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Many Thousands to Storm Area 51

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Paranormal Adept
What do you think of the event that's supposed to happen on September 20, 2019?
Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us
Over 600,000 have signed up to invade Area 51. The theory is that the sheer numbers can overwhelm base security.
It's being reported by MSM.
It's supposed to be a joke. But if even a few thousand people try to storm the area, the authorities will freak. I'd even sign, assuming it's not meant to indicate a real effort.
Long time listener first-time poster.

I feel I need to chime in here on this one. This Storm Area 51 campaign is, in my opinion, an utterly stupid idea. And a black eye for the field which until recently has been gaining a little credibility, this won't help.

From my browsing of facebook and twitter, most if not all the people "signing on' for this are pretty much clueless on the topic. Their only knowledge on the topic being based on cursory pop culture references here and there.

A few here may or not agree with me but there are no "aliens" or alien tech at Area 51. And if there are such things they would not be haphazardly stored in above-ground buildings.

Not saying aliens or alien tech never passed through or was not studied at Area 51. This would have taken place years ago and has since been farmed out to the public sector. Just nothing there now but R&D of the terrestrial kind, albeit 30 years ahead of our time. :) Which in my book is pretty damn fascinating.

I have no doubt some will show up. Regional locals who are an hour or two away for. Die-hard fringy conspiracy "theorists" will be there as well. I'm just hoping without much confidence they will be ready to assume responsibility for their actions.

Love the show, and thanks to Gene and Randall for all the work they put in.
Long time listener first-time poster.

I feel I need to chime in here on this one. This Storm Area 51 campaign is, in my opinion, an utterly stupid idea. And a black eye for the field which until recently has been gaining a little credibility, this won't help ...
A voice of reason in a sea of madness. Thanks for your kind comments. Glad you've stuck with us and welcome to the forum! On the flipside of this story I just had to like @wwkirk's posts because of the sheer newsworthiness of it. I sat back and laughed at how crazy all those ufo people must be. Then I realized I was one of them :p .
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Long time listener first-time poster.

I feel I need to chime in here on this one. This Storm Area 51 campaign is, in my opinion, an utterly stupid idea. And a black eye for the field which until recently has been gaining a little credibility, this won't help.

From my browsing of facebook and twitter, most if not all the people "signing on' for this are pretty much clueless on the topic. Their only knowledge on the topic being based on cursory pop culture references here and there.

A few here may or not agree with me but there are no "aliens" or alien tech at Area 51. And if there are such things they would not be haphazardly stored in above-ground buildings.

Not saying aliens or alien tech never passed through or was not studied at Area 51. This would have taken place years ago and has since been farmed out to the public sector. Just nothing there now but R&D of the terrestrial kind, albeit 30 years ahead of our time. :) Which in my book is pretty damn fascinating.

I have no doubt some will show up. Regional locals who are an hour or two away for. Die-hard fringy conspiracy "theorists" will be there as well. I'm just hoping without much confidence they will be ready to assume responsibility for their actions.

Love the show, and thanks to Gene and Randall for all the work they put in.

I think it's a signal, akin to the Weinstein scandal, the ICE raid pushbacks, and the public interest in the ATIP program.

I don't think many people are going to actually show up and storm anything, because they'd get mowed down if they did. But I do think it is a signal that a growing segment of the population doesn't trust the government and is fed up with the status quo of being lied to in service of protecting people that are downright evil. And I don't use that word lightly.

Misguided or not, the powers that be had better wake up and pay attention to stuff like this. Democracy isn't just voting.
I don't think many people are going to actually show up and storm anything, because they'd get mowed down if they did.

Unsure really what base security and or the government would do if vast numbers did show up and "stormed" the perimeter. Or even just a few hundred. Can't imagine them mowing down waves of civilians in a mass kill scenario. That would be unimaginable.

Do they even have the resources in place? Will they?

I don't think many will show either. But it does open up some interesting what-if questions.

I've never been in the area, (on my bucket list) but can the surrounding area even support massive crowds? Say 10,000. How is the road system in and out of the area? Support services, gas, food/water, lodging? Medical emergencies is there a good hospital nearby? And where is everyone going to go to the bathroom? Especially all those girls I've seen eager to see the "aliens".

Yea most are just giggling and signing up for kicks, but who knows what percentage would actually show up.
That's just nuts and I doubt anything will come of it. I gotta say, the best part of this is that the memes on my facebook feed are highly amusing.
Area 51 map1.jpg

Instructions are, "meet up at Area 51 Alien Center, then go to Area 51" ............. thats about 75 miles, Area 51 is circled in Red.

(the services, all they have to do, is use dynamite and block one or two roads, and then, it will be a 300 plus mile trip to the Area 51, something like that, this event is going now where)

(it takes hours, maybe days to clear rubble in narrow spaces with bulldozers, all they have to do is disable your equipment, they don't move at all on flat tires)

"Joke is Over"

phoenix lights12.jpg

"Phoenix Lights 1997" indicated by "Start to End", the "X" indicates Area 51 .......................... Going from "Alien Center to Area 51", is a mirror (flipped opposite) of the "Phoenix Lights 1997" path, this is where this originates.

(Most of the people that signed up are the local residents of california, nevada, arizona, etc ? ................ the Estrella Mountains (phoenix lights 1997), are easier to get to, much safer. Right now, for public safety ........... the authorities should set up road blocks, using bulldozers and old buses, on the way to Area 51)

If nothing happens in that area for a long time, then its not longer valid, do you have anything beyond the "Phoenix Lights 1997, Turin Shroud of Jesus 1997, Comet Hale Bopp 1997", more centered with evidences, or nothing, then, welcome home, the road blocks! (without paved roads, you will get about 20 or less miles, maybe 50, before your tires fail in those conditions)
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(The Cap Stones from the Pyramids in Egypt, made living very comfortable, until the day that was taken away, and thrown into the earth, somewhere ................ the gospel records that Moses went up a mountain, or was it perhaps into the earth ... in any event, the "Ark of the Covenant" was fashioned, but it was nothing new for the people of that day)

(The Mayan/Aztec civilizations lost something important that fell into the earth, so they all gave up what they had and took a journey to look for it, we don't know exactly where they went, but there is a real, and legal map of where they claimed they went)


(Hoppi Prophecy Map, shows us "AREA 51" (THE MAN'S HEAD on the very bottom, in the shape of the dry lake bed that Area 51 uses as its aircraft testing area) .......... there is only one answer and that is it ................... )

Is there a spaceship at Area 51? God has only one answer, if you see the "Number 7" the man on the bottom is holding, then think Moses .................... there is one other prophecy and that is "oak island" about a "Number 7", for Moses, in the same venue.

Unless there is something there, then unless you are Moses only, it does not mean anything to you. Its a nothing.

This is a job for the local police department, they people don't understand the conditions of an open desert, they won't be able to walk very long on foot before turning back, in any event, don't think nothing at all will happen. (God has no expectation for you, for humanity, for your "dead flesh", those genetic lines, purging them is your responsibility ............... I understand you have a problem of authority with moses, and that will be resolved, with nothing at all happening, "dead or alive").

(I want the people through the media to see these people as aimless, abusers of themselves, and abusers of the local law enforcement, it wasn't worth the time or attention to do anything more or less) (they should only see the police department, just because I don't have great power and great authority right now, does not mean I will not ............ one of the things on the agenda is to elevate this suicide program by, not allowing certain people to serve specifically in the police departments in all 50 states, with the prospect of a death penalty, a law moses is fully prepared to enforce himself, that means death only, no courts no trials)
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