, prior to that, I was not surprised at that comment because back in 1994 I had a meeting with Mr. D'Amato, not the Senator, who was the Chief Counsel of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He informed me that he thought there was in excess of 100 billion dollars a year missing out of the treasury and going into so-called Black Projects. This is a misnomer, just so that the committee knows, the proper term in the military and intelligence world is an unacknowledged special access project.
Special access projects are projects that, of course, you have to be read into with various clearances. The unacknowledged ones are ones for which there is no acknowledgment on paper and anyone in the project is ordered not to speak about it under threat of termination with extreme prejudice, which is death. My senior military advisor was in one such project. He has not even informed me what it concerned. It was under Admiral Harry Train. It was a three billion dollar project. This was one project that was unacknowledged. So this is not a theory, this is how the deep national security state actually operates that the members of Congress usually are not aware of.
In the ensuing years, since 2001, we have continued these briefings. We have had greater success in other countries; there are now more than fourteen countries that have opened their UFO files. We have been very instrumental in this. I have worked with people at the Vatican, the French government and what is also very exciting is that one of the most important documents in history, which I will provide to the Committee, is a document from the Ministry of Defense of France committing to my organization to engage in a long-term project to make peaceful contact with these “Visitors.” This document has not been yet released; I will provide it to the Committee and there is great progress being made in other countries.
Admiral Morin, who won the Prize Ampère in France and is a medical doctor, as I am, and also a PhD physicist, and was an adviser to President Sarkozy and others, has been meeting with us. [1] We have been involved with projects in other countries to do this. I will tell you however, that as they began to step into this, they were warned off by someone within the national security state saying, do not pursue this. So we went to France about three years ago. We had an expedition to actually make contact with these extraterrestrial civilizations and the admiral later informed us that their radar tracked objects that came over the site at between 100 and 200 thousand kilometers an hour.
What is fascinating about this is that the French were not deterred from doing this project with us, but they have to date remained fairly quiet. There is therefore progress being made in other G-7 countries. As you know, we have a former Minister of Defence of Canada here who is very supportive, the Honorable Paul Hellyer. What we find, however, is that the United States has remained a black hole of secrecy. Now the reasons for this are complex. First is inertia; once you go into an Unacknowledged Special Access program, it is very hard to bring things out. Second is that this is the Crown Jewel in America of the defense and aerospace industries. My uncle was a senior project engineer at Grumman that became Northrop Grumman that put the first man on the Moon with the lunar module; he worked on the lunar module which is part of how I got involved with this. What I have found through my uncle and other contacts at Lockheed, is that we have had, since about the mid-1950s, operational electromagnetic, gravitic devices; basically in the parlance of the pop-culture, anti-gravity devices that are deeply classified and are the next generation beyond rockets and jet aircraft. These are fully operational and not experimental. These have been used very discreetly. We have an enormous amount of information on this, including a facility at Norton Air Force Base where we had Frank Carlucci, the Secretary of Defense for President Reagan, was ushered in there, and some people who were with him, such as Brad Sorensen, have given us information and have helped us provide schematics and drawings for these so-called Alien Reproduction Vehicles. A bit of a misnomer because in reality advanced anti-gravity research began with T. Townsend Brown in 1929. We will get more into this on Friday.
The key point here is that the technologies that would give us a new civilization without oil, without gas, without coal, without nuclear power are extant; they already exist; they’ve been developed and it is a matter of the utmost national security and world peace and justice that we bring these sciences out and start a new chapter in the human experience.
Thank you.
