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Lloyd Pye and Starchild

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These are those conehead skulls he mentioned and are found all over the world.

Inca Skulls

I think the guys could have taken the discussion further, but they really just didnt seem to even care to. They could have at least got some more knowledge from Pye, he does seem to know what he is talking about.

The guy in the red shirt looks really weird, I wish you hadnt posted that.:p

We appreciate all the feedback on the episode.

I think that I was kind of easy on Lloyd Pye, when he made statements about anthropology being a largely self-taught science, or the notion of his "special edition", collectible book, I didn't spank the crap out of him. Perhaps I'm sometimes overly skeptical, but consider it a response to what I hear on other shows, with the most outrageous claims never even being questioned in the most basic ways.

Did any of you notice the the response to my question about perhaps trying to find the rest of the skeleton, or speaking with people who grew up in the area where the skull was supposedly found, to see if there are any specific anecdotal stories that would support the starchild theory? How many anthropologists would brush off the idea of doing field work to establish provenance, or find the rest of the evidence? Mr. Pye talks about how pretty much _everyone_ who knows anything about anatomy, looked at the skull and declared it a legitimate deformity? I mean, I really do appreciate the idea of having an open mind, but discounting everyone BUT the person who agrees with the assertion that it's an alien-human hybrid, just seems weird to me.

Here's another thing, and forgive me if my knowledge of genetics is lacking: if you want to prove that the skull contains a combo of human and alien DNA, doesn't this claim require a control sample of _actual_ non-human DNA in order to make such an assertion?

David Biedny said:
Here's another thing, and forgive me if my knowledge of genetics is lacking: if you want to prove that the skull contains a combo of human and alien DNA, doesn't this claim require a control sample of _actual_ non-human DNA in order to make such an assertion?

I wouldn't think so. If A (human mom)+B (human dad)=C (human child) then logically, if A+X=D, X can't equal B otherwise you'd get C, not D. You may not be able to figure out what exactly X is you just know it's not B.
CapnG said:
I wouldn't think so. If A (human mom)+B (human dad)=C (human child) then logically, if A+X=D, X can't equal B otherwise you'd get C, not D. You may not be able to figure out what exactly X is you just know it's not B.

OK, so if D is not human, it's still not alien unless you know what alien DNA looks like, right?
Hey David, I sensed your skepticism from the start when you kind of jumped on him, but dont get me wrong! I fully appreciate skepticism and hard questions because that is what is needed with these topics. I hear you about 'other programs' that just sit there with there mouths open. I dont adhere to the idea that its an alien-human hybrid at all (without conclusive evidence), but I just find it interesting.

I think it might go deeper than just this skull. He did bring up some anecdotal stories about 'coneheaded' people..which existed all over the world. If they intentionally warp their childrens skulls to look cone shaped,who are these people emulating? Are all of them the result of birth defects and head boarding? Or is there a genetic reason? A different race?

Scientists & archaeologists can be wrong! They can be biased and close-minded. There is a possibilty that they dont want to hear what Pye has to say and just want him out of their office. I mean, that behavior just sounds normal as far as main stream science is concerned. Just look at how the whole UFO topic is treated as a whole. I guess sometimes, these people do have to just go with selective scientists who dare to agree, I dont know.

I thought question about the skeleton was excellent. Is there anyting strange about it? Where is it? Is it the same unique qualities as the skull? So yeah there are definitely questions. As I understand it was handed to him in 1999 to research so maybe he didnt go there, but someone else before him did. I wouldnt throw his case away because of that.

I dont know crap about DNA either, but your suggesiton sure sounds like a good one to me. :p I would say, If you have an unknown DNA that scientists cannot identify, then there would e a possibily that it is alien.
David Biedny said:
OK, so if D is not human, it's still not alien unless you know what alien DNA looks like, right?

The point is it's not human. It could be from another hominid or from some other source although given the usual poor success rate of inter-species breeding (mules and ligers aside) it can't be too weird. Not without technological help anyway.

BTW, is this the same Lloyd Pye?


Did you know he was a Sitchin diciple?
I actually, REALLY enjoyed the PYe-Starchild interview.

I know David keyed us in to a couple concerns: It sounds like Pye was presenting the lack of scientific consensus one way (that scientists are afraid to think outside the box), versus the possibility that Pye's conclusions, might be, well, speculative. In addition, it is disconcerting that Pye might have been describing certain individuals in that field (sorry, forgot the name) as narrow minded, whereas David pointed out that this particular individual (someone help me with a name here) has actually proven himself to be groundbreaking in his field. In addition, I'd have to totally agree about anthropology. I remember anthropology the first year of college. I failed miserably. It was incredibly difficult, incredibly rigorous. Anthropologists have to know a great deal about many different sciences. They are masters of all trades. So, for Pye to describe himself as a self-taught anthropologist...Give me a break. Put it away, Pye. Go impress your girlfriend. We're not buying any today. In addition, might that be a spit in the eye, to those people, who devoted their time, energy, and resources to getting a bunch of letters on the end of their name? So, no. Pye is not an anthropologist, and I don't think it's reasonable for him to describe himself that way. Enthusiast? SURE!

So, in that regard, Pye's great. I actually really appreciate what he's doing. He's not simply speculating without basis. It does sound, not knowing much else about starchild beyond David and Gene's interview, as this guy really is putting a lot of work, effort and resources into testing, studying, and comparing data. He does seem to be taking a scientific approach to determining whether or not his skull is a hybrid grey, or a deformed elephant boy. In addition, it sounds like he's willing to accept the possibility that he's wrong. I commend that. He might BE wrong. In addition, he's probably right. Even if this isn't a 1000 year old hybrid grey, it's still quite fascinating, and worthy of some further study or in a museum somewhere I suppose.

So, was he a little over the top on his conclusions? Yeah, probably. But, at least he's alleging to test, conduct, and study whatever it is he thinks he has. And that's kind of a breath of fresh air, isn't it?
If the star child skull's father side DNA shows to have like 5% difference than us and that 5% doesn't match in any way with any animal known, then theres good reason to suspect that it didn't evolve on Earth.
From what I understand:
1. It would take technology for the breeding to work.
2. There are not any species that don't have some close relative on the books with less than 1% difference in DNA.
However I still can't imagine it being conclusive as "alien" to mainstream science no matter what the results come to.

Ultimately Pye can't win with the alien/human hybrid theory..
A.LeClair said:
Yes, I kinda cringed, at the collectors edition aspect of it, because I knew people would hold it against him. What guest doesn't hawk stuff? Randle did. Birnes has. Friedman does. If not here definitely elsewhere. Jeff comes to mind as not doing so. He has no book. I haven't listened to every minute of every show and there might have been others. David's friends didn't hawk products. They just came to mind. Many do. I try to address the message and data over attacking the messenger, when there isn't hard evidence to do so.

Yes, most people who are invited to the show do plug a book or DVD of some kind. Until last week, however, I hadn't heard a "serious" guest's book plugged in such a way.

As I wrote, I'm perfectly happy to wait and see the test results and I wouldn't mind hearing him answer David's statement that he has never shown the skull to Mr. Gould. That's a case of "Yes, I did." vs. "No, you didn't." and it would be interesting to hash that out.
interestedINitall said:
Yes, most people who are invited to the show do plug a book or DVD of some kind. Until last week, however, I hadn't heard a "serious" guest's book plugged in such a way.

As I wrote, I'm perfectly happy to wait and see the test results and I wouldn't mind hearing him answer David's statement that he has never shown the skull to Mr. Gould. That's a case of "Yes, I did." vs. "No, you didn't." and it would be interesting to hash that out.

Guess it's in the eye of the beholder.

Not sure how they would prove that Pye showed a skull or not, but agree with you none the less.
If Gould's word apparently determines whether Pye is full of crap, then what has Gould said about the Incan 'coned' skulls? Can anyone locate any statement whatsoever that Gould addressed these peculiar skulls? If Gould didnt mention them, then what are we led to think about this 'starchild' skull?
A bit of a digression, but speaking of coneheads...That was an interesting obeservation Pye made last week.

SAY! Wouldn't it be GREAT to get Dan Akroyd on The Paracast? :eek:

OMG - That would terribly fun. I'll bet you dollars to donuts, that he'd do it, too. :cool: 2COOL4U:cool:
Tom Levine said:
A bit of a digression, but speaking of coneheads...That was an interesting obeservation Pye made last week.

SAY! Wouldn't it be GREAT to get Dan Akroyd on The Paracast? :eek:

OMG - That would terribly fun. I'll bet you dollars to donuts, that he'd do it, too. :cool: 2COOL4U:cool:

I almost made a recommendation to have him on to clear up some things. Dan has made some rather silly claims in the past. One that comes to mind is that all the cases dealt with on his show Psi Factor were based on a real paranormal team and cases. To this day I have found no evidence of this and even people in the field don't know what the heck he's talking about. One case was a mini black hole in someone's house..... How? The room would get sucked in.... and the people there gocking at it. How is it even based on anything? Seems strange to me.

Inquiring about the video and pics at the Ohare airport is needed.

Dan also has claimed to have had some ufo experiences that could use some elaboration on. When I've heard him speak of it before I was left with some questions.

I would like to hear Dan's comments on Sereda. If he defends him or note etc.

I was a big fan of the Coneheads when I was a child:)
i doubt he would come on the show. he probably would not risk it until he has a new video to plug.
pixelsmith said:
i doubt he would come on the show. he probably would not risk it until he has a new video to plug.

Well, he does have a new one. Not even out, yet he's been promoting it. Paracast might not have a big enough audience for em, so that might be a reason for not being on. In his mind at least.

Speaking of celebrity ufologists. The guy that played Mardock on A-Team is real into ufos. Dwight Schultz. I know only a little about him, but what I do know of him is good. Seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, believe it or not. He's one of the researchers who is also puzzled by Dan's Psi Factor claim I mentioned before.
A.LeClair said:
Well, he does have a new one. Not even out, yet he's been promoting it. Paracast might not have a big enough audience for em, so that might be a reason for not being on. In his mind at least.

Speaking of celebrity ufologists. The guy that played Mardock on A-Team is real into ufos. Dwight Schultz. I know only a little about him, but what I do know of him is good. Seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, believe it or not. He's one of the researchers who is also puzzled by Dan's Psi Factor claim I mentioned before.

That's "Mr. Akroyd" to you, young man...Kidding. Do you know him, or are you lovingly referring to him as "Dan"?

As to The Paracast. I dunno. We probably best represent the core of the demographic, at least in part. It's probably a smart approach to market to those most interested in your product first, before hitting the mainstream..."in select markets" type of thing...create a buzz.

A.LeClair, I kind of remember a little bit about what you're talking about. Somewhere, back when, I read or listened to Akroyd describe his UFO encounter(s). I don't remember the specifics, but I wasn't left with a solid impression. I should dig his book out and give it a second look. Oh wait. I think my wife donated it to good-will. Yes, it's not exactly David Deutschs "The Fabric of Reality"....;) Wasn't much of a keeper.

Still, he is Dan Akroyd, a wild and crazy ufologist.
I posted this on another thread, and am posting it again on this one.

I am doing the forensic reconstruction on the skull.

I was sent an MRI copy of the skull to work from, as well as the partial maxilla that I then made a mold off of. There was still a bit of the orbit which allowed me to extrapolate a lot of information about the placement of the eyes, as well as the lower jaw.

The skull has some issues. I'm a skeptic by nature, and all things being what they are, I have my own conclusions about the skull itself and what it is. If you have read all of the stuff on Lloyd's site, you have a pretty good idea of what he believes.

I saw that someone had posted their model of the skull, and I thought I would share mine.

if you go to

or www.comicspace.com/madrobotommy you can see the in progress pictures of where I started, to where I stopped with the skull. I am finishing the musculature, and the dermal surface this week, and will have corresponding video of that as well.

Bear in mind that Lloyd is not associated with my work outside of his loaning me the skull and maxilla to work from. I'm not making money from this endeavor, because like most people, I'm interested in the truth, and enjoy this sort of work.

Hope to hear your opinions and thoughts.

Tommy Allison
Tommy Allison said:
I posted this on another thread, and am posting it again on this one.

I am doing the forensic reconstruction on the skull.

I was sent an MRI copy of the skull to work from, as well as the partial maxilla that I then made a mold off of. There was still a bit of the orbit which allowed me to extrapolate a lot of information about the placement of the eyes, as well as the lower jaw.

The skull has some issues. I'm a skeptic by nature, and all things being what they are, I have my own conclusions about the skull itself and what it is. If you have read all of the stuff on Lloyd's site, you have a pretty good idea of what he believes.

I saw that someone had posted their model of the skull, and I thought I would share mine.

if you go to

or www.comicspace.com/madrobotommy you can see the in progress pictures of where I started, to where I stopped with the skull. I am finishing the musculature, and the dermal surface this week, and will have corresponding video of that as well.

Bear in mind that Lloyd is not associated with my work outside of his loaning me the skull and maxilla to work from. I'm not making money from this endeavor, because like most people, I'm interested in the truth, and enjoy this sort of work.

Hope to hear your opinions and thoughts.

Tommy Allison

First of all, great work on your part, Mr. Allison, and thank you for sharing it here on this forum.

On the lighter side, he sort of reminds me of Tim Burton's "invasion from Mars" aliens, doesn't he?...


(please laugh...please, please, please...:p )

I honestly don't know what to make of the Starchild case. I'm a neophyte on the subject. I think I heard it briefly on C2CAM before dozing off to sleep, and then I listened to Pyes interview with David and Gene in it's entirety. So, my thoughts are only limited to that experience.

From my point of view, I found Pye to be a breath of fresh air, in the paranormal field. I'm not sure I completely bought the final conclusion that Starchild can only be explained vis a vis the ET explanation, and I was left with some questions as to why there is not a wider consensus amongst those in the anthropological field who have reviewed this evidence. I know he explained that, and presented others who have provided compelling data which might lead to the conclusion that Starchild is, in fact, a hybrid. I'm just not convinced either way, to the extent that Pye is.

But, it's WIERD. Definitely. I appreciate the money and effort put into probing this unusual specimin, and your reconstruction is mesmerizing to look at, and wonder what it actually might be.

So, those are my thoughts, for what they're worth.