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Leslie Kean Media

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Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

There is no funding available for UFO research. The equipment required to collect and analyze scientific evidence would cost a fortune. Even with equipment there is a limit to what can be done. How do you study aerial craft that have absolute control over gravity? We simply don't have the ability to study them in their environment. We can't jump into a craft and fly up to where the craft is and study it.Millions of citizens have observed strange aerial craft, so you know the military is aware of their presence; for whatever reasons, the military is not releasing the information they have to the public. How much the military understands about the phenomenon is unknown. There is a non-human intelligence with advanced technology on this planet. Believe it or not, I don't really care.
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

There is no funding available for UFO research.
Actually, that is the point I am trying to make with citizen science. There is a lot that can be done with off the shelf technology, and a fair amount of ingenuity. As an example, would be the fairly "cheap" experiment of setting up active/passive radar systems via weather balloon. With three balloons spread out over a wide enough area, "we" would/should be able to bounce all kinds of waves over a fairly large distance. (imagine a giant fishing net) In principal, the returns would give a full picture of anything with in the field. OR similar would be use the ambient radio waves being produce by terrestrial carriers and perform more or less the same experiment. Orthodox science has neither the will, nor the money to pursue these lines of inquiry; and this is why it will fall to citizen science to further the field. Also, there is "real" science to be done in atmospherics, weather and what not- It really is a win-win for the scientific community in general.

I do have a hard time understanding why this isn't a major part of the community; perhaps I am naive, but I do think it deserves more attention than it gets. And, as an aside, the disclosure people really should be the ones leading these kinds of endeavors, as there will never be any type of disclosure without something/someone pushing for it- i.e citizen science comes up with controvertible "proof" which points to ETI or at least the ETIH.
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

Peter Davenport explored the idea of using a passive radar system. Unidentified aerial craft are not always detected by radar. In any event, it's unlikely any civilian based organization will be able to collect scientific evidence proving UFOs exist. I never had an interest in UFOs until I first saw one back in 1976. If I had never observed UFOs I would probably be as skeptical as the next guy. The realization of the fact that the phenomenon exists has a profound effect on the way a person perceives reality. It is a dichotomy: As human civilization is evolving; a non-human intelligence is operating in the background. What is the significance, and meaning in the grand scheme of things? It's ironic: You would think the scientific community would see the significance and value of studying the phenomenon, as it relates to the production of energy, the understanding of gravity, and field propulsion. We live in a Universe with an amount of energy that is incomprehensible to the human mind; our methods of energy extraction and production are destroying the earth's biosphere. Our civilization is unsustainable with the current technology being used for producing energy. Einstein's theory of gravity states that mass distorts space, maybe he was wrong (mass is certainly a factor, but there must be more to it). I don't see how the field propulsion system used by the craft can be explained by Einstein's theory of gravity. The energy requirements for a field propulsion system are very large. The spheres I have observed are approximately 20 feet in diameter. How do they create energy to operate a field propulsion system in such a small volume of space? The scientific value of the phenomenon is immeasurable!
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

Dear colleagues.</SPAN></SPAN>

New documentary "Secret Access: UFOs on the Record" - based on Leslie Kean's book - airs on August 25, 2011 on History Channel. Press release for documentary is below:</SPAN></SPAN>

Source: http://ufosontherecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/History-Channel-UFOs.pdf
Two-hour special premieres Thursday, August 25 at 8 p.m. ET on HISTORY</SPAN></SPAN>

NEW YORK</SPAN></SPAN>, [date], 2011 – History is filled with accounts of new phenomena that are misunderstood and ridiculed. Galileo was charged with heresy for his observations about the universe. Einstein’s general theory of relativity was dismissed by many as a conspiracy.</SPAN></SPAN>

Now, a former Air Force general, a retired Air Force colonel, a former FAA executive, and other credible witnesses are stepping forward to reveal something that nobody would believe: first-hand encounters with UFOs. They’ll tell their stories in SECRET ACCESS: UFOs ON THE RECORD, a two-hour special premiering Thursday, August 25 at 8 p.m. ET on HISTORY.</SPAN></SPAN>

