DBTrek said:
I enjoyed listening to the May 13th show with Jeff, especially the segments relating to UFO photographs...
Yeah. That last half sure was boring. Jeez, who was that dopey guest in the second half anyway?
Ghis said:
...At the end of the show, Jeff is saying that he was seeing a sphere and his wife didn't, and he just took a step sideway and didn't see it anymore. Well they where saying that it could be like a projection, mental or physical. But I was thinking that it could also be that if they use field that bends light around them it's possible that they could have an angle that doesn't work. I think that it's two do. And that if you look at it in any other angle you don't see it, but the minute that you get to that angle, voila, it's there! It's just something that hit me went he said it.....
Another excellent theory to consider. To use an aging corporate phrase, let's "dovetail" that into David's observations, shall we?
I recall that David's encounter with a large spliff (oops) I mean cigar-shaped UFO (sorry, I'm feeling a little goofy tonight), involved 3 spheres which ejected from the craft, positioned themselves like destroyers around a battleship, and then suddenly blipped out of site. Now, David postulated that the craft didn't go anywhere, that it was likely that something was malfunctioning which blocks the object from view, and whatever that malfunction was, caused the craft to become visible...So, couldn't that "something" be related to the propulsions system, more specifically, related to the bending of light and other forms of energy perhaps, around the craft? In that context, it fits perfectly with your thoughts. Jeff's sighting could have been a similar kind of malfunction, yes? Perhaps part of 'something' out there was visible by Jeff at a certain angle, due to a failing whatever on the craft, which normally bends light. Ghis, I think your observations parallel Davids quite well.
Embarrasingly enough, I've listened to the episode a couple times now
, and one thing I keep coming back to, which Jeff suggested, was the potential subjectivity of UFO encounters (such as the one Jeff himself experienced). You know, there's another poster in the BT thread, BayAreaMom, who draws that conclusion, and I've read it elsewhere as well: The idea that these experiences (call them what you will) are 'intended' for those observers to see and experience. He argued that this was not outside the realm of possibility, and the more I muster up the strength to imagine this scenario, the more plausible it could be..."Just as plausible as any other theory I suppose", to use Ritzmann-speak.
So, is it a mechanical issue, or is it a subjective issue? Frankly, I think that touches upon a key issue in Ufology. What are they, and what are their intentions? How are we connected to them? Are UFO's separate and alien from the human experience, or are they integral?
My head is spinning. I need a 'cigar'!