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Kenn 'The Shill' Thomas

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It's 2013. Do you honestly think there are people who haven't read the crackpot nonsense about building 7? Are you aware of how that has been explained within the confines of science, many times, over the last decade following the event? Now who's wasting time?

“within the confines of science”

That is the funnest thing I have read in a long time!

And that’s it, no details? Why so vague? So please explain how a non damaged building fell down. And why none of the closer buildings, like the ones across the street, or right next door? They didn’t fall down, and some of had big gaping holes in them. The only ones that fell down where the ones owned by the same people. The same people had had just heavily insured them. The other damaged buildings are still standing to this day. Do dish the dirt... This is going to be good!

It has not been explained. Nor has the owner’s statement, on video, that they made the decision to take the building down. How about the BBC reporting that the building went down, even though you could see if over the reporter's shoulder?

You sound pretty gullible. Within the confines of science that is.
I linked you to the explanation.

You don't care.

Very good! I didn't see your link. I accept that answer. See? I 'm not unreasonable.

One interesting quote in that article is:

"This is the first time that we are aware of, that a building taller than about 15 stories has collapsed primarily due to fires,"

Maybe this has something to do with the fact, that this was also the first time that we are aware of, that a fire started on the 90th floor, and had thousands of liters of jet fuel available as an accelerant.

Comparing 9/11 to every other building collapse, without taking the very unique circumstancessince under consideration, is like pointing to the people jumping off the top floors of the WTC, and insisting they were forced at gunpoint to jump, since "this is the first time that we are aware of, that people have jumped into their deaths voluntarily of a burning building".
and had thousands of liters of jet fuel available as an accelerant..

Not in building #7 it didn't. In the twin towers, yes. The 767 holds about 24,000 gallons of fuel.

I don't know why people come up with crazy ideas about the people jumping. You could see them jumping, and some couples were holding hands. It was very sad. I'm sure other people have jumped from burning buildings to their deaths.

I know one person that got a funny feeling going into work, and decided to take the stairs back down right before the first jet hit. No one ever takes the stairs. He would have been dead otherwise.

What they usually do in fires in tall buildings is have you go down a floor or two and wait there. I had to do that once in the Sony building on Madison Ave. But then of course a jet didn't hit it.

My ex still suffers from PTSS from 9/11.
It's not so much "evil". Most people that rob people are living in conditions of extreme poverty. So they are desperate. If we could take care of poverty then the crime rate will go down in those areas. I've seen this myself in different areas. They cleaned them up, and the crime rate went way down.

Then of course you have terrorist, and they are more what you would call evil, as they often have little direct reason for doing what they do beyond ideology.

Also, a lot of people who talk about "bad guys" have had no direct experience with it. I grew up in a town in Northern NJ that was pretty rough, and got rougher. I had been mugged twice, but never with a gun, but my girl friend at the time was. But those were by people in an expensive car that followed her home from work, from an expensive town, knowing she just got paid and left the bank.

Meanwhile my mother, who was 83 was murdered during a break in with a box cutter. So unless we are talking about areas where they have gangs, you really don't find guns being used, since the "bad guys" can't always afford them (but then they are often stolen from legit gun owners).

David, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I agree that MAYBE if poverty was reduced, crime would be reduced. But you have to admit, impoverishment or not, the people who do bad things to get ahead are wrong, whether rich or poor. Terrorists, yes, evil. They are 100% evil, and I don't care if you believe in karma or God (Christ), they will get what is coming to them as long as they are unrepentant. Northern NJ? I feel for you, so you know that it can be rough out there, and defending yourself with a pocket knife when someone else has a baseball bat or gun is just no fun. I believe we should be free to carry semi-automatic weapons for protection (pistols, rifles, etc.). Nothing out of reason thought (no RPGs, landmines, or grenades though).
Not in building #7 it didn't. In the twin towers, yes. The 767 holds about 24,000 gallons of fuel.

I don't know why people come up with crazy ideas about the people jumping. You could see them jumping, and some couples were holding hands. It was very sad. I'm sure other people have jumped from burning buildings to their deaths.

I know one person that got a funny feeling going into work, and decided to take the stairs back down right before the first jet hit. No one ever takes the stairs. He would have been dead otherwise.

What they usually do in fires in tall buildings is have you go down a floor or two and wait there. I had to do that once in the Sony building on Madison Ave. But then of course a jet didn't hit it.

My ex still suffers from PTSS from 9/11.

Yeah, that whole stay where you're at or go down a floor if the fire is within one floor of you is ridiculous. We do that in Indianapolis. I can't imagine what the folks in the towers went through, but there were documentaries that stated that for the most part people weren't in a hurry, thinking it was the average fire drill. That probably got some of them killed. I am a first-responder in my building and I treat every incident as if it is life-threatening.

I am so sad for those who were lost knowing that some of them could have been saved. I am also so damned pissed at the Islamic Terrorists that I would like to kill myself, and instead, they wander free.
I always have to ask people when they doubt something fishy is up with 9/11... how many people in this thread where actually in NYC when it happened? Lots of people saw it on TV. But who was there?

I was. I was on 14th street. Not very close, but close enough to watch the whole thing... and smell it too. My ex wife and some friends were too. They were amongst the people you saw covered with white dust walking from the scene. My friend Kelly worked in tower #1 for Lehman Bros. My ex worked around the corner at Moody's. That's across the street from the Post office which was damaged, so it's VERY close to the towers. My friend happened to have been downstairs getting a bagel and coffee when the first plane hit, otherwise she would have been dead. They both told a very similar story, that right before the towers came down there was a series of very loud explosions, in series, that shook the ground like an earthquake. My ex said they were spaced about a second apart, and there was at least seven of them. Then the first tower came down. So what the heck was that? There was also not a whole lot of rubble left, for such large buildings. And lots and lots and unburned paper all over the place. You had to see it with your own eyes to believe it. I got down there before they closed the whole area off to take a look.

Another oddity is building #7. It was not close at all to the towers, and was not damaged at all. Yet it fell down. Then you have the owner of that building, on camera, saying they decided to raze it. How is that possible? It takes time to set up a controlled demolition.

So regardless of who people think was responsible, some facts just don't add up.

I had to read this reply a few times. I don't believe that you are suggesting that the building owner or government were up to the task of killing over 3000 Americans or occupants of the twin towers. I may have to read this set of posts again, because if you are suggesting that, you are completely crazy and should seek help. I was in the US Marines at the time, and we had planned on heading to that area to help. There was no way that this was an American planned attack. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a notion! If I misunderstood, please forgive me, but if I didn't, please stop spreading lies.