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Larry King on Aliens w/Stephen Hawking

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Originally Posted by brownie Larry says something like - Say hello to your father for me! He's a great guy!...... Well, Marlon Brando had been dead for 5 years!

Maybe ol Lar' meant via a seance with oija?

:D Poor Larry! He's too confused. Sometimes when there's a break to commercial and he thinks the camera is off him, he makes a weird sour-puss face.:o

He still is in his element though with the NYC socialite/mogul types (like Trump and his latest wife) or the older Hollywood types (as long as he realizes who's alive) . But, the alien/ufo subject is a circular argument with him; always coming back to something like - So why don't they land in Central Park/ Queens/ Coney Island/ what's wrong with the Bronx?........;)
I was a bit surprised by the common sense approach that Mr. Brinn closed with. Moreso I was appalled at Akroyd's insistence of the "entertainment" angle. His performance was, well, comedic at best, perhaps intentionally? The poster that said Shostak was protecting his job...100% on target. And the great Michio Kaku was succinct and sincere-and he came off in a very believable way.

Bottom line: This program may have opened up some eyes, but likely closed a few minds as well.

Still, disagree about Ackroid but I seem to be the only one. So, I guess ya can ignore it. :p Brinn? Well, when Ackroid mentioned Doctor Macabee, Mr. Brinn made a slight face and went on. Can't have silly things messing with a made up mind I guess. I do agree that Doctor Kaku came off best.
...Ackroyd was honest
I mean what the hell was he going on about saying that Aliens are in breach of American law

Ackroyd raised and excellent point that gets completely ignored. If there is any truth to UFO and Alien Abduction reports then we are dealing with criminals. It is a matter for the FBI, the FCC, and the Department of Justice to investigate. If people are reporting violations of air space by unidentified air craft, kidnapping, rape, theft of biological material, and what amounts to terrorism then it is a matter of criminal justice.

You have to ask then, "Are they investigating these things and not publishing it?"
If not then, "How can a nation's law enforcement community ignore something like this unless there is no truth to it to be being with?"
I think Larry King has been not getting laid lately and he needs a new chick and I am single chick that woul dlove to get into larry kings wallet
What i can't understand is, why would you have an actor on a show discussing the topic of Aliens with people who are well-researched in Science. Larry having a UFO guy appear on your show is fine, but at least have someone on who thinks critically about the UFO subject.
What i can't understand is, why would you have an actor on a show discussing the topic of Aliens with people who are well-researched in Science. Larry having a UFO guy appear on your show is fine, but at least have someone on who thinks critically about the UFO subject.

That seems to be a rare quality these days.
What i can't understand is, why would you have an actor on a show discussing the topic of Aliens with people who are well-researched in Science. Larry having a UFO guy appear on your show is fine, but at least have someone on who thinks critically about the UFO subject.

3 reasons:



What i can't understand is, why would you have an actor on a show discussing the topic of Aliens with people who are well-researched in Science. Larry having a UFO guy appear on your show is fine, but at least have someone on who thinks critically about the UFO subject.

