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May 22, 2016 — Kevin D. Randle

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Randle just gets better IMO and his change of mind on Roswell is a positive thing; if only some others prominent in the field would take their heads and book/lecture deals out of the New Mexico sand. I listened to this show a week late, right after the Stanton Friedman self-promotory wafflefest (2 hours of my life that I will never get back), and the difference between the two guests couldn't be more stark. I find Kevin's treatment of some other sacred cows of the field to be equally refreshing. Just what the doctor ordered. Like GMP and Existential have said in their Paracast+ reviews: cutting through the crap, taking us closer to the truth, solid episode.
The paracast is my favourite show across ALL mediums. I'm always a little puzzled by such comments as above. If you don't like don't listen. End of.
I think people have a right to express their OPINION. That is all it is. Such opinions are posted in the hope that things will improve. I really can't stand the response "Love it or leave it". In other words, never improve anything. Just like it as it is. If that was actually followed, we'd still be using gas lamps and going to the store in a wagon pulled by a horse. Silly example, but you get my drift.
I'm fairly new to the forums, but have listened to the show for about three years. And I have to say it is one of the top paranormal radio shows on the air. If there's an episode you don't like, just don't listen to it.

I will say, that at times, Chris does seem 'grumpy' but I get why. This field can be extremely discouraging. And I respect his truthfulness and honesty.

You're doing a great job guys. Keep up the great work!!
Chris just needs to take a bubble bath before each episode with a glass of wine and a centerfold magazine. :-)
Sometimes being ggrumpy is good when the subject matter makes you feel grumpy. Would you listeners rather have us hide our feelings? That's not The Paracast way.
No! But if a host comes to an episode feeling sad or angry, that comes through. So for avid listeners, it might be nice if some explanation was given, e.g., "I am feeling really sad because I watched a very sad LIFETIME movie last night" or "I am grouchy because I have the hemorrhoids of death right now". You have no obligation to share your personal lives, but since a lot of listeners feel close to you, they pick up on every nuance. So it might help to just make some general statement about your state of being, particularly if it has dipped. If you don't want to share the real reason, just make up something, e.g., "I am feeling grouchy because I feel that GRR Martin is never going to finish the GAME OF THRONES books" :)
I know you work hard to find factual high quality guests. But perhaps you could take a ride on the wild side by booking a CONTACTEE, just so that LARGE side of ufology can be represented and consequently critically discussed. I would recommend someone like SHERRY WILDE, who wrote THE FORGOTTEN PROMISE. She is a modest kindly lady who is at Contact in the Desert this weekend. She seems to truly believe that she has been abducted for decades. She also believes that "her guys" (as she calls them) give her spiritual wisdom that "coincidentally" seems to match decades of NEW AGE channeling about the coming "Ascension" (New Age version of The Rapture) and the intent of our space brothers.

In the past, such a person would make me groan and roll my beautiful eyes. But since ufology has been in a funk for some time now, I have branched out into the Contactee realm (after Nick Redfern's sympathetic rendering of this large area of ufology). I find the stories entertaining and strange. From a psychological standpoint, I wonder if such people are on the level or just faking it for attention.

But on a much deeper level, it scares me to think that perhaps Sherry Wilde is actually telling us exactly what happened to her. Perhaps her aliens do sermonize about basic human New Age ideas. And if they really do, what does that say about the "reality" of such aliens? Are they perhaps, as Jacques Vallee said decades ago, a control system that espouses New Age beliefs or basic Christian beliefs (with Jesus piloting a ship as Sananda)? Then there is the decades old Ashtar Command, which I have always jokingly called the Ashcan Command.

Are Contactees in touch with the TRICKSTER element of ufology?

What if experiencers are literally being told these things as part of some bizarre trickster game. What if an aspect of this phenomena (per George Hansen) is intentionally inserting elements of absurdity to keep "serious" investigators and the general public away? Are Contactees being duped, playing the "useful idiots" in ufology to help keep the subject marginalized?

Note: There are a lot of YOUTUBE interviews with Sherry Wilde that will give you a taste of her personality. She is calm and not bombastic. She comes across as rather sweet. I think she would be a good candidate for being a guest to represent this entire "movement" within ufology.
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I know you work hard to find factual high quality guests. But perhaps you could take a ride on the wild side by booking a CONTACTEE, just so that LARGE side of ufology can be represented and consequently critically discussed. I would recommend someone like SHERRY WILDE, who wrote THE FORGOTTEN PROMISE. She is a modest kindly lady who is at Contact in the Desert this weekend….Note: There are a lot of YOUTUBE interviews with Sherry Wilde that will give you a taste of her personality. She is calm and not bombastic. She comes across as rather sweet. I think she would be a good candidate for being a guest to represent this entire "movement" within ufology.
Funny you should mention her, she was at the next table over from the Adventures Unlimited book table. She was quiet and seemed like a sweet grandma. I didn't speak w/ her (she wasn't at her table much) but I did speak briefly w/ her husband (?) He seemed down2earth… I'll look into it, good idea!
I think people have a right to express their OPINION. That is all it is. Such opinions are posted in the hope that things will improve. I really can't stand the response "Love it or leave it". In other words, never improve anything. Just like it as it is. If that was actually followed, we'd still be using gas lamps and going to the store in a wagon pulled by a horse. Silly example, but you get my drift.

I agree and see your point. Constructive criticism is a good thing. Just so it stays constructive and doesn't devolve into trolling.
.... Kevin's about-face on Roswel.....he is clearly bitter over being excluded and lied to during his time as a "dream team" member, and now seems to attack Roswell since he is no longer allowed in the club..... Suddenly, after all that, and despite the fact he has spent his entire career propping us Roswell, does he finally become a hard nosed skeptic.

For many years KDR has rejected certain witnesses and expressed frustration over all the bs in the case. But he always pointed to credible core testimony. Now he's an outright skeptic?? I didn't see him announce any such thing in his blog.
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I will tell you less than a year ago, I called into Dark Matters Radio and told Kevin Randell, I thought the whole notion of Roswell was ridiculous. I told him the idea we were going to keep the alien craft in a tin hanger surrounded by a chain-linked fence, and somehow, the aliens couldn't come back and retrieve their property was laughable to me. If this phenomena is "self concealing" and these "beings" are so advanced, there is no way they would allow us to keep their spaceship in a tin hanger behind a chain linked fence.

Just because ETs are capable of traversing interstellar distances doesn't mean they're omnipotent and omniscient. If they were, there wouldn't have been a crash--actually a number of them--in the first place. The US was far stronger than North Vietnam; did it ever retrieve wreckage and pilots that went down over there? Likewise, the Israelis were always extremely capable and more advanced technologically than their adversaries. But not even they succeeded at it--AFAIK they never even attempted it. And any ET material is presumably, about as carefully hidden as can be.

He scoffed at my point, and doubled down on the credibility of the witnesses. I then asked him if he agreed with Stanton that 2 ships crashed into each other, and he said he did not. I then asked if the witnesses were so reliable, how could there be two drastically different versions of the event, he again doubled down on the credibility of the witnesses and said his witnesses were better than Stan's and Stan was going off one or two people's word when it comes to the 2nd craft.

KDR was right. The Barnet story has been discredited and Anderson fared even worse.

Now the question arises, what caused this massive change? Remember, He has been familiar with this same evidence for decades. I can only suggest that after listening to his disgust about being a part of the "Roswell Dream Team" and "sitting down with the other members in Roswell to discuss a book, only to be lied to about the slides," Kevin has now gone scorched earth on all things Roswell....

From the start I assumed the slides were bogus and a waste of time. But I don't think KDR now says Roswell was not ET; at least he hasn't said so in his blog.
Just because ETs are capable of traversing interstellar distances doesn't mean they're omnipotent and omniscient. If they were, there wouldn't have been a crash--actually a number of them--in the first place. The US was far stronger than North Vietnam; did it ever retrieve wreckage and pilots that went down over there? Likewise, the Israelis were always extremely capable and more advanced technologically than their adversaries. But not even they succeeded at it--AFAIK they never even attempted it. And any ET material is presumably, about as carefully hidden as can be.

KDR was right. The Barnet story has been discredited and Anderson fared even worse.

