Well, I think for one thing there are other people with no scientific credentials who are smart folks who have seen things. Actually, a Biologist or a police officer, a social worker or a fry cook are all human with their own life experience. There are some (present company excluded I'm sure) who act seem to feel about science (mostly these folks are not scientist themselves but followers of the latest pop scientist with a web site)the way the common folks felt about the clergy in another time. Just take the latest dogma and don't question. I gotta tell ya that I feel my experience in life and my time on earth has prepared me to know when I see something. Now, if it's a university course on Physics or Bilology or even spellin

I'll take the "perfesser" everytime. But, if it's life and opinions then that's like butt holes. Everybody has one. Now afore I get attacked for "attacking science" This is not an attack on science. I love science. I see because of my glasses. I have lower blood pressure because of medical science. I have an Ipod and a pc and I drive a car. But, as a person I don't think I have to bow at anybody's alter. Secular or religious. Peace!