David Biedny said:
I'm going to bite my tongue and do my best to keep my political comments off of here.... but to equate Chomsky, one of the most intelligent men who has ever walked on the face of this earth, an important thinker and someone who understands language better than most of his peers (see his theory of generative grammar and his book "Syntactic Structures"), with morons and inbreds such as Limbaugh and O'Reilly, is just beyond the pale. Chomsky has proven himself time and again in the realms of hard science, and for my money, his thoughts and writings on the political structure of all of this planet are as close to actual truth as anyone is EVER going to get. He's a personal hero of mine (a fact that he would likely disapprove of, as he's very much against cult of personality), and is going to be widely quoted hundreds of years from now, unlike these other subhumans.
Here's another one of my strange (but not paranormal) stories which is very topical here.
I also happen to consider Mr Chomsky one of my heroes. I own 63 of his audio lectures and just about any video documentary that has featured him. I consider him a man of great intellectual and moral integrity. I was even a dork enough to put a picture of him in my myspace under heroes (along with Houdini, Sherlock Holmes, and Andy Warhol).
Then one day I went to a website which claimed that Chomsky is basically dissuading people to look into 9/11, and his position on the matter is that 9/11 basically happened just as it was told by the administration. But as a side note he added that we basically asked for it because of our uber-savage foreign policy over the decades.
This seemed very questionable, but intriguing, so I went online to look for Chomsky's comments on 9/11. I found almost none at all, and those that I found were extremely dismissive and even derogatory towards those people that thought something shady was going on behind 9/11.
This was extremely upsetting and confusing to me because I sort of looked up to him. How could something be *so bloody obvious* to me, and yet someone of his intellectual caliber could not see it? It made no sense at all!
So I decided to go right to the source. I sent an email to him and asked him personally why he did not believe that the cover story for 9/11 was distorted AT BEST, and more likely a complete lie.
He actually wrote back to me. He responded that the republican party attacking its own territory had no precedent, and so the republicans wouldn't risk such a thing. It wouldn't be worth it to them because having no precedent, they would have no assurance that it would work.
This seemed like such an odd response, because it felt like the response of someone who was not as smart as Chomsky obviously was. It was almost as if he was blowing me off as some dumb guy who just wanted to be told by Chomsky that everything is kosher.
First of all, his entire argument rested on the supposition that the Republican party was behind 9/11. Where did he get this idea? I certainly didn't say it!
So I responded back to him with a very lengthy email. Stating firstly that I agree it's very unlikely that the republican party was behind 9/11. But I don't believe that the republican party was behind it, and there's no reason to jump to this conclusion. He's well aware of the criminal element within our own government, which he has compared to the mafia on numerous occasions. It's this criminal element, which sees no party ties or even national ties, but only money and power, that was very likely behind 9/11. Just because some of them happen to belong to the republican party does not imply in any way that they hold a single republican value. They are criminals, exactly as he has described. And these criminals have PLENTY of precedent for shady terrorist actions.
I gave the analogy of a casino operating as a front for a mafia organization. All the major employees of the casino are hired and placed there by the mafia organization, because they're people who can be trusted to protect the organization. The casino can get in trouble, perhaps even the president of the casino gets fired, but this has no bearing on the mafia organization. They just hire another president. This is why I obviously don't think the republican party was behind 9/11.
At the end I said that I was not presuming to teach him anything. In fact, I assumed that he was well aware of all this because alot of it I learned from him!
He responded with a generic form letter that said he would be out of town for several months and to write back when he returned. I never did.
Something just does not smell right here.