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Last show... hiiiilarious...

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Why do I feel like I know less about this than I did a couple of posts ago? :frown:

The "cultists" are all over Rorke's work on Nasa photos, no doubt because he (superficially at least) agrees with some of their beliefs. Plus he has a Dr. in front of his name. This can hardly be surprising.

Did Nasa lie about things over the years? Yes. They colorized TV footage, tried to pass off simulations for the real thing when the cameras didn't work or whatever. Government agencies, corporations, TV networks and sports franchises do the same things routinely. The Space Race was a propaganda war as much as anything else, don't forget. You don't even have to speculate on the presence of aliens or any such anomalies in order to account for the kind of hanky panky Nasa has been caught in. Nasa was a huge organization spending zillions of dollars in an all out game of one-upsmanship. They pulled off some astounding things, too. Nitpicking about a tiny percentage of the photos they released is just silly. Poring over photos for evidence of airbrushing out intergalactic truck stops is another matter. ;)
Gene and David,

I just received the following personal response from Dr. Rorke via email. I don't think much of his excuse since it is his own personal website so heavily promoting this material.


Why not? I dont see it as an excuse at all. I believe him.

Although I dont understand why he doesn't make it clear on the site that they aren't his opinions. I find that really confusing.
I heard part of his Coast appearance and find this confusing too. He really was arguing Rene's side of things for his deceased friend, as a way of trying to understand the commitment of Rene to his belief? Hard to tell.

While I found it a nice loyalty, it left me wondering how he could argue so fiercely for something he didn't believe himself.

Still, this paracast show was really good, at least as much as I got to hear which was about 2/3. For some reason, quicktime freezes at that point and I have to reboot to hear the end of the show. Haven't found the time to do that for this show, but I will soon.
I heard part of his Coast appearance and find this confusing too. He really was arguing Rene's side of things for his deceased friend, as a way of trying to understand the commitment of Rene to his belief? Hard to tell.

While I found it a nice loyalty, it left me wondering how he could argue so fiercely for something he didn't believe himself.

Still, this paracast show was really good, at least as much as I got to hear which was about 2/3. For some reason, quicktime freezes at that point and I have to reboot to hear the end of the show. Haven't found the time to do that for this show, but I will soon.

He sent me another email which states the following:

Dr. Rorke "It was intended to be a resource for listeners of the show, and not intended to be confusing. I've just written a request to the webmaster to remove the page of soundfiles, or to put a disclaimer. "