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Marley Woods Unknown Creature

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There is (or certainly was at least) quite a few large cats (panthers etc) roaming the countryside in the UK. They're often linked with the paranormal for some reason but its likely that they were just rich peoples pets before the law changed which banned people in the UK from owning large cats. Rather than have their beloved pets destroyed, the people released them into the wild.
In all fairness, it's there for a reason.
Obviously, there is always a reason.

In that case the reason is your minimal understanding of irony coupled with too little experience of being in a position of authority. :D
C'mon gimme some more, if your notion of fairness tells you so... do the right thing.
The evidence we got so far frequently is inadequate and I am disappointed.

Ted has been how long in this location twenty years or something? The evidence does not match the many stories he portrayed. I actually do understand why Lance and Angel are less then impressed with it all!!

By the way were is the pictures of the amber ball of light that were meant to be posted. Anyone please!!
It think it may be the "He-Dog."
I had one of those suckers on the roof of my barn one time...a big one.
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The evidence we got so far frequently is inadequate and I am disappointed.

Ted has been how long in this location twenty years or something? The evidence does not match the many stories he portrayed. I actually do understand why Lance and Angel are less then impressed with it all!!

By the way were is the pictures of the amber ball of light that were meant to be posted. Anyone please!!

Kieran, you're back! Glad to see you.

I recently listened to the March 2008 Ted Phillips episode, and it was interesting to hear, even then, that he had tons and tons of photos of UFOs that he was going to be posting on his web site. Some incredible stuff was mentioned and David was really enthusiastic about seeing the pictures. It was some UFO in Kansas that was leaving glowing circles, and the file took up many cabinets, many witnesses, many photos.
Two years have passed - does anyone know where these photos are?
Help me out here. Ted sounds like a super great guy, but he's making it hard for me to be on the same page as him.

Another interesting tidbit - He said that he and Phil Klass were good buddies. Well that must have made for some great conversations.
Kieran, you're back! Glad to see you.

I recently listened to the March 2008 Ted Phillips episode, and it was interesting to hear, even then, that he had tons and tons of photos of UFOs that he was going to be posting on his web site. Some incredible stuff was mentioned and David was really enthusiastic about seeing the pictures. It was some UFO in Kansas that was leaving glowing circles, and the file took up many cabinets, many witnesses, many photos.
Two years have passed - does anyone know where these photos are?
Help me out here. Ted sounds like a super great guy, but he's making it hard for me to be on the same page as him.

Another interesting tidbit - He said that he and Phil Klass were good buddies. Well that must have made for some great conversations.

Thanks Angel, nice to be missed. A few other forum members sent private mail asking if I was ok and that was cool.

All I will say Angel is. I'm less sure about Ted now, he talked a good story, but it looks like he hyped the evidence up a bit to say the least.

He might have better Evidence, but why not give his best evidence to Ron and Chris? At the end of the day, Ted reputation as a researcher is being called into question and scrutinised. If he fails to deliver when his new site does finally come online. Then there is only one option left and I leave it up to all of you to figure out what I mean.
The evidence we got so far frequently is inadequate and I am disappointed.

Ted has been how long in this location twenty years or something? The evidence does not match the many stories he portrayed. I actually do understand why Lance and Angel are less then impressed with it all!!

By the way were is the pictures of the amber ball of light that were meant to be posted. Anyone please!!

Sorry, I have been extremely busy this week I will create a quick thread today.


---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

Thanks Angel, nice to be missed. A few other forum members sent private mail asking if I was ok and that was cool.

All I will say Angel is. I'm less sure about Ted now, he talked a good story, but it looks like he hyped the evidence up a bit to say the least.

He might have better Evidence, but why not give his best evidence to Ron and Chris? At the end of the day, Ted reputation as a researcher is being called into question and scrutinised. If he fails to deliver when his new site does finally come online. Then there is only one option left and I leave it up to all of you to figure out what I mean.

He is still at the site. He does not have access to his stuff from there. he has to use a friends computer on the rare occasions when he drives into town. I am not trying to be an apologist. I think we need to post all the information he has as quickly as we can. However, we need to work around his investigation schedule and give him some time. Pulling a website together can be hard. He has had little or no help over the years. I think this accounts for that. I have assured him this is not a hit and run for me and I dont expect money for doing it. I plan on giving him every opportunity to get that information out there because I think probably does have some very good video, images, and physical evidence.
At the end of the day, Ted reputation as a researcher is being called into question and scrutinised.

I like Ted. I am rooting for the guy. However, I am just amazed that after decades of research so little evidence or evidence of so little importance, has been made public. Maybe all the good stuff is being held close to the chest, however I'd dare say its past time to show the cards. Am I being unreasonable in this estimation?
Pretty disappointing to see what came out of all this. I remember hearing the Ted Philips show and also thinking "uh-huh" when he talked about this picture. This just seems like he realized that he promised too much, got a bit desperate because of the pressure and then resorted to post/make this picture...which, lets be honest, shows nothing interesting. I hope that isn't the case, cause a lot of what he has done during the years is really great, but its hard to see it otherwise.

However much we like and want to believe in these cases bringing us something exotic - and believe me, that includes me - its about time to realize that waiting around on the evidence is a dead end. Lance and Paul and other "skeptics" have some good points that i think everyone should start taking more seriously if we ever want to see a more widespread acceptance of these phenomena. If there hasn't been a single really good picture (except arguably a handful that are still in limbo) of radical cryptids until now, why would Philips all of a sudden have one of such incredible kind? Well i think its safe to say he hasn't...I don't think anyone has. That he and so many others claim to have and boast of it without proving it on the other hand, is a whole mystery in and of itself. Furthermore i think several researchers, a looong time ago, gave some good hypothesis on why it wont happen. Jenny Randles "Mind Monsters" is one example a book i can recommend that does this.

I dont think at all that the field research is superfluous, i think its really good and important to document sightings and study physical evidence where there may be some. Just as long as we don't keep on and on waiting for this incredible smoking gun evidence when some person is finally in the right place on the right time with a camera that doesn't malfunction. Maybe we should be using more time on getting back to working out what it may mean if these...things...aren't "real" in the way we think of as real. This is "the paranormal" after all, and its the one area that could interest many new scientists, as long as its presented in the right way.

I'm not directing this at any forum participators here, just putting in my few cents...
Ron, is there any progress with this website http://www.tedphillips.org/ updating?

It is slow going. Ted is out at the Marley Woods site and is working on getting me some content for the site. I have sen him a USB hard drive to speed up the process as the ftp transfer was dependent on a 56k modem from his location. I am hoping to get some data back next week. I will update when I know more.


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