Well, I think for one thing there are other people with no scientific credentials who are smart folks who have seen things. Actually, a Biologist or a police officer, a social worker or a fry cook are all human with their own life experience. There are some (present company excluded I'm sure) who act seem to feel about science (mostly these folks are not scientist themselves but followers of the latest pop scientist with a web site)the way the common folks felt about the clergy in another time. Just take the latest dogma and don't question. I gotta tell ya that I feel my experience in life and my time on earth has prepared me to know when I see something. Now, if it's a university course on Physics or Bilology or even spellin :pI'll take the "perfesser" everytime. But, if it's life and opinions then that's like butt holes. Everybody has one. Now afore I get attacked for "attacking science" This is not an attack on science. I love science. I see because of my glasses. I have lower blood pressure because of medical science. I have an Ipod and a pc and I drive a car. But, as a person I don't think I have to bow at anybody's alter. Secular or religious. Peace! :cool:
Well, I think for one thing there are other people with no scientific credentials who are smart folks who have seen things. Actually, a Biologist or a police officer, a social worker or a fry cook are all human with their own life experience. There are some (present company excluded I'm sure) who act seem to feel about science (mostly these folks are not scientist themselves but followers of the latest pop scientist with a web site)the way the common folks felt about the clergy in another time. Just take the latest dogma and don't question. I gotta tell ya that I feel my experience in life and my time on earth has prepared me to know when I see something. Now, if it's a university course on Physics or Bilology or even spellin :pI'll take the "perfesser" everytime. But, if it's life and opinions then that's like butt holes. Everybody has one. Now afore I get attacked for "attacking science" This is not an attack on science. I love science. I see because of my glasses. I have lower blood pressure because of medical science. I have an Ipod and a pc and I drive a car. But, as a person I don't think I have to bow at anybody's alter. Secular or religious. Peace! :cool:

Slow down Buddy. I never said; you have to bow down to anybody did i ? Your entitled to your opinion in what ever subject you want to discuss. I personally and this is just my opinion and i don't speak for anyone else here. Found Mr Aykroyd comments to be very immature.

Mr Aykroyd; Aliens are breaking the Law and he goes on to list a code a US Law Code. Aliens are certainly breaking plenty of privacy laws here, but come on, He is on a Entertainment show discussing a topic with people who "Don't" even believe Aliens have visited us yet presumably and i can't read their inner thoughts to confirm if they do believe in Alien Visitation.

Can you not see, "why" this comment made the UFO community look stupid to many? We have to think critically when you face people like this. We have to beat them over the head with respectable evidence firstly. Something they can look at say "Hmmm That's interesting. I actually believe Michio Kaku is more open minded to the UFO topic than he let's on ( maybe i am wrong)? I do however get that vibe from him when i hear him speak. But if Michio tomo, even though he is a respected mainstream scientist among many; claimed "Yes" we are being visited by Aliens and they might not look like Us.

He would be condemned by the Mainstream that is what would happen to him. It sad, but that is how it is in the Real World beyond this particular sandbox. I think he is doing it the right way personally( if that is what he is doing here) "Exploring these radical ideas without ruining his reputation in the process of going about it.
Mr Aykroyd; Aliens are breaking the Law and he goes on to list a code a US Law Code. Aliens are certainly breaking plenty of privacy laws here, but come on, He is on a Entertainment show discussing a topic with people who "Don't" even believe Aliens have visited us yet presumably and i can't read their inner thoughts to confirm if they do believe in Alien Visitation.

I thought he had a good point but was ill prepared to make a real case for it. While I happen to think it is a valid and important point I don't think you can make the case in a 30 second sound bite. Also, I thought the "entertainment" comment he made pretty much did in any serious consideration of what he was saying. He shot himself in the foot.

B.T.W. ...what ever became of Aykroyd's O'Hare Airport UFO video?
I think he mentioned O'hare didn't he? Not sure. Nobody there seemed to want to discuss it except for mr. seti who just dismissed it out of hand. Mr. Brinn didn't seem to interested in Doctor Macabee either. So, if ya look closely and ignore the hollywood stchick then you will see that except for Dr. Kaku everybody (not just Danny A.)seemed a little silly in that interview. And since so many here seem to dislike Coast to Coast so much ya might not want to listen to da doctor anymore. After all it was the infamous Art Bell who first did any interviews of substance with Dr. Kaku that were national.:p
I think he mentioned O'hare didn't he? Not sure. Nobody there seemed to want to discuss it except for mr. seti who just dismissed it out of hand. Mr. Brinn didn't seem to interested in Doctor Macabee either. So, if ya look closely and ignore the hollywood stchick then you will see that except for Dr. Kaku everybody (not just Danny A.)seemed a little silly in that interview. And since so many here seem to dislike Coast to Coast so much ya might not want to listen to da doctor anymore. After all it was the infamous Art Bell who first did any interviews of substance with Dr. Kaku that were national.:p

Mr Brinn not sure if that is his name. He got on my nerves with some of his nonsensical responses. I think Michio indeed outshone the rest of the panel here, but that wasn't really hard to do to be honest.

