The Pair of Cats
a.k.a Philip Deane
The problems with Marijuana as i see it are that it does affect some people psychologically. Whether this causes these problems or somehow exposes pre existing conditions maybe debateable. I know friends who wont touch it because it freaks them out. Giving them an effect not unlike an LSD trip. I worked in a hospital Emergency department with a psych unit attached to it. The prevailing opinion of the staff there was that marijuana did have an adverse effect on some people, especially long term or chronic use. I occasionally had to help deal with some of them. Not a pleasant experience at times.softbeard said:Yes, they are. That's because each drug is a different chemical. Each chemical acts on you differently. Most people lump them all together because it's the easiest thing to do and, as I've stated, they haven't got a clue what they're talking about. Especially if they have not experienced the particular drug's effects. They generally use stupid analogies like 'I don't have to jump off a cliff to know what it feels like.' Yes, I claim that is a very stupid and pointless analogy and I hope somebody doesn't ask me why.
However, I think things are getting better re drug (the illegal kind) information and knowledge. At least people, in general, are no longer automatically swallowing the misinformation and hysterical thinking that passed for drug knowledge in previous generations. It has required those half-witted lunkheads to die out (maybe while coughing their lungs out from smoking); but it has changed for the better.
I am not a proponent for drug use, far from it. But mankind has clearly demonstrated his inability to stay away from intoxicants. You cannot just say no. It does not work that way and no amount of wishful thinking will make it. Most people that use intoxicants are self-medicating for some sort of pain or ailment; physical or psychological.
There is something innate, it seems, across higher mammals at least, to be attracted to intoxicants. Elephants love alcohol. Many will consume it from fermented fruits every chance they get; enough to get them drunk. Rats and just about any other mammal will voluntarily drink bitter morphine-water instead of regular water, just for the effects of morphine.
Remember the saying "A poison is too much of anything". This applies to water, air, salt, sand, heroin. Except maybe THC (from marijuana). They never were able to sucessfully kill any rats with an overdose of THC, at least not without administering over half the body weight of the animal. Nope, all the rats recovered from 'THC poisoning'.
Secondly, although THC probably hasn't killed anybody, the smoke from bongs, pipes or joints inhaled into the lungs cannot be good for you. I know people who would smoke 15 to 20 cones a day if not more. You can't tell me that is good for you. Especially since the majority of them already smoke cigarettes.
Ingesting would be a far better way of taking the drug. Cookies, cakes etc.
I don't think i have ever met a "moderate" marijuana smoker. 99% of them smoke weed like one would smoke cigarettes.
Totally agree.Drugs are fine in moderation...