Skilled Investigator
Nothing on the RFI has been released.
Nothing on the RFI has been released.
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Man, you really should listen to the May 17th show. I describe something very similar. I did a poor job of articulating how it felt at the time, but it did seem as if I were somehow a conduit for what was happening and the boundary between internal consciousness and external reality became unified.However, in the interest of setting the record straight about my sighting, I was interested in UFOs before I had my sighting.
Believe it or not it happened on my birthday! me and two of my friends had gone to see independence day on the very same day! That night we were out my back garden in Dublin, Ireland (where I'm from). My two friends were there along with my little brother. The adults were inside chatting. I was quite young at the time.
We noticed a triangular object that came in at the end with a light on each apex and a very bright light in the middle. I told my brother to run in and get a camera, but by the time he did it had dissappeared above the clouds. When I was looking at it it was like seeing something I expected to see, and also like it was being shown to us.
I wouldn't say it was another reality as such (I think that such concepts are a part of physics at this moment in time, as a way of bringing together loose ends, but I think it is an incomplete picture).
Rather, I would say that it was more like a synchronicity, like the collective unconscious manifesting, as Carl Jung described.
I like to call it "Interactive Mythology".
I posted a thread with that name a few weeks back, you should check it out. I wouldn't say that the sighting was life changing, but I will say this. Before that I thought the phenonemon was a nuts and bolts thing, and was what you might call an advocate of the ET hypothesis. But thinking back on the actual experience of it, it completely changed my mind about that.
I think that the man as far as all this stuff goes is Mr. Jacques Vallee, mixed in with a bit of Carl Jung, with a dash of Terrence Mckenna for good measure.