Scott Story said:
I fail to understand why some people want to cherrypick info, saying, "Well, even if the witness has been proven not-credible, or insane, or a huckster, that doesn't mean everything he/she says is false."
There is so much wrong with this case!
Don't cherrypick!
Of course you're right in that if we find him being deceptive then: Game Over.
I'm troubled by:
1) The MIB event seems to "jump the shark".
2) Keeping the Peeping Alien film "hidden" --- via a Press Conference!
3) Element 115 and the Fermi equation's appearance in some of his "data".
4) The mysterious scientists still [secretly] analyzing the data.
Then again, I have some questions:
1) Seemingly objective investigators have experienced paranormal events at Stan's home --- some aerial.
2) Stan has been under at least modest scrutiny for a decade(?), and nothing blatantly fake has popped up (that I know of).
If Stan is a hoaxer, then he is one heckuva hoaxer. He has been pulling this off for a long time and managed to trick more than a few people. If he is merely a smart hoaxer, then why would he settle for something as ham-fisted as the peeping video to go national? He should know we're going to laugh ourselves to death when we merely hear it described. I laughed.
Preserving DVD sales and setting up for a book are not *necessarily* indicators of deceit. (Although I am not going to buy anything.)
I'm ignoring Peckman.
So, I have not written Stan off yet. At least I am still trying to be open to the possibility that he might be one of those infrequent individuals that act like a lighting rod for paranormal activity.
Make no mistake though, a couple of my alarm bells have gone off.