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 AM ----------

I thought he had a good point but was ill prepared to make a real case for it. While I happen to think it is a valid and important point I don't think you can make the case in a 30 second sound bite. Also, I thought the "entertainment" comment he made pretty much did in any serious consideration of what he was saying. He shot himself in the foot.

B.T.W. ...what ever became of Aykroyd's O'Hare Airport UFO video?

Well i differ. But that is the beauty of difference. To satisfy my curiosity here, you post intelligently often. So i would like to read your response to this. Why do you think it was a valid and important point?
Why do you think it was a valid and important point?

The UFO phenomena, if taken seriously, must represent the actions of a group or groups sufficiently funded and organized with infrastructure in place to manufacture and maintain the technology we see as the phenomena. As agents of this group the UFOs and their occupants are reported to violate civilian airspace, kidnap, steal biological material from, and generally terrorize individuals. They are representatives of a foreign power operating within the borders of the United States with total disregard for our laws. If these reports are true then they are engaged in organized criminal activity. If the government were to acknowledge that "aliens are here" then they would have to deal with their conduct and accusations made against them.
The UFO phenomena, if taken seriously, must represent the actions of a group or groups sufficiently funded and organized with infrastructure in place to manufacture and maintain the technology we see as the phenomena. As agents of this group the UFOs and their occupants are reported to violate civilian airspace, kidnap, steal biological material from, and generally terrorize individuals. They are representatives of a foreign power operating within the borders of the United States with total disregard for our laws. If these reports are true then they are engaged in organized criminal activity. If the government were to acknowledge that "aliens are here" then they would have to deal with their conduct and accusations made against them.

Obviously. The UFO problem has been managed for three decades or so by using the official lines "The Air Force does not investigate UFO reports" and "The Air Force has no evidence that UFOs constitute any threat to national security." You can't report a UFO encounter, no matter how spectacular or intrusive, no matter how many witnesses are involved, to any branch of the US armed services or intelligence community, or to the government. There is no mechanism. There's no number to call. The problem does not exist - officially, that is. What goes on "unoficially" is apparently a very different story, but it's protected by "national security."

The whitewash of Blue Book/Condon enabled the open door on the ET issue to be slammed shut and discussion of the topic pushed out to the lunatic fringe and generally ridiculed. It looks to me like deliberate and calculated policy. I think Terry Hansen's analysis of exactly how this was done in his excellent book "The Missing Times" would be hard to better as an informed and instructive analysis of the process used.
The whitewash of Blue Book/Condon enabled the open door on the ET issue to be slammed shut and discussion of the topic pushed out to the lunatic fringe and generally ridiculed. It looks to me like deliberate and calculated policy. I think Terry Hansen's analysis of exactly how this was done in his excellent book "The Missing Times" would be hard to better as an informed and instructive analysis of the process used.

In the context of the 1960's.... I have to admit that I would have done the exact same thing.

The response was perfect !! They are not a threat to national security (as in we can't do anything about it anyways)

As to Dan Aykroyd's 'breaking the law' . To break the law you have to be part of the context of that law right ? How could undefined external entities be breaking a law ? When we step on ants we are certainly breaking ant law LOLOL. Unfortunately we don't fit in ant jails :D

Who is a willing volunteer to go tell these entities that they are breaking our laws LOL (yikes... I hear a muffled crunch in the background)
The UFO phenomena, if taken seriously, must represent the actions of a group or groups sufficiently funded and organized with infrastructure in place to manufacture and maintain the technology we see as the phenomena. As agents of this group the UFOs and their occupants are reported to violate civilian airspace, kidnap, steal biological material from, and generally terrorize individuals. They are representatives of a foreign power operating within the borders of the United States with total disregard for our laws. If these reports are true then they are engaged in organized criminal activity. If the government were to acknowledge that "aliens are here" then they would have to deal with their conduct and accusations made against them.

