I reached the conclusion that fish have emotions based on personal expieriance and from things I have read and seen:
A few examples are
(1) I had an aquarium with tropical fish, one of the kinds of fish I kept were called "kissing gouramis" to cut a long story short you buy these fish in "pairs" as they "mate" for life and when one died the other was "heart broken" and died soon afterwards.
(2) I have seen very large fish in far too small tanks in pet shops, and they to my eyes at least, look bored and sad, a bit like lizzrads and snakes do when I see them in the same conditions.
(3) I have seen (on tv) a squid flash a whole series of warning and distress signals when hooked.
(4) I have seen small male cuttle fish impersonate female ones to deceive larger male rivals in order to mate with a female*
(5) I have seen a giant octopus mother guard and care for her eggs with more dedication than a lot of birds.**
(6) Many fish return to where they where born/hatched and so must have some sort of knowledge of navigation like homing pidgeons for example.
Here is a segment from a book about fish and emotions:
do fish feel pain? | fishcount.org.uk
here is a scientific paper on fish hunting cooperatively
PLOS Biology: Interspecific Communicative and Coordinated Hunting between Groupers and Giant Moray Eels in the Red Sea
Regarding being emotionaly attached to animals I would have to say that I am, I have had pets and when they died or were ill I was genuinly distressed. Having said that I think humans are top of the food chain and have a "right" and desire to eat animals, but in my opinion only if the animal in question is treated with respect, and not as a walking £ or $ sign.
As for what I eat I would have to say that I am very dependant on dairy products and I will only buy "organic" products I am well aware that the dairy and meat industries go hand in hand (I guess thats why in my earlier post I stated that I was emotionaly biased on this subject because I know I am a hypocrate on this matter but I could not live happily as a vegan)
Lastly just for clarity I would "like" people to buy and eat more responsibly but I do not have the "right" or inclination to tell anybody what is right or wrong for them.
P.s. I am hoping in the near future to read this book "do fish feel pain victoria braithwaite 2010 (Professor of fisheries and biology)
Female impersonation as an alternative reproductive strategy in giant cuttlefish
The Hardest-Working Mom On The Planet : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR