It has been revealed that both the UK and US governments not only made contact with an extra terrestrial species, further information reveals that some sort deal was made in the late 1980's, to allow them to observe, abduct and experiment on innocent people, in return for some of their propulsion and weapons tech.
The most shocking and surprising discovery so far however, is in relation to their actual physical stature.
Many of you will have noticed, often at the side of highways, what appear to be lost or discarded hubcaps. Some of these in actual fact, are cleverly disguised Alien spacecraft with a crew, of an average height of 5 milimetres.
Despite their insect like stature these visitors are known to posess technology so far in advance of our own, that any form of resistance would not only be utterly futile, we have alredy been informed by reliable sources that such actions would be met with uncompromising force directed at any and all involved.
Information at this moment is somewhat sketchy, but it is believed that our visitors actual intentions are peaceful and scientifically motivated, and that certain global experiments are already underway and are showing early signs of success, at least from their point of view.
One of their more succesful programmes apparently, is a joint effort between our two civilizations to find a way of effectively physically shrinking the human body. With a view to creating even closer ties between our two species, and freeing up much needed space on our ever more crowded and asset stretched planet.
This programme has been underway for some time, and it can now be revealed that the real purpose of all those spam messages advertising "Penis enlargment", is in fact not at all what it seems.
Though regular users report great gains in this department, in actual fact it is not so much a gain as it is a loss.
The reality of such a course of medication is that the user actually shinks while their genitals retain there original dimensions. With prolonged use the male member finally becomes to large for the host and is rejected with no detrimental effects to the previous owner, and probably more by design than accident becoming a handy and desirable home for our visitors.
I hate to be the one to bring all this to your attention but I must be honest and say that I myself am one of those involved in this experiment, and if you care to take a look at the pictures on my page the ones of me (blondy) are in actual fact lifesize.