That's a nice way of looking at it. But be realistic "Human Rules" don't amply here.

Aliens?.. Might be performing set duties and specific missions for a foreign Government "Maybe" or it's very possible, they act as a collective they're a "Hive, or maybe, and this would be considered far fetched to many who read this. The UFO phenomenon are projections of "God" and the "Devil"

Your presuming also we have the ability to capture and hold them to account. Yet the phenomenon doesn't seem to want to be captured and seemly from what i have read and heard, the phenomenon plays with us ( humans) in a mocking way.

Criminal and Civil Laws are thought of first and then written down later, to be put into practice. These laws are then reinforced by the Court system of a given land.
Most Court cases that happen every day, of every year. Centres around one individual fighting a case against another. Often because a particular individual (defendant) infringed the personal liberties or the property of the other person ie.. (Plaintiff)

But, you can't arrest "Beings" that are not human under the same rules we use. We need to know what we are dealing with first to enable to in force a law. We need to put a face on it so to speak. Some of these entities might not be "Physical" as we understand the term Physical ?
There is plenty of unknowns here with this phenomenon, so applying rules to an outside force that we don't fully understand as of yet. Is idiotic.
People often forget the UFO phenomenon is a World wide Phenomenon or problem. So any future law, that would deal with the UFO phenomenon would need World Wide support.
That's a nice way of looking at it. But be realistic "Human Rules" don't amply here.

I'm sorry but they do. We are real human beings dealing with a real world phenomena.

Might be performing ... for a foreign Government ... a "Hive,

It is irrelevant what you want to call the body empowering and motivating the phenomena. It is highly unlikely that it is being perpetrated by independent operators or without the aid of technology. Therefore it is only logical that there is a supporting infrastructure of some type supplying material, motivation, and instructions to the participants. Any body engaging in such an effort is doing so for a specific purpose conforming to a specific agenda that benefits said body and not us.

Your presuming also we have the ability to capture and hold them to account. Yet the phenomenon doesn't seem to want to be captured and seemly from what i have read and heard, the phenomenon plays with us ( humans) in a mocking way.

I am presuming nothing. IF UFO reports and Alien Abduction accounts are to be taken seriously then they MUST be viewed as acts of "organized crime." They aren't taken seriously by Justice Department so they aren't investigated. If they were taken seriously as the signs of organized crime then there would attempts at developing means of "capture" and so forth.

We need to know what we are dealing with first to enable to in force a law.

There is no need for any "new laws". Good grief. There need to be new laws against violating airspace, endangering people, kidnapping people, stealing biological samples from people, killing livestock, and so on? I don't think so. Just like with the immigration issue the solution is the enforcement of existing laws not the creation of new ones. It doesn't matter if the perpetrator has green blood or red if they are engaged in activities aimed at depriving individuals of their civil rights and or endangering the public they are subject to our laws if they are on our turf. If you choose to view their potential non-human status as some sort of stumbling block you shouldn't. At worst we should consider the instigators of the phenomena as "dangerous animals" and treat them accordingly. The fact that they might be intelligent dangerous animals has little bearing on the matter other than to make them more dangerous.

If society took the UFO phenomena and its baggage seriously then you would see a demand by the populace to be protected from it. But there isn't any real serious consideration of the subject by law enforcement. If there is some super secret military effort aimed at understanding and subduing the UFO phenomena it doesn't appear to be working or if they (military/government) know from experience that they cannot understand or subdue the perpetrators of the phenomena then they might actually be mounting the type of disinformation campaign that they are often accused of doing and create the situation in which we seem to find ourselves ... awash in UFO reports, alien abduction accounts, hoaxes, and disinformation.