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June 2, 2019 — Don Ecker

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Our favorite curmudgeon hold your on MJ-12, Roswell, ancient mysteries, lunar mysteries and more.

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Don tried to explain a number of current mysteries that lead to a kind of grand unified theory, but the nuts and bolts kind that, when the evidence is viewed from a certain perspective, does begin to bring into focus 'an explanation' for a number of seemingly disparate, yet actually reinforcing theories on the origins of man, the cyclical nature of our destruction,,and the possibility that previous civilizations not only left us signs as to how we came into being but also left clues as to why we have such large breaks in our archaeological record. I suggest Grahm Hancock's new book for consumable versions of this information and if folks are interested in the scientific papers to let me know and I can help you find them.

So, Don,
- ancient yet advanced species once had an established culture on earth and advanced technology, BOX CHECKED. We know this because we are the analog that this is possible.

- The earth, via cyclical cataclysmic events, has its species reduced by up to 90% over a very short period of time, BOX CHECKED. Modern geology and astrology have established the relationship between the Milankovitch cycles, at a minimum, and earth impact frequency data, we can now see that multiple vectors of severe and often rapid environmental change do occur, BOX CHECKED.

- That those environmental changes can occur at a rate and severity that entire civilizations could go unaccounted for in the archeological record, BOX CHECKED. Within the scientific convention of the day, we do agree that a variety of natural phenomena routinely reshape continental bodies, reference isostatic rebound (Glacial Rebound: The Not So Solid Earth), these phenomena are not limited to glaciers nor the slow regression, in fact, large displacements of water will also cause isostatic rebound, such as when there is an asteroid impact in the oceans in which case the earth crust would be literally heaved up and may potentially explode they way query rock do when subjected to surface atmospheric pressure.

- Could earlier civilizations have survived, yes we are all here, BOX CHECKED.

- Could an ancient civilization left earth to survive these cyclical events, PENDING.

- Out-of-place artifacts (OOPArts) support this theory, in the case of coal beds, or seams, which contain OOPArts we must consider the phenomena of Porcelanite, or rock that undergoes metamorphic mineral exchange through extreme heat produced by the ignition of coal seems by a lightning strike. The coal will burn back into the hillside and form a "chimney" which creates a self stoking furnace which can burn for decades, with little or no trace at the surface. If there was a hammer buried above this chimney or in near contact to the underground burning coal which will reach 900-1100 deg C. , this process will produce a metamorphic meta-crystalline rock which is high in metals from the surrounding sandstone (assuming coal in usual sedimentary environments) in this exothermic reaction. This is but one explanation, and I looked up the geology of OK and they have plenty of porcelanite producing environments. There is also highly basic groundwater environments, ones subjected to natural or man-made potash dumps which can bring silica into a solution later to be precipitated out in extremely short periods of time, considering the conditions are right. A rock with a silica matrix surrounding an "object' should then be considered probable. VERY LOW PROBABILITY.

I am going to listen to the rest of the show, but I have to say, Don, that the "little out of focus" unified cyclically reoccurring hominid hypothesis has been on MY radar for a while now as well.

I am sure you are aware, but just in case, here is a link to a heavily redacted CIA document called "The Adam and Eve Story.."

There are many theories as to its origins and meaning which I suggest everyone research and makes up your own mind. As a geologist, I can tell you the geophysical theory suggest therein are very real and represent, from my perspective, a rather rational (albeit very Catholic) interpretation of what could support an "unified cyclically reoccurring hominid hypothesis". I think the document will send you down a fascinating rabbit hole.

I am sure you are aware, but just in case, here is a link to a heavily redacted CIA document called "The Adam and Eve Story.."

There are many theories as to its origins and meaning which I suggest everyone research and makes up your own mind. As a geologist, I can tell you the geophysical theory suggest therein are very real and represent, from my perspective, a rather rational (albeit very Catholic) interpretation of what could support an "unified cyclically reoccurring hominid hypothesis". I think the document will send you down a fascinating rabbit hole.


Yes I am very aware of "The Adam and Eve Story" and I am currently following up on it with several sources. I am also reaching out to several people involved in this type of research, currently planning on a round table discussion on my show.

Once again, thank you for your interest.,

Yes I am very aware of "The Adam and Eve Story" and I am currently following up on it with several sources. I am also reaching out to several people involved in this type of research, currently planning on a round table discussion on my show.

