Jim Oberg
Skilled Investigator
I am pointing out that an object was reported seen in front of an astronaut & he is informed.."there is an object right in front of you"..& we see it too on the video! There is no NASA report of a camera being 'down' with an detached & escaping 'Lens Filter' in real time (we see it used later on in the spacewalk) or in post flight reports. The conversation is totally strange as well! They do not say it is ice nor do they say debris.."right in front of you."... That's what this is all about.
I've pointed out before that you remain clueless about even what is being talked about by the astronauts and Mission Control, with a passion to pieemeal-misinterpret things you see and hear to fit your pre-existing vision of what must be going on. 'Orbiter State vector' versus 'order to stay vector' was -- and remains -- a typical example of your imagination-driven misinterpretations.