(1) No information has yet been found to verify an “Admiral Morin, Ph.D., M.D., Ampere Prize winner.” Dr. Greer appears to have conflated Rear Admiral Gilles Pinon with Vincent Morin, Ph.D.; Jacques Costagliola, MD and perhaps others who published an open letter to President Sarkozy in April 2008. See, for example, Admiral G.Pinon writes to President Nicolas Sarkozy about UFOs. None of these individuals, however, are listed among the Prix Ampère recipients available online at:ère"
From: Steve Greer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: Citizen Hearing Transcript question
To: Joseph Buchman <[email protected]>
Ampere prize- like amps. believe it is Adm Morin but would need to ck. files and i'm in the uk
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:44 AM, Joseph Buchman <[email protected]> wrote:
Dr. Greer,
I'm working on a transcript of the recent Citizen Hearing.
You said:
>>Admiral Moran, who won the Empire Prize in France and is an MD, as I am, and also a PhD physicist, and was an adviser to President Sarkozy <<
I'm writing to double check the spelling of "Moran" and the name of the French Prize. If you could confirm, or correct, those for me I'd be most grateful.
For context, under Oath, this is what Dr. Greer testified to during the Citizen Hearing, 29 April 2013:
Woolsey: We will call the afternoon session together and the oath will be given.
Buchman: It is my distinct honor to, once again, administer the oath. Before I do that a couple of housekeeping announcements: if everyone could please silence anything that rings, buzzes, vibrates or could be a distraction to others, we would appreciate that. We will begin with the two witnesses who are here. If you would be so kind as to repeat after me:
I do hereby affirm; that I will tell the truth; and nothing but the truth; to this Committee today.
Thank you.
Woolsey: We’re going to begin with Dr. Greer.
Greer: Thank you; it is an honor to be here. I would just like to summarize this subject by saying that I got involved in 1990 when I formed the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and put together some of the early briefings for folks in the administration of President Clinton. This occurred because in 1992 I was leading a team of people where we had a contact event on a beach in Florida. This got reported into a Department of Defense report that was done by John Peterson of the Arlington Institute. He was friends with the man who became CIA Director, R. James Woolsey.
. . .
I had sent in advance a briefing similar to the one that I provided here, this is the one I had provided for President Obama through John Podesta who, as you know, set up the Obama Administration. I was astonished and appalled to learn that the first document has actionable intelligence listing project code names and code numbers effective as of the early 1990s. Admiral Tom Wilson looked through this document, identified one of the compartments, contacted them and was told, and I am quoting:
“Sir, you do not have a need-to-know.”
Now, this is the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He said to the person, it was a contractor, I cannot disclose which one, who said that basically that, sir we will not discuss this with you further and basically hung up on the admiral.
This I will testify under oath before any. . . . Now, because of that event, we then wrote an “Unless Otherwise Directed” letter. My military advisor said, Dr. Greer what you need to do is an UNOD letter that goes to all branches of government that says that we have concluded that this subject is being managed in an extra-Constitutional fashion. A priori the National Security Act no longer applies under those oaths, and they are hereby exonerated, or freed from them. We wrote such a letter to the heads of all agencies. It was never contested and the way “Unless Otherwise Directed” letter works is unless you hear back from the agency, you are allowed to proceed with your assessment and our assessment was that we were going to go forward with these men and women and documents. In fact, there was a senior CIA official who I have been asked not to name who is still in the Science Directorate of the CIA who said, please do this for our nation. At that point, we began to gather together more of these so-called witnesses, they’ve been called now, I called them patriots who want to have the truth out and we then did the 2001 Disclosure Project in this ballroom. We are about at our 12-year anniversary of that. I organized that for the purpose of getting the public informed and also Congress.
There were tens of thousands of petitions and faxes sent to members of Congress asking for Hearings. Unfortunately a few months later 9-11 happened. The day before 9-11. . . . I will make no further comments on that, except to say that on 10 September, you will see tonight in our film Sirius if you come to see it at 8 o’clock, that there was a comment in a speech by then Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who stated that there’s 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for in the Department of Defense budget. Let me repeat that number, 2.3 trillion dollars. This was on 10 September 2001. Now, prior to that, I was not surprised at that comment because back in 1994 I had a meeting with Mr. D'Amato, not the Senator, who was the Chief Counsel of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He informed me that he thought there was in excess of 100 billion dollars a year missing out of the treasury and going into so-called Black Projects. This is a misnomer, just so that the committee knows, the proper term in the military and intelligence world is an unacknowledged special access project.