The film features in-depth accounts by people who are willing to risk their jobs and reputations to speak out about their extraordinary experiences, such as former Arizona Governor Fife Symington III; Nick Pope, former head of the British Defense Ministry’s UFO Investigative Unit, and others. Commentary is provided by investigative journalist Leslie Kean, author of the NY Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, who spent ten years studying the UFO phenomenon and bringing together high level sources from around the world.</SPAN></SPAN>

Sightings of strange lights and darting orbs are reported from all over the world, and most are easily explained. But a few other cases present evidence that UFOs are real. SECRET ACCESS: UFOs ON THE RECORD focuses on claims that cannot be ignored: sightings over a nuclear-armed military base near Phoenix, a forest in England, a small city in Belgium. These remarkable eyewitness stories are illustrated with actual source materials such as footage, radar images and voice recordings from NASA, the Air Force and the FAA.</SPAN></SPAN>

Although the government has determined such episodes to be “insignificant,” records have nonetheless been confiscated, and the experts were sworn to secrecy…until now.</SPAN></SPAN>

SECRET ACCESS: UFOs ON THE RECORD is produced for HISTORY by Break Thru Films. Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg are Executive Producers for Break Thru Films. Julian P. Hobbs is Executive Producer for HISTORY.</SPAN></SPAN>
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

But!!! That is a good question, and something that should be a topic of its own. (I think)- It would tie in with the young(er) generation not being interested in the field too- Something I have been working on- (well, trying to anyway) is setting up "real" citizen-open-science projects- based in "real" science ...

Be careful when you start talking science. See the thread Ufology & Pseudoscience. We've already got enough skeptics on our backs who want to slap the pseudoscience label on everything ufology.


Not that I don't think the idea has some merit though. I just think that if "citizen science" is going to be performed, from the ufology side of the fence, it should be limted to the data collection under the heading of research and investigation, and then if good data is collected, the science done on the data itself should be done under separate cover, preferably by real scientists who can independently verify it.

Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

Dear colleagues.</SPAN></SPAN>

New documentary "Secret Access: UFOs on the Record" - based on Leslie Kean's book - airs on August 25, 2011 on History Channel. Press release for documentary is below:</SPAN></SPAN>

Source: http://ufosontherecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/History-Channel-UFOs.pdf
Two-hour special premieres Thursday, August 25 at 8 p.m. ET on HISTORY</SPAN></SPAN>

--- snip ---

And here is the trailer:
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

Leslie Kean Tonight on CNN Headline News with Nick Pope, Fife Symington, and James Fox

Source: http://tinyurl.com/436zeh5

I just taped a very interesting show on CNN Headline News, along with Nick Pope, Fife Symington, and James Fox. It will be aired Wednesday at 10 pm EST, with host Don Lemon who is filling in for Joy Behar. Please tune in! Remember, this is not CNN, but it's CNN headline News, a different channel.

Created By Leslie Kean
Dear colleagues.

Here is the podcast page for the latest interview (where you can also listen online) with Leslie Kean that will be broadcast on December 11, 2011 on National Public Radio:

Direct download link of audio:


The name of the NPR's show is "The Best of our Knowledge".

Official intro of the show:
"Leslie Kean on UFOs
Investigative journalist Leslie Kean talks to Jim Fleming about her book,
"UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record."
Best Wishes.


Skeptics debate over Leslie Kean's book in skeptical newsletter :)

In case you missed these multiple rebuttals and flame wars between skeptics George Michael and Robert Sheaffer over Leslie Kean's book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record," here is the complete chronology:

On the March 28, 2012, in the newsletter eSkeptic, George Michael reviewed Leslie Kean's book. His review is titled "Best Evidence for UFOs".
Review link:

On the April 4, 2012 issue of eSkeptic, Robert Sheaffer rebutted George Michael's review. Sheaffer's rebuttal is titled "The Day the Skeptics Society Wasn’t Skeptical".
Rebuttal link:
Two days before, Sheaffer also posted it on his blog:

And finally, in the latest issue of eSkeptic from April 11, 2012; George Michael rebuts Robert Sheaffer's rebuttal. It is titled: "Reply to Robert Sheaffer". Immediately below you can find another rebuttal of the George Michael's rebuttal to Sheaffer original rebuttal, titled: "Response to George Michael" :) Link of latest two rebuttals:

Enjoy :)
Best Wishes.
Leslie Kean to take on Stephen Colbert!

