Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
No, kidding. And one of my favourite episodes as well. Smart writing there, that was the best summary of ufology ever mounted for tv.
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A few offhand observations about the UFO phenomenon since 1947:
-A nebulous but persistent link, whether by design or not, has existed between this nation's defense and intelligence establishments and the UFO phenomenon from the outset.
-Re Col Halt's tape of events at Rendlesham--Imagine you are a career officer, one notch down in rank from the coveted full bird and in possession of a tape recording that might well torpedo your career. Would one not think that Halt should have been more than careful in taking precautions that it never go public? Its appearance in the public domain brings to mind another famous gaff: the Roswell press release.
Who knows how Halt's tape really got out? Countless machinations are plausible. But something does not add up.
Now tighten your tin foil hats: Think back to the small percentage of work on mind and perception control done by our (and no doubt other) governments since the early 1950's of which we know. Over sixty years ago. Consider records on the subject that were undoubtedly hidden and admittedly destroyed ahead of Congressional hearings. Questions about sophisticated techniques to warp and influence perception and memory might almost be seen as the proverbial elephant in the corner. Don't expect to hear public speculation about this anytime soon. 'The topic of saucers from Z Reticuli is mainstream by comparison.
Thanks for the video, Burnt. This is a very rational and sincere sounding Larry Warren indeed.
A few offhand observations about the UFO phenomenon since 1947:
-A nebulous but persistent link, whether by design or not, has existed between this nation's defense and intelligence establishments and the UFO phenomenon from the outset.
-Re Col Halt's tape of events at Rendlesham--Imagine you are a career officer, one notch down in rank from the coveted full bird and in possession of a tape recording that might well torpedo your career. Would one not think that Halt should have been more than careful in taking precautions that it never go public? Its appearance in the public domain brings to mind another famous gaff: the Roswell press release.
Who knows how Halt's tape really got out? Countless machinations are plausible. But something does not add up.
Now tighten your tin foil hats: Think back to the small percentage of work on mind and perception control done by our (and no doubt other) governments since the early 1950's of which we know. Over sixty years ago. Consider records on the subject that were undoubtedly hidden and admittedly destroyed ahead of Congressional hearings. Questions about sophisticated techniques to warp and influence perception and memory might almost be seen as the proverbial elephant in the corner. Don't expect to hear public speculation about this anytime soon. 'The topic of saucers from Z Reticuli is mainstream by comparison.
Laa Tee Da....I'm off to watch the X-files episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" yet one more time. It may not be all that fictional after all.![]()
A brilliant episode-one of my favs, too, Constance. I have spoken with several vets from my gene ratio that have shared their personal experiences in the 60's and 70's involving discovering that they had had 'previous lives' (in this life) involving assassinations and other ops for our govt. that they did not recall. Manufactured memories, the whole 'total recall' bit. Just anecdotal but both of these men had a similar story. This seems so 'scifi', but I do believe we are capable of these things, and it's probably just the small tip of a very big iceberg.
This one has a nice run of pages on the case: The most convincing case of an Identified Alien Craft (IAC) is? | Page 10 | The Paracast Community Forums
Leslie Kean and Charles Halt
Left at east gate
Rendlesham (again)
Some great material from Robert Hastings here: Col. Conrad
BBC and Rendlesham - again
Sacha Christie Show
Re: Psyops option.Burnt, thank you for providing these links. I've spent several hours reading part of the list today and will continue tomorrow.
Re: Psyops option.
Did I hear correctly in this episode that Warren said 1) weapons were confiscated at the site or before approaching it and 2) senior personnel disappeared from the environment before the show got fully underway?
Memory messing seems to be well acknowledged by all. There is shiftiness about the circumstances and reality of this event when it comes to senior personnel acknowledging events that night. In some ways this event is like Roswell meets Betty and Barney Hill. It is mired in militaristic dabblings and contactee narrative elements. None of those stories have ever really panned out to have any solid foundations - just a lot of High Strange curiosities & doublespeak.
Given the great number of cameras and recording equipment present there is also a sense of preparation on behalf of the military. Weapons confiscation points to a controlled experiment.
So, options in my mind are: E.T.visited, E. T. visited with invitation from the PTB, E.T. visited and then a smoke & light show was put on immediately afterwards by the PTB to confuse everyone, a well calculated Psyops experiment unfolded and we are witnessing MKUltra like aftermaths in the witnesses. There are very limited precedents for this case but there are some parallel, historic threads. The more you look at the different features of this case the more the last option seems to be the most likely IMHO, despite all the weird visual reports. All the fragmentation and conflicts amongst witnesses seems to point to another agent, most likely human, that has been able to successfully divide and conquer the witness material rendering Rendlesham truth a sham no matter how you look at it.
Did I hear correctly in this episode that Warren said 1) weapons were confiscated at the site or before approaching it and 2) senior personnel disappeared from the environment before the show got fully underway?
I'm also wondering of what value, assuming weapons were confiscated, unarmed personnel would be in the face of a potential threat? This doesn't quite add up either.
When you look at the Rendelsham incident, specifically the first night, it appears that Penniston, who was closest to the source of the light, who claimed later that he both saw and touch a structured craft, appears to have suffered the most from some kind of brain manipulation. His reports are the wildest over time (Time travelers from the future, binary codes etc.) compared to those further away from the source of the light and experienced fewer "symptoms" and reported less bizarre details from that night. Proximity does seem to be a factor in this case, but proximity to what?