drew hempel
Skilled Investigator
You have made some interesting points in your last two posts, although I don't know if I entirely buy into everything you have said in this thread. Can you explain what your experience of the bardo or lower astral plane was like?
The qigong master Chunyi Lin sat in full lotus 49 days in a cave in China taking no food, no water and no sleep the whole time. He did this here Qigongmaster ~ International Yuanming Kung Federation At first Chunyi Lin was afraid but when he went into full lotus then the walls of the cave turned into light and after that he traveled up into heaven.
So this type of advanced spirit travel first requires "nirvikalpa samadhi" which is the advanced meditation when your body is filled with electromagnetic energy so much that you do not feel your body at all and you just see light. There is a spacetime vortex which spins around the body when entering nirvikalpa samadhi and then it is realized that consciousness is neither the mind nor the body.
For yoga -- the full lotus training -- there has to be built up strong electromagnetic fields so that before nirvikalpa samadhi is achieved there are strong electromagnetic fields which pulse at the center of the hands and feet and the top of the head gets soft. These electromagnetic fields also do electrolysis to create water so that drinking is not necessary nor is food necessary and even breathing is minimal. Also the electromagnetic fields then transmit out of the pineal gland and penetrate into the brains of others around you so that the pineal gland then transduces the electromagnetic information creating telepathy, precognition and telekinesis.
When you read someone's energy then you take in their emotions as well -- and your own body will reflect the energy blockages of others around you. But the full lotus works as complementary opposites -- pyramid power -- and then the lower emotions of people around you are transformed into the healing light energy. So if a person around you has a liver blockage then your own liver will get hot -- and this is communicated through the pineal gland but the light energy is transferred most directly through eye contact. Still the pineal gland transmission is omnidirectional.
The Bushmen call it "collecting the N/um of young maidens" as the lower body life force energy is what enables the yogi to go without food -- the life force electrochemical energy is taken in and turned into blissful energy through the heart chakra and the vagus nerve; then going through the pineal gland to be transmitted out again is electromagnetic energy. So you can store up the electromagnetic energy in the lower body so that no food is needed but usually other people around you need the electromagnetic healing energy.
That's why it's so difficult to reach nirvikalpa samadhi because you have to store up your own electrochemical energy and then purify it or ionize it -- again it works through nonwestern harmonics which violates the Western math -- the commutative property. So 2:3 is the Perfect 5th music interval as C to G or yang (electromagnetic) and 3:4 is the Perfect 4th as yin or G to C (electrochemical). In China this was called the "infinite spiral of fifths" as energy frequency alchemy. The full lotus is then a pyramid as a tetrahedron