Professional reply by Nancy in that first one. Glad that she continues to involve experts in various fields to look into the RVDB case and other cases. William Roll checking out Robbert is great. Hope more experts get involved. She's given her photos to the MIT guy and was willing to let DB look at them. With limited funds, I think she's done a good job. Are there issues with the case? Of course. But I'll keep an open mind and see what Roll and others have to say. I think SOMETHING is going on and it actually may be a mix of legitimate phenomena and trickery. As another poster mentioned The Trickster. A modern day Eusapia Paladino? Scientists who examined her knew that she would cheat when she could get away with it. But they didn't reject legitimate phenomena when it occurred.
NT mentioned her dead brother supposedly showing up on the photos but not one question was asked about that on the show. That was disappointing. That's the kind of thing I expect from Snoory but not from the Paracast.
I first saw Nancy lecture back in the late 90s at Gulf Breeze UFO Conference. She had just met Robbert and was just starting to talk about him. Protecting her investment? LOL. She's posted free articles about the case for many years and she's finally writing a book. You think she's going to get rich off of that book? Doubtful.
Keep sharing the info. Nancy.
NT mentioned her dead brother supposedly showing up on the photos but not one question was asked about that on the show. That was disappointing. That's the kind of thing I expect from Snoory but not from the Paracast.
I first saw Nancy lecture back in the late 90s at Gulf Breeze UFO Conference. She had just met Robbert and was just starting to talk about him. Protecting her investment? LOL. She's posted free articles about the case for many years and she's finally writing a book. You think she's going to get rich off of that book? Doubtful.
Keep sharing the info. Nancy.