Paranormal Adept
Gee, what's the worst that could happen?
Also read: Like a Swarm of Lethal Bugs: The Most Terrifying Drone Video Yet - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
I foresee "lethal", "unobtrusive" and "pervasive" drones being used as:
This is what happens when too much power is given to too few organizations and people. I guess we're all supposed to assume we can trust those who create and utilize such devices.
Micro-drones will “hide in plain sight” - Salon.comMicro-drones will “hide in plain sight”
"Lethal" and "unobtrusive" micro-drones are being developed by the Air force to mimic the behavior of bugs.
The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf Tuesday highlighted a “terrifying” prospect on the military technology horizon. The U.S. Air Force are building micro-drones that are “unobtrusive, pervasive, and lethal” weapons.
According to a feature in the National Geographic looking at the progression of drone technologies, “the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has challenged researchers to build drones that mimic the size and behavior of bugs and birds.” The “bugbots” are supposed to “hide in plain sight.” Micro-drones already developed by the Air Force have been built to “resemble winged, multi-legged bugs.” In an Air Force simulation video shown to the National Geographic and posted below, “the drones swarm through alleys, crawl across windowsills, and perch on power lines. One of them sneaks up on a scowling man holding a gun and shoots him in the head.”
Friedersdorf expresses concern that such technology could fall into the hands of America’s enemies. “Sure, we have a technological advantage right now, but micro-drones sure seem like a disruptive technology that will eventually help rather than hinder attempts at asymmetric warfare,” he wrote. Meanwhile, privacy and human rights advocates will likely have their worries piqued by the existence of “unobtrusive” and “pervasive” drones in U.S. hands alone.
Also read: Like a Swarm of Lethal Bugs: The Most Terrifying Drone Video Yet - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
I foresee "lethal", "unobtrusive" and "pervasive" drones being used as:
- An easy way to spy on Americans without the need of a warrant.
- A silent threat against activists or critics of America's/Corporate America's policies.
- An effective means to silence and control the masses, possibly including other branches of government.
- Something that could be captured by our enemies and used against us.
- Something which could go berserk due to a programming glitch - or cause the creation of "killer micro-drones" which could attack and reprogram other micro-drones.
- An eventual way to deliver WMDs.
- A precursor to nana-drones.
- All of the above.
This is what happens when too much power is given to too few organizations and people. I guess we're all supposed to assume we can trust those who create and utilize such devices.