From the start I assumed the slides were bogus and a waste of time. But I don't think KDR now says Roswell was not ET; at least he hasn't said so in his blog.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I spoke to Kevin on the air and pressed him about Roswell. He never once said, "look, I agree with you, there are major problems with the story, but I believe it." Instead, he dismissed everything I said outright, and doubled down on the witnesses, his tone and the positions he took on that show was totally different than the scathing attack he launched against 90% of the main Roswell narrative on this last PC appearance. Again, I am not coming at this at a pissed off devotee of Roswell, I think much of the narrative sounds like hogwash to me. I am also not upset that Kevin Randell has had a change of heart about aspects of the case (most of it, as it now seems). What makes me angry is the fact it appears to me that this about face was more about getting back at those who he feels slighted him, rather than an honest re-evaluation of the evidence. I get the sense he is drawing a line in the sand and essentially telling the other "dream team members" they better be ready to deal with his skepticism, which would no doubt be a major blow to any future book they may release.

I would bet 5 years from now, Schmitt and Carrey release a book...and by then Randell will be a total skeptic on Roswell and write a book objecting to theirs...This will be his payback for being left out of the loop and the realization the pennies that are left writing Roswell books will probably be made when a mainstream former supporter changes their mind and writes the "blockbuster book."

Imagine if Stanton Friendman wrote a book that said, "I Was Wrong: Rosewell 50 years later" that book would sell more copies and generate more press for Stanton than another MJ-12 book...The well is dry so these authors are now starting to look for fresh ground.
I would bet 5 years from now, Schmitt and Carrey release a book...and by then Randell will be a total skeptic on Roswell

So he's not one now. But I'll understand if he slams any work based on new disinfo--which is all we're likely to see as long as there's secrecy (witnesses are practically gone), and I think that'll last a long time.

Imagine if Stanton Friendman wrote a book that said, "I Was Wrong: Rosewell 50 years later" that book would sell more copies and generate more press for Stanton than another MJ-12 book

First of all, the 50th anniversary was almost 20 years ago, and Stan probably doesn't have much time left. But more importantly, books by skeptics never sold as well as those by believers. They have inherently much less fascination for most people. :) Maybe they'll try to hype up some other case...
So he's not one now. But I'll understand if he slams any work based on new disinfo--which is all we're likely to see as long as there's secrecy (witnesses are practically gone), and I think that'll last a long time.

First of all, the 50th anniversary was almost 20 years ago, and Stan probably doesn't have much time left. But more importantly, books by skeptics never sold as well as those by believers. They have inherently much less fascination for most people. :) Maybe they'll try to hype up some other case...

Stanton was not writing about Roswell in 1947
Authors make money from other folks some tell truths other BS to sell books it happens not just in paranormal bookstores. Do your own homework which suits your interests not anyone else and I am not interested in children tactics of ego antics , name calling and rumor mongering which plagues this fieldwork among authors instead bring together finding scientific answers which some are not in main stream society; Roswell Cases human/not are part and parcel of UFO mythology virus and some authors rather attack people looking for answers instead working together.
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Stanton was not writing about Roswell in 1947

Sure the 50th anniversary of the start of his involvement will be in 2028. I doubt he'll still be around by then. To my knowledge, he never openly repudiated the EBD, despite all the convincing attacks on it. Don't hold your breath waiting for him to reject the whole Roswell case. :)
Great show. I know, I'm well behind schedule. Actually, I was thinking of leaving the episode out altogether (what with the subject being Roswell and UFOs which I must say I'm equally tired of), but now I'm glad I listened all the way to the end. Randle is one of the sharpest minds and thoroughest researchers in the field and he is a delight to listen to. OK, maybe he was a little harsh on Mr Friedman there, but I guess it's give-and-take.

The stinger for me came, of course, at the end. I had no idea that he has written about regression hypnosis. A case of possible past life memories showing up unexpectedly. Although I think that hypnotic regression can't produce real evidence (the risk of the "memories" gliding into pure imagination is too high), I believe Mr Randle that they did try not to lead "Jenny". And if it really helped her, it would seem that something more was going on than just her imagination running wild. So I just bought the book (which luckily is available on Kindle).