Special access projects are projects that, of course, you have to be read into with various clearances. The unacknowledged ones are ones for which there is no acknowledgment on paper and anyone in the project is ordered not to speak about it under threat of termination with extreme prejudice, which is death. My senior military advisor was in one such project. He has not even informed me what it concerned. It was under Admiral Harry Train. It was a three billion dollar project. This was one project that was unacknowledged. So this is not a theory, this is how the deep national security state actually operates that the members of Congress usually are not aware of.
In the ensuing years, since 2001, we have continued these briefings. We have had greater success in other countries; there are now more than fourteen countries that have opened their UFO files. We have been very instrumental in this. I have worked with people at the Vatican, the French government and what is also very exciting is that one of the most important documents in history, which I will provide to the Committee, is a document from the Ministry of Defense of France committing to my organization to engage in a long-term project to make peaceful contact with these “Visitors.” This document has not been yet released; I will provide it to the Committee and there is great progress being made in other countries.
Admiral Morin, who won the Prize Ampère in France and is a medical doctor, as I am, and also a PhD physicist, and was an adviser to President Sarkozy and others, has been meeting with us. [1] We have been involved with projects in other countries to do this. I will tell you however, that as they began to step into this, they were warned off by someone within the national security state saying, do not pursue this. So we went to France about three years ago. We had an expedition to actually make contact with these extraterrestrial civilizations and the admiral later informed us that their radar tracked objects that came over the site at between 100 and 200 thousand kilometers an hour.
What is fascinating about this is that the French were not deterred from doing this project with us, but they have to date remained fairly quiet. There is therefore progress being made in other G-7 countries. As you know, we have a former Minister of Defence of Canada here who is very supportive, the Honorable Paul Hellyer. What we find, however, is that the United States has remained a black hole of secrecy. Now the reasons for this are complex. First is inertia; once you go into an Unacknowledged Special Access program, it is very hard to bring things out. Second is that this is the Crown Jewel in America of the defense and aerospace industries. My uncle was a senior project engineer at Grumman that became Northrop Grumman that put the first man on the Moon with the lunar module; he worked on the lunar module which is part of how I got involved with this. What I have found through my uncle and other contacts at Lockheed, is that we have had, since about the mid-1950s, operational electromagnetic, gravitic devices; basically in the parlance of the pop-culture, anti-gravity devices that are deeply classified and are the next generation beyond rockets and jet aircraft. These are fully operational and not experimental. These have been used very discreetly. We have an enormous amount of information on this, including a facility at Norton Air Force Base where we had Frank Carlucci, the Secretary of Defense for President Reagan, was ushered in there, and some people who were with him, such as Brad Sorensen, have given us information and have helped us provide schematics and drawings for these so-called Alien Reproduction Vehicles. A bit of a misnomer because in reality advanced anti-gravity research began with T. Townsend Brown in 1929. We will get more into this on Friday.
The key point here is that the technologies that would give us a new civilization without oil, without gas, without coal, without nuclear power are extant; they already exist; they’ve been developed and it is a matter of the utmost national security and world peace and justice that we bring these sciences out and start a new chapter in the human experience.
Thank you.
(1) No information has yet been found to verify an “Admiral Morin, Ph.D., M.D., Ampere Prize winner.” Dr. Greer appears to have conflated Rear Admiral Gilles Pinon with Vincent Morin, Ph.D.; Jacques Costagliola, MD and perhaps others who published an open letter to President Sarkozy in April 2008. See, for example, Admiral G.Pinon writes to President Nicolas Sarkozy about UFOs. None of these individuals, however, are listed among the Prix Ampère recipients available online at:ère"