Haagen-Dazs Addict
yeah, that peter dude seems 'controlling' of this case, which I think is common in these circles and I can't entirely blame people. If I spent 10 years of my life learning about something that no else wanted to know about and then it starts getting some interest, I can understand his actions, but that doesn't mean it's good for credibility and that him preaching his own conclusions as gospel on a high horse are going to help her case.
I personally think she is probably a legit paranormal experiencer and I base this not on the movie, which seems like it doesn't prove much to the average person.
I base this on the fact that her footage throws image experts for a loop, which is more important than throwing ATS postings for a loop. Furthermore, her case has been reviewed by Hynek and others, Jeff Rittzzman gives her the thumbs up and at no points has she really gone out of her way during the course of her life to get any publicity and in fact her family thinks she's nuts.
So before you dismiss this based on crumudgeon Peter and the seemingly subtle video evidence, keep in mind there are corroborating witnesses, experts who have said her case is legit, Rittzman's familiarity with aspects of her story as well as dreamworks level image experts agreeing that indeed her film is really hard to fake.
All of this indicates 100% in my mind, that there is something going there regardless of the marketing presentation that is put forth by Peter and the filmaker.
I've written this a bunch, but in Peter's book (and of course we can be weary of what he writes), it is indicated that there is a lot more film and I believe Dorothy is quoted as saying this, certainly the filmaker indicated this during the interview, and this other film is said to have much more detailed video proof.
So even if I was doubtfull, I might wait to see if this other video evidence ever goes public before slamming the gavel.
As for her ATS interview being underwhelming, I can't say I listened to it, but I also remember trying to have a coherent conversation with my late 85 year old grandmother and lets just say even at the age of 10, the conversation was less than podcast worthy
Of course this is all just my opinion and I haven't watched the video, although I did watch the trailers which came off to me a bit hokey and of course geared towards a certain reaction, but since I haven't ever put my own UFO movie together, I don't know if that is completely avoidable.
I personally think she is probably a legit paranormal experiencer and I base this not on the movie, which seems like it doesn't prove much to the average person.
I base this on the fact that her footage throws image experts for a loop, which is more important than throwing ATS postings for a loop. Furthermore, her case has been reviewed by Hynek and others, Jeff Rittzzman gives her the thumbs up and at no points has she really gone out of her way during the course of her life to get any publicity and in fact her family thinks she's nuts.
So before you dismiss this based on crumudgeon Peter and the seemingly subtle video evidence, keep in mind there are corroborating witnesses, experts who have said her case is legit, Rittzman's familiarity with aspects of her story as well as dreamworks level image experts agreeing that indeed her film is really hard to fake.
All of this indicates 100% in my mind, that there is something going there regardless of the marketing presentation that is put forth by Peter and the filmaker.
I've written this a bunch, but in Peter's book (and of course we can be weary of what he writes), it is indicated that there is a lot more film and I believe Dorothy is quoted as saying this, certainly the filmaker indicated this during the interview, and this other film is said to have much more detailed video proof.
So even if I was doubtfull, I might wait to see if this other video evidence ever goes public before slamming the gavel.
As for her ATS interview being underwhelming, I can't say I listened to it, but I also remember trying to have a coherent conversation with my late 85 year old grandmother and lets just say even at the age of 10, the conversation was less than podcast worthy
Of course this is all just my opinion and I haven't watched the video, although I did watch the trailers which came off to me a bit hokey and of course geared towards a certain reaction, but since I haven't ever put my own UFO movie together, I don't know if that is completely avoidable.