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Marley Woods -- Amber Lights

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Ron Collins

Curiously Confused
The following are some images of the Amber lights Ted has spoken of.

Photos taken by SIU member Josh Johnson with a digital camera.
Image 1:

Image 2:

Enhancement of Amber Light in Image 2:

These ar two ambers from seven that appeared together. After he gets home and gets things organized I am sure we will get more and better quality images.

The following are images ted has photographed himself. I do not have wider angles, higher resolution images as yet of these. Also, I have no data on camera or media format.




I will post more when available.
These ar two ambers from seven that appeared together. After he gets home and gets things organized I am sure we will get more and better quality images.
elf. I do not have wider angles, higher resolution images as yet of these. Also, I have no data on camera or media format. I will post more when available.

OK, I have a prediction: I prophecize that Lance, Angel, Paul, Frank (oh he's not here) et al., well, you know the guys--They will immediately pounce on these shots as just another bunch of glowing lights in the sky that absolutely mean nothing, have no relevance in any way shape or form, have no value and there may even be hints at possible hoaxing or something shady.

I'm no psychic but this type of uber-skepticism is highly predictable... :)
OK, I have a prediction: I prophecize that Lance, Angel, Paul, Frank (oh he's not here) et al., well, you know the guys--They will immediately pounce on these shots as just another bunch of glowing lights in the sky that absolutely mean nothing, have no relevance in any way shape or form, have no value and there may even be hints at possible hoaxing or something shady.
I'm no psychic but this type of uber-skeptic is highly predictable... :)
Hey, I resemble that remark. :)I'm actually not an uberskeptic. I believe in the reality of the UFO phenomenon. I'm just seriously bugged by certain things in UFOlogy.

Compared to the animal pictures these ones are more compelling. I'm no expert in photo analysis so I can't comment on authenticity. I don't drop the h word unless I have evidence.

With that said, I can't come to any conclusions about what these photos are showing me. The lights don't seem to have a definite shape. What are they? No one can tell. V:shy:V
I know from first hand experience that a "light in the sky" can in fact be something very unordinary. my close encounter of a UFO resulted in a photo that yielded similar images. my account of this sighting is here somewhere along with the photo.

IMO a light in the sky can most definitely be a genuine anomalous air craft.
I know from first hand experience that a "light in the sky" can in fact be something very unordinary. my close encounter of a UFO resulted in a photo that yielded similar images. my account of this sighting is here somewhere along with the photo.

IMO a light in the sky can most definitely be a genuine anomalous air craft.
Mysterious, strange, anomaly, unexplained, certainly. But aircraft or spaceship is seriously jumping the gun.
OK, I have a prediction: I prophecize that Lance, Angel, Paul, Frank (oh he's not here) et al., well, you know the guys--They will immediately pounce on these shots as just another bunch of glowing lights in the sky that absolutely mean nothing, have no relevance in any way shape or form, have no value and there may even be hints at possible hoaxing or something shady.

I'm no psychic but this type of uber-skepticism is highly predictable... :)

Yes, they are lights in the sky, and right now we can't determine what they are.
However, speaking of predictable, I predict that Mr. O'Brien will attribute these lights to the trickster along with everything else. :)
OK, I have a prediction: I prophecize that Lance, Angel, Paul, Frank (oh he's not here) et al., well, you know the guys--They will immediately pounce on these shots as just another bunch of glowing lights in the sky that absolutely mean nothing, have no relevance in any way shape or form, have no value and there may even be hints at possible hoaxing or something shady.

I'm no psychic but this type of uber-skepticism is highly predictable... :)

You say it like its somehow more scientific, more moral, or more acceptable to immediately look at these photo's and assume that something paranormal is happening just because the person who took the photo said so.
Look here's the bottom line... whenever there is a claim of paranormal you should always start with the most earthly explanation, because that is the one most likely to be right and its the one that has the most basis in science. IF (and its a big IF) you see any kind of evidence that suggests otherwise then fairplay, maybe you can start to think about the paranormal, but since we haven't seen anything of the sort it is madness (in my opinion) to claim that these photo's are anything other than grainy pictures of lights.

I am not claiming that there are no UFO's (or other paranormal phenomena), in fact not a day goes by without me being suprised about the fact that with all that real estate out there, we arent inundated with Aliens.... but its people who look at these pictures and see an alien craft, or a trickster or anything other than just lights that make this topic such a laughing stock and keep the general public from being interested.
It's not just skeptics. Virtually all serious UFO researchers admit that lights in the sky are almost worthless as evidence. Zooming in on a crappy video image (well beyond its actual resolution) is the very height of crank science. Such closeups are stupid beyond belief--you aren't seeing data (for the most part) you are seeing noise.

And for certain people here, that is just as they like it.

Steven Greer has tons of these same kinds of night shots and blow ups etc.

Somehow he never cranks out the photos of himself holding the alien baby.

Classy job, Chris, referring to Frank (who is mysteriously now banned) when he can't respond.


A couple of things.

