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May 24, 2015 — Tim Beckley

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I just started to listen to this episode with Tim Beckley and had to stop for a minute to comment on the Roswell slide fallout. One of the big frustrations to this situation is that it will overshadow Ron Regehrs new book which may really have some of the first good new evidence supporting the Roswell story. I don't like paranoid conspiracy UFO cover-up stuff but, this is how you suppress cover things up. by overshadowing real evidence with CRAP and hoaxes.

I don't think the Roswell slides fallout will overshadow Ron Regehr's new book, at least not for people who pay attention to new published research and read it. As for those who don't, it doesn't matter what they think, unless one's goal for internet ufo chat is that it should change global perceptions about ufo history.
Well, after listening to the show with Tim Beckley, it's clear to me that people who have been involved in the UFO field for a long time such as Gene and Tim share a certain frustration in the field. One of the problems with Ufology is that it gets jumbled in the pile with a bunch of other paranormal stuff like Bigfoot. I think this is one of the reasons why the mainstream science community doesn't take them seriously. I think in general and the paranormal community is viewed as a bunch of "older" guys who listen to late night radio and believe in all kinds of weird paranoid conspiracy theories. People either forget or don't realize how many legitimate scientists have been involved in this kind of research. The problem however that I see is that there seems to be a almost a competitive nature amongst the various researchers and authors. And it almost sounds snippy at times with people taking shots at each other. Once again listening to Beckley I feel frustrated because there simply seems to be no consensus about what these "things" are. If people in the field want to be taken seriously they need to stop saying; maybe it's this, maybe it's that, maybe it's this, maybe it's that?... There needs to be some kind of consensus and some kind of true categorization and maybe narrowing the possibilities.
I fully realize that there could be a number of phenomena involved on this planet that produce weird results. The problem is that, the weirder the suggestions get, the more people tend to look at you funny. When people start suggesting things like interdimensional beings and other things like Sky Critters and that type of thing, can you blame the science community for not taking it seriously? I know people are bored with the limiting idea of "aliens" but that's easier to wrap their heads around. That does not mean that I don't believe there could be natural or supernatural phenomenon, because after all what I know? But in order to accomplish research you have to come up with some type of unifying theory. I think of the evolution field. There are many people contributing to that kind of research but they managed to generally come up with a consensus.
If you guys really want to be taken seriously it might be a good idea to start narrowing the possibilities of what could be going on.
The most likely possibilities to explain many of these things might be, 1) secret military involvement or other forms of scientific research; 2) some type of "off planet" cultural involvement (which does not necessarily involve or include aliens) ; 3) natural phenomena; 4) hoaxes and mistakes.
I think when you start talking about interdimensional supernatural types of things, The question I have how could you possibly measure that? It's like searching for angels to me and I think that's when people start to turn their head and walk away.
I definitely feel this field needs to get some new minds working on it and maybe some fresh blood and possibly less jaded view points.
Had to chip in and voice my appreciation for shows like these featuring a guy like Beckley who has been around for a long time in the field and done solid work studying the weird and anomalistic. A maverick researcher that does not shy away from looking at UFOs and other phenomenon in a creative non-conformative (a proper word?) way.

I enjoy the conversation where Gene and these types of guests reminisce and we get to hear about things going on in the golden age of ufology. Now I am only waiting for Jerome Clark and Allen Greenfield to make return visits as well. It would be great to have a roundtable- type episode bringing all these guys together for some in depth reminiscing.