Once again, thank you for your interest.,


Let me know if I can help run down some leads etc. as I have been looking into this for some time myself. Consider Randall Carlson as a participant in your round table if you have not considered previously, also Laird Scranton who authored Decoding Maori Cosmology: The Ancient Origins of New Zealand’s Indigenous Culture would add some interesting historical perspective on indigenous cultures, their origin stories and the like.
I am sure you are aware, but just in case, here is a link to a heavily redacted CIA document called "The Adam and Eve Story.."

There are many theories as to its origins and meaning which I suggest everyone research and makes up your own mind. As a geologist, I can tell you the geophysical theory suggest therein are very real and represent, from my perspective, a rather rational (albeit very Catholic) interpretation of what could support an "unified cyclically reoccurring hominid hypothesis". I think the document will send you down a fascinating rabbit hole.

Read the mention of the Noah myth and stopped reading.
Read the mention of the Noah myth and stopped reading.

The "great flood" story exists within the culture, both written and oral, of over 20 distinct and very separate peoples across the globe. This, of course, does not prove anything, however. If one removes the religious context for the event, looking into the geological and astrological evidence of global cataclysm then there are many events which would generate such a flood, which is, in my opinion, the point of the report, bringing together different lines of evidence which support a theory. Cataclysm and human survival is our greatest story.
This question of humanity's hidden past has always fascinated me. Current estimates claim homo sapien sapiens have been around for approx. 300,000 years .. give or take. The "fly in the buttermilk" is ... evidence of some kind of intelligence is much OLDER than 300,000 years.

In 1993 I received information that a new book on "our hidden past" was about to be published. That book was "The Hidden History of the Human Race: FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY". I ordered it immediately and waited for it to arrive. The authors were Mr. Michal A. Cremo and Dr. Richard L. Thompson. Meticulously researched, Cremo and Thompson were soon under scientific skeptical attack, not on their evidence of course, but on their premise. And their evidence? Mind blowing and even scary. Evidence that something intelligent was here .. not thousands or even 10's of thousands of years ago ... but millions. I said something .. not necessarily human ... but something.

Now, several years ago I viewed a television program (maybe the Science Channel or the History Channel) that asked the question .. "if something happened to our civilization TODAY ...how long till most of the evidence of US would disappear?" Their answer was approx. 10,000 years. By 10,000 years buildings would crumble and disappear, bridges would collapse and rust away, metal would oxidize and disappear ... off hand about the only thing that I think would survive would be nuclear ... ergo something that would poison the environment ... for a long time.

What I was speaking about on the show was a catastrophe of a huge scale that hit our planet about 12,000 years ago, and any human civilization then on planet would have been severely impacted .. probably re-setting human survivors back to "early stone age". Before the event how advanced might humans have progressed? I do not know but could only speculate. This is the question I have and the academics, for the most part, refuse to even address this question. We are supposed to believe that the early Summerians were the first. I do not believe that.

As Cooper moved away from the Ufology community and toward the militia and anti-government subculture in the late 1990s, he became convinced that he was being personally targeted by President Bill Clinton and the Internal Revenue Service. In July 1998 he was charged with tax evasion; an arrest warrant was issued, but Cooper eluded repeated attempts to serve it. In 2000, he was named a "major fugitive" by the United States Marshals Service.[6]

On November 5, 2001, Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot. Federal authorities reported that Cooper had spent years evading execution of the 1998 arrest warrant, and according to a spokesman for the Marshals Service, he vowed that "he would not be taken alive".[1]
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As Cooper moved away from the Ufology community and toward the militia and anti-government subculture in the late 1990s, he became convinced that he was being personally targeted by President Bill Clinton and the Internal Revenue Service. In July 1998 he was charged with tax evasion; an arrest warrant was issued, but Cooper eluded repeated attempts to serve it. In 2000, he was named a "major fugitive" by the United States Marshals Service.[6]

On November 5, 2001, Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot. Federal authorities reported that Cooper had spent years evading execution of the 1998 arrest warrant, and according to a spokesman for the Marshals Service, he vowed that "he would not be taken alive".[1]
Personally, I think the whole Cooper affair was a tragedy that if handled differently, would not have resulted in anyone getting shot or killed, and instead, perhaps Cooper could have gotten the therapy he seems to have badly needed. But it's all too late for that now. Thankfully there aren't many others out there like him ( I hope ). The world certainly doesn't need any more.

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