Here is an interesting video. It claims that it was no meteor and that a UFO caused it to break up. Funny mad conspiracy? Maybe, but nonetheless it is very interesting. One of the pieces of footage clearly shows a solid object accelerating toward the 'meteor' on an exact matching trajectory, it collides with and splits the meteor, emerging out the front, apparently unchanged/undamaged itself, and it continues on...ahead of the main part it hit.
Now it may seem at first thought that it could just be part of this meteor or a companion one but when you think about it, that would be impossible almost.
For a start, to have the precise trajectory to enter the comet precisely from behind, whilst on the exact same flight path in 3-D space, it would have to have been part of the meteor prior to entry into our atmosphere. But if it was, how did it end up slower, to fall behind and then so much faster so that it could then accelerate and punch through the main part? Even a difference in wind resistance due to size and shape would not have as pronounced effect as is seen.
So if the object that smashes the meteor was not part of the actual meteor, what are the chances of two completely separate objects, entering our atmosphere on the exact same path, and the following object catching up?
Another thing is that if it was just a collision, there is such a small chance of the smaller object being undamaged and not being deviated from it's course whatsoever? We are thinking billiard balls in 3-D space, you know how it works in a game of pool etc.
I'm not saying that there is any spaceship etc but the behaviour of this piece that breaks the main part is just not random at all. One final thing, at least the way it looks in the video, the smaller object either just appears near the meteor tail, or it emerges from the tail, which would be highly impossible as it would have to have deviated it's course a fair bit - and how? Now I know lots of possible ways of moving could be caused by various collisions etc but that is just not what is shown in the video.
PLEASE make sure to watch some other footage of a supposed previous meteor entry, specifically starting at 11min 23seconds, there are two 'meteors' on a diverging flight path (they are pointed in different directions and definitely far from parallel).
They both go behind some clouds and when they reappear there is one 'meteor' going far, far faster, followed by TWO more who for all the world look like they are in
formation and a formation that is directly following the front object. It almost looks like all three are connected physically. But how can that be from two who had different flight paths?
I suppose one could have split behind the clouds etc but that doesn't account for the increased speed or course-change?
Maybe I am seeing what I want or expect to, I am always willing to admit I've been wrong, but I am so, so sure that this is not standard ballistic behaviour. Humans are pretty darn good at spotting such things as over our whole lives all we ever see is forces and ballistic movements by the book, on earth, without interference, objects will always obey Newtons' laws and these ones have either done a quick-change behind the clouds or something more controlled is happening.
I anxiously await some opinions from
anyone in the forum - it's part of why I come here, there are plenty intelligent, thoughtful people here and I truly respect many who participate here.