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Made a Mistake on my first book review...

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Skilled Investigator
I didn't realize I was adding the book, and put my review there. Now that I have the hang of it I'd like a do-over. I can't find a way to edit or delete my book entry, so if a mod can delete it I can do it over again!

Thank you!
It's a two-step process. First is to describe the book, second is to post a review. There's a tiny Edit button below the text (at the left) that you should see that allows you to change the text.
It's a two-step process. First is to describe the book, second is to post a review. There's a tiny Edit button below the text (at the left) that you should see that allows you to change the text.

I can't find the edit button... I even "cntrl+f" and typed in edit to locate it. I don't think I have an edit button. :( maybe I'm blind...
It should have the Edit and Delete features for people who post them. I updated privileges. Refresh your screen and let me know if it changes.
I love those programming glitches. In any case, I deleted it. You can try again. Remember the review has two parts. First you enter the information on the book, including the Amazon number or ISBN, and, as a separate entry, you post the review.
It's not your fault. Worse, it appears the developers are no longer supporting this add-on, so we may, after a while, have to take it down. We'll see.
Aw man, that stinks, this review was 1 of many I was looking forward to contributing to the forums!
Thanks for posting your review, and Ihope you will keep them coming. There are a lot of books like this that are unfairly forgotten due to the passage of time.
By the way, did Capt. Loftin discuss the 1967 Texas case of Carroll Wayne Watts in it?
Hi Sentry,

Sorry, I meant to get back to you. I think he caps off the sightings around 63. She was not mentioned. If I do ever come across her in the rest of my reading I will surely let you know!

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