Paranormal Adept
Much of the long term implication of the Japanese meltdowns will only become apparent in the form of epidemiological studies on populations affected. A spike in cancer rates may not be as dramatic as people keeling over in the streets. But the end result is the same.
Technologically I think that whatever can go wrong eventually will. There is no fail-safe. And nothing is risk free. It's a matter of acceptable risk levels.
Re the EMP and solar storm issue--I think it is long term but inevitable. After it happens and the shouting has died down, we will then rebuild with proper protective measures.
Technologically I think that whatever can go wrong eventually will. There is no fail-safe. And nothing is risk free. It's a matter of acceptable risk levels.
Re the EMP and solar storm issue--I think it is long term but inevitable. After it happens and the shouting has died down, we will then rebuild with proper protective measures.