Skilled Investigator
The signal came from the direction of Tucanae.
A Researcher named Ron Schmidt wrote the astronomer who detected the signal to clarify matters:
Here is the chart that the astronomer was using - look what Dr Bathal wrote:

The signal came from the direction of Tucanae.
A Researcher named Ron Schmidt wrote the astronomer who detected the signal to clarify matters:
Hi Ron
Thanks for your email. I think a couple of people from the European press made a mistake and associated my work with the work on extra-solar planets. I am carrying out a search for ETI in the optical spectrum. We are looking for laser pulse signals from outer space.
The signal we detected came from the southern constellation Tucanae. Please find attached the signal for your use in your publications.
We are still in the process of trying to figure out whether it is an ETI signal.
Laser-like signal coming from Tucanae (not Gliese 581e)???, page 7
Here is the chart that the astronomer was using - look what Dr Bathal wrote: