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March 9 Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

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I have not read that one, but from the Amazon blurb below it sounds like it's focused on the UFO end of things, which is probably what you want.

Some of Dr. Farrell's books focus on theoretical physics, which don't interest me at all. I like more his books which focus on Alchemy, ancient sacred texts, and how those relate to modern global high finance.

"Oxford-educated historian Farrell's sequel to Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops and his best-selling book series on suppressed technology, Nazi survival and postwar hidden conflicts. Farrell delves into the creation of a breakaway civilization by the Nazis in South America and other parts of the world. He discusses the advanced technology that they took with them at the end of the war and psychological war that they waged for decades on America and NATO. He investigates the secret space programs currently going on by the breakaway civilizations and the current militaries in control of planet Earth. Plenty of astounding accounts, documents and speculation on the incredible alternative history of hidden conflicts and secret space programs that began when World War II officially "ended.”