Peter Davenport explored the idea of using a passive radar system. Unidentified aerial craft are not always detected by radar. In any event, it's unlikely any civilian based organization will be able to collect scientific evidence proving UFOs exist. I never had an interest in UFOs until I first saw one back in 1976. If I had never observed UFOs I would probably be as skeptical as the next guy. The realization of the fact that the phenomenon exists has a profound effect on the way a person perceives reality. It is a dichotomy: As human civilization is evolving; a non-human intelligence is operating in the background. What is the significance, and meaning in the grand scheme of things? It's ironic: You would think the scientific community would see the significance and value of studying the phenomenon, as it relates to the production of energy, the understanding of gravity, and field propulsion. We live in a Universe with an amount of energy that is incomprehensible to the human mind; our methods of energy extraction and production are destroying the earth's biosphere. Our civilization is unsustainable with the current technology being used for producing energy. Einstein's theory of gravity states that mass distorts space, maybe he was wrong (mass is certainly a factor, but there must be more to it). I don't see how the field propulsion system used by the craft can be explained by Einstein's theory of gravity. The energy requirements for a field propulsion system are very large. The spheres I have observed are approximately 20 feet in diameter. How do they create energy to operate a field propulsion system in such a small volume of space? The scientific value of the phenomenon is immeasurable!

Voyager - I have posted before that for me, the real enemies behind the lack of progress in this topic is scientists themselves. Too scared for their funding to stick their necks out - too worried that they might have to re-write scientific 'laws' which are nothing of the sort.
Religion, History and Science establishments have a lot to fear from this subject in terms of altering their preciously-held status quo.
But I too am mystified as to the possible goldmine of scientific discovery being ignored? Someone, somewhere, is not ignoring this but due to drastic financial implications of new cheap energy - the people in power (who usually are rich) have no monetary incentive in any of this becoming public knowledge. And people who are rich mostly think about money, how to keep money, and how to get more money. Doing anything at all that might put that at risk is anathema to them. IMO.
Voyager - I have posted before that for me, the real enemies behind the lack of progress in this topic is scientists themselves. Too scared for their funding to stick their necks out - too worried that they might have to re-write scientific 'laws' which are nothing of the sort.
Religion, History and Science establishments have a lot to fear from this subject in terms of altering their preciously-held status quo.
But I too am mystified as to the possible goldmine of scientific discovery being ignored? Someone, somewhere, is not ignoring this but due to drastic financial implications of new cheap energy - the people in power (who usually are rich) have no monetary incentive in any of this becoming public knowledge. And people who are rich mostly think about money, how to keep money, and how to get more money. Doing anything at all that might put that at risk is anathema to them. IMO.

Forgot I wrote that. I will tell you this is all much stranger than you know. It has once again resurfaced in my life and the experience is ongoing.
Hi Voyager. By ongoing are you talking nuts and bolts spacecraft? Aduction by off world e.t.'s or some kind of spiritual expereince? More than likely I haven't followed your conversation close enough. You may have already covered this. If so then I'm sorry, but could you elaborate a little?
Angelo - I agree. I read the lot. To be fair I saw fair points on both sides, however I strongly disagree that Phillip Klass or anyone has definitively put cases such as Rendlesham to bed. They may be in fact correct on many things but they don't know for a fact and that is what these skeptics are peddling. Unless they were there themselves, they, nor anyone else can say for sure it has been successfully debunked. Like most 'good' cases we will never know.
Hi Voyager. By ongoing are you talking nuts and bolts spacecraft? Aduction by off world e.t.'s or some kind of spiritual expereince? More than likely I haven't followed your conversation close enough. You may have already covered this. If so then I'm sorry, but could you elaborate a little?
I attempted to respond to this message this morning but something was screwed up with the software on this site. I couldn't post it, and lost what I wrote. The last 2 responses I posted this morning never appeared on the thread. Now I don't feel like writing about it. Maybe later today.
I attempted to respond to this message this morning but something was screwed up with the software on this site. I couldn't post it, and lost what I wrote. The last 2 responses I posted this morning never appeared on the thread. Now I don't feel like writing about it. Maybe later today.

That's annoying. I was getting errors this morning too, but Gene said that might happen while some upgrades are put in place.