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March 1, 2015 — John Burroughs, Nick Pope and J. Patrick Fascogna

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So Sorry to hear about Chris's horrible week, sending positive thoughts and energy his way...

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Discussion comment - I can't believe, (well, I do believe) (damn government:mad:), that a person does not have access to their own medical files, and worse, that doctors cannot access patients medical history to help that person get important life saving medical treatment. If I heard right, none of the doctors can figure out why his particular exposure to radiation gave him heart issues, but seems like the answers would be in his classified files. For the files to be hidden from the person that experienced the classified event is just ridiculous. I will be following his case and sure hope Mr. Burroughs gets ALL of his file information

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Greetings from Switzerland. I don't like getting embroiled in flames, but I've agreed to post this at the specific request of Gene Steinberg. It is to pass along some documentation relevant to the Rendlesham Forest incident and others that took place in the UK in the 1980's, namely Greenham Common.

Some months ago I sent Gene published evidence that these incidents had nothing to do with aliens or alien spacecraft, but a lot to do with what at the time was secret development of RF/microwave-based crowd control weapons by the US and UK military. These weapons were used experimentally at US and UK military bases back in the 80's, sometimes to keep the curious away and to control protesters, and were deployed in Iraq and later Afghanistan.

In the UK, similar techniques were also being deployed domestically in what smacks of "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451" scenarios. However, the military version of these microwave weapons was withdrawn due to documented health damage, including serious effects on vital organs and the brain. This would explain why John Burroughs' medical records have been classified. It's really very obvious and very simple.

Regarding Nick Pope in particular, all I can say is that anyone having served at the UK's Ministry of Defence must have known about all of this. It was largely public record and documented in the UK press. But alas, it's obviously "sexier" and more lucrative to indulge in endless speculation and conspiracies than in reality.

When I first presented Gene with extensive documentation about this I spent a long time accumulating it. Unfortunately it was apparently not saved, so I've had to start again, but this time, it had to be quick and dirty. Regardless, I think the following links still speak volumes on the subject. There's also a lot more available with some simple searching.

Bottom line: As a journalist of more than 50 years, and and as a radio ham for longer than that, I see more RF (radio frequency energy) than ET in Rendlesham and Greenham Common, and who knows how many similar cases.

I have a feeling that Nick Pope knows that too. :-)

have a good read:


Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality By Tim Rifat

Microwave RF based Weapons in use in Iraq | Electronics Forums

Raytheon Microwave Gun Recalled Amidst Controversy - The Wire

(The following refers to Greeham Common, scroll down in the text):

I never much followed this case so i don't know all the facts/details but I do recall an instance of time displacement being reported while investigating a depression suppisedly made by a craft the next day. Could such weaponry you mention leave residual "radiation" that could distort someone's perception of time or would this more likely be a fabrication being that if there was no craft thete would probably be no evidence of anything landing ?

looking forward to you getting your report back...albeit quick and dirty...together again.
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Greetings from Switzerland. I don't like getting embroiled in flames, but I've agreed to post this at the specific request of Gene Steinberg. It is to pass along some documentation relevant to the Rendlesham Forest incident and others that took place in the UK in the 1980's, namely Greenham Common.

Some months ago I sent Gene published evidence that these incidents had nothing to do with aliens or alien spacecraft, but a lot to do with what at the time was secret development of RF/microwave-based crowd control weapons by the US and UK military. These weapons were used experimentally at US and UK military bases back in the 80's, sometimes to keep the curious away and to control protesters, and were deployed in Iraq and later Afghanistan.

In the UK, similar techniques were also being deployed domestically in what smacks of "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451" scenarios. However, the military version of these microwave weapons was withdrawn due to documented health damage, including serious effects on vital organs and the brain. This would explain why John Burroughs' medical records have been classified. It's really very obvious and very simple.

Regarding Nick Pope in particular, all I can say is that anyone having served at the UK's Ministry of Defence must have known about all of this. It was largely public record and documented in the UK press. But alas, it's obviously "sexier" and more lucrative to indulge in endless speculation and conspiracies than in reality.

When I first presented Gene with extensive documentation about this I spent a long time accumulating it. Unfortunately it was apparently not saved, so I've had to start again, but this time, it had to be quick and dirty. Regardless, I think the following links still speak volumes on the subject. There's also a lot more available with some simple searching.

Bottom line: As a journalist of more than 50 years, and and as a radio ham for longer than that, I see more RF (radio frequency energy) than ET in Rendlesham and Greenham Common, and who knows how many similar cases.

I have a feeling that Nick Pope knows that too. :)

have a good read:


Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality By Tim Rifat

Microwave RF based Weapons in use in Iraq | Electronics Forums

Raytheon Microwave Gun Recalled Amidst Controversy - The Wire

(The following refers to Greeham Common, scroll down in the text):

I think that the other option for UFO's in Rendlesham has always been psi ops/non-lethal weapon experimentation. However, in quickly looking through the contents of the links i'm still at a bit of a loss to understand how this scenario unfolds at Rendlesham. For example, what exactly are the lights in the sky, the light on the ground etc. as these visions were shared and documented by individuals. The mental imagery breakdown only really appears with the on the ground lights, and that's where people in close proximity to the source of this light appear to be having their perceptual apparatus scrambled. But what were the rest of those lights that people were seeing - is this all part of a controlled experiment?

And if it is part of a controlled experiment do you mean to suggest that the military of two nations are conspiring together to callously experiment on their own grunts on the ground without informing anyone of what's taking place, just to see what happens, how will security of the base be maintained under duress etc.? Would such experimentation actually be tolerated in the way that state sponsored experimentation on random citizens with psychedelics was supported in the decades preceding the Rendlesham incident? I highly doubt anyone who joins the military can expect that they will become an experiment without foreknowledge as the risks for blowback from such an operation could be severe - i.e. death. I know that there were reported suicides from the base which could co-incide with such experimentation but that's supposition.

Also, in trying to understand this militaristic scenario, these documents just don't seem to fit the bill in terms of reported injuries and only support to some extent the mental effects of perceptual distortions. Could you describe a little more specifically how you see this experiment playing out or how the psi-ops exercise fits the existing three day narrative - are you suggesting that the entire UFO scenario is a manufactured event that sets the culminating stage for non-lethal weapon experimentation?

What's interesting though is how Burroughs himself, on this episode, still reserves the option for experimentation to be part of his own unknown narrative of events at the base. Other participants appear to validate this theory by identifying that senior military left the scene before the big action went down and that the cameras used were there to document the reactions of those being subjected to the experiment.

So not aliens, just human curiosity & cruelty?
What's interesting though is how Burroughs himself, on this episode, still reserves the option for experimentation to be part of his own unknown narrative of events at the base. Other participants appear to validate this theory by identifying that senior military left the scene before the big action went down and that the cameras used were there to document the reactions of those being subjected to the experiment.

So not aliens, just human curiosity & cruelty?[/QUOTE]

It's my understanding that the military has frequently exposed its personnel to experimentation, a prime example being exposure to early nuclear tests. As for lights in the sky, I don't see why we have to look for extraterrestrial sources for them, especially on a heavily-guarded military facility. The points between the Rendlesham and other incidents are easy to connect with a little bit of imagination.

I posted my comments by request of Gene Steinberg, but I am stepping out here. I'm not interested in endless polemics. I'm not interested in argumentation.

One aspect but to simple explanation as using this device had risks on wide range of operational communications would have picked up interference and played havic with motor vechicals entering the operational zone and why zap your best assets during the hot time during the Cold War ?? especially with the events in Poland at the time (the use in operation in the field and this was in the base ordnance storage location ) and lets not forget the area which the event covered the ongoing instillation of micro towers would of been notice by these folks prior to the event and Col Halts memo does not suggest the above answer. Maybe plausible more than one experiment with actual interference (opened a episode like the" skin-walker ranch" event? ) due to use of such technology.
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It's my understanding that the military has frequently exposed its personnel to experimentation, a prime example being exposure to early nuclear tests. As for lights in the sky, I don't see why we have to look for extraterrestrial sources for them, especially on a heavily-guarded military facility. The points between the Rendlesham and other incidents are easy to connect with a little bit of imagination.

I posted my comments by request of Gene Steinberg, but I am stepping out here. I'm not interested in endless polemics. I'm not interested in argumentation.

First of all, thanks for posting the info and engaging. It sounds like you've worked over the case quite a bit.

I don't think anyone's looking for polemics, just a clear plausible narration of events from the technical & logistic end. Yes, lights in the sky are easy enough, but the sky/ground effects were quite spectacular. I agree, the military is perfectly capable of undertaking evil in the name of, "who knows what might happen to the boys in the boots on the ground, but we need to know what it'll do before we bring it out for real applications in the field," said with the proverbial lips clenched round a cigar. But having a joint experiment between military partners like this would be quite an undertaking. For this experiment to take place the whole three day event would have to be orchestrated with quite the extra personnel contingent on and off the scene to manage all the final special effects.

I'm also uninterested in arguing, but would like to see if the nuances of this chain of thinking play out in a reasonable manner. Have we any other examples of experimentation like this taking place elsewhere on NATO grounds as opposed to these field reports you posted? It's also interesting to note that the withholding of medical papers and the inaccurate record of Burroughs' duties appear to be unique as well, or is that not true? There's something anomalous here about all of this for me still that I would like to understand a bit better.
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I'm quite impressed John B. knew about Vallee's comments on C2C. He says Vallee has recanted that belief, and I would like that to be verified for sure. John B. says he intends to contact Vallee too.

I do NOT buy into the idea that JUST TWO heart flapper valves were damaged 30 years ago, and were then discovered near 2011 to have such a connection to such an unknown! There is absolutely no proof of this whatsoever, what this unknown is, though it's obvious to me John B. was subjected to Human caused experiments. That's classified, because it involves bases that probably had nuclear weapons too! Whomever has the films, *remember* there are films, knows what the hell this is all about. As far as I'm concerned, Pope is part of the cover-up knowingly or not!

I want to thank John B. for still holding out this could just as likely be Human caused events and/or experiments. Imo, this is Military Compartmentalized Need to Know... only! We won't be finding out about this anytime soon. Maybe in the next lifetime??? Wink.

John B. should just forget about being told any more about this, because they're not telling without the need to know! He got the VA benefits, and that's great too! He just won't be told more about it, imo, AND John Burroughs can ride the wave of doubt and conspiracy that is more powerful than the truth!

Btw, Pope is full of it about this not being an experiment or exercise, imo, because live weapons were not allowed to be carried on-persons walking into the field [or woods] where this happened. And, there was filming for gosh sakes!!! Plus, this all happened outside the fence lines of both bases, so there was never an immediate on-site threat. This could likely be Anti-War or Spy Criminals, but, imo, nothing more than some exotic Military probe tests that were "need to know" psyops.
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I tend to speculate that fiery-balled foofighters emit unknown levels of neutron radiation because of fusion plasma generation --- since it's fairly obvious to me --- that these alien starships that sometimes traverse Earth's atmosphere, need a source of photons in places that lack starlight photons for the photon propulsion unit on board the starship itself.

The fusion plasma is encased between two off board magnetic shields that have the power to cause fusion reactions by one magnetic shield pressing water against the other magnetic shield...until the fusion reaction occurs.

The starship is protected from the neutron radiation by a level of water between the inner magnetic shield and the outer hull of the starship itself.

Once the starship has landed...the magnetic shields are dropped when in the off-mode, and the layer of water is released onto the landing zone; thereby dousing any fires that were caused by the fusion plasma.
I'm curious if this ruling could open any doors for the (alleged) Area 51 workers who got sick from burning garbage. Their claims were shut down, I think, in the Clinton era because Area 51 did not "exist" back then. But now that the CIA has acknowledged it, maybe this recent ruling could justify giving their case a second look?
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I remember that one, told to dig a trench and burn all kinds of toxic crap, when the wind was in the right direction, only ya cant tell the wind to stay in that direction.
So Burroughs' is finally being treated by the VA for the injuries he says he sustained in connection with the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. Is that decision by the U.S. government a "de facto acknowledgment of the existence of UFOs"?
It only indicates someone in the VA felt there is enough evidence, for whatever reason, to treat him for a condition he more likely than not was exposed to or came down with while in the military. I certainly don't feel that is a "decision by the government" to "acknowledge the existence of UFO's" (or anything else, really).