1) I believe that there is video of these objects. I will confirm that and if possible post it. I have often said that distant lights in the sky hold little interest to me. In most of these cases we get an unsourced YouTube video a few minutes in length with no beginning of the phenomenon and no end. Just 10 seconds to 5 minutes in the middle of the encounter. Plus they are always either distant lights, high altitude appearing and therefore very limited detail, or both. However, these are not extremely distant or in high altitude. I would like to see more and if there is video I would like to see the flight characteristics.

2) Frank was not mysteriously banned. He was banned for blatantly insulting a guest of the show calling him a "fraud and an ass". I have stated a few times that being a guest in my mind entitles you to more leniency and certainly more protection from being personally attacked. So, that being the case I certainly have no problem with the decision to ban him. Now, I would not have used his name in my post like Chris did but thats me.
However, speaking of predictable, I predict that Mr. O'Brien will attribute these lights to the trickster along with everything else. :)
Awww come on Angelo. I don't think everything weird is the trickster. Gimme a break! True, trickster-like qualities abound in most so-called paranormal events, but a light in the sky is the trickster? The trickster is not necessarily a thing (although it can be), it is an agenda. I know you were joking, but it was the hint of sarcasm that suggests I am NOT a critical thinker that is unfair. Don't forget: I never said I believed in ANY of this---none---zero, zilch. I accept that weird things happen, but I don't claim to have any answers or even buy into my own hypothesis. At least I come up with some creative thinking occasionally--not like some of the skeptics around here who say none of these phenomena are high-strange: case closed...
If there's one thing I cannot get at all excited about it's globulous balls of light. We're learning more about plasma phenomena in our atmosphere but there's still so much we don't know. If they were being seen in conjunction with other strange events than I might be more interested but taken by themselves it just doesn't seem like something paranormal to me. Could be ball lightning, earth lights, gas, etc.
I think the point that Ron and Chris are seeing ( not the lights. I agree that could be anything.) Is that if you invite a person to be on your show and they are trashed and called names. Well, then why would they even "consider" walking into something like that? Now, challenged? Yeah. But, if I were called a "fraud" everytime I stated my feelings then I would never, ever go back to such a show. there are to many of em out there to be treated like shit by one of em. So, just "think" about it. You may not agree with somebody and it's fine to state why you don't. But, Gene and Chris have a show to do. They don't have the "luxury" of taking pot shots everytime a "forum member" gets their panties in a wad. Ron, your doing a great job of moderating even when I don't agree with you there is still a professional and polite spirit (If I can use that word around certain people here) about you.
Well, as you know I am one of the very vocal opponents of banning unless somebody is using personal attacks or threats. I was out there on a limb (Hey I made a Shirley Maclaine reference.) ;)not to long ago. But, I "courageously" held muh ground. (insert stirring muscical score here.):cool: But, seriously, (no I didn't call you Shirley) I do enjoy a civil debate and back and forth. I have honestly stated my posisitons and I try my best to "think" about what somebody else is saying when they take the time to respond to me.
Mysterious, strange, anomaly, unexplained, certainly. But aircraft or spaceship is seriously jumping the gun.

not at all. what my girlfriend and I saw was some sort of structured aircraft. it flew away and then came back at us and veered away, we chased it to where I could try and get a shot. mind you it was 3 below zero, the wind blowing hard and I was fumbling with a brand new pocket camera and all I got for a shot was "a squiggly light in the sky". I jumped back in the car and chased it at speeds up to about 80 mph on slippery ice covered roads. when I pulled over to try and get another shot I heard a roar and a small jet flew over my head and chased the aircraft out of sight. I called the airport to report a hovering and low flying aircraft in the flight path of our local medical helicopter and was told there was no traffic in the area, when I said there was an unknown aircraft with a small jet right off its left side, they said again that there was no traffic and woul I like to speak to FAA. I talked to them and was told the same thing, "no traffic in the area". SO.... I call bullshit on you stphrz.
Don't do that! Bad pixelsmith! Placing yourself and others in mortal danger for the possibility of another squiggly light photo isn't cool dude.

Dude... I live in the boonies, no one in their right mind (but me) would have been out on that road in sub zero weather with gusts around 40 - 50 mph. I was the only car on the road. I am a damn good driver, love danger and I would have hit 100 mph if thats what it took to keep up with that thing. If you would have seen what I did, you probably would have too.
Dude... I live in the boonies, no one in their right mind (but me) would have been out on that road in sub zero weather with gusts around 40 - 50 mph. I was the only car on the road. I am a damn good driver, love danger and I would have hit 100 mph if thats what it took to keep up with that thing. If you would have seen what I did, you probably would have too.

Well, I hope your girlfriend wasn't in the car with you. I'm half blind and a little crazy [stands up suddenly and demands to know who said that] so I avoid high speed chases as a matter of course but I do enjoy me some severe weather now and again.
Well, I hope your girlfriend wasn't in the car with you. I'm half blind and a little crazy [stands up suddenly and demands to know who said that] so I avoid high speed chases as a matter of course but I do enjoy me some severe weather now and again.

Yes she was in the car screaming catch it! catch it! Now.... she will not talk about it except to me. We have both learned it is not always a good idea to discuss such things with even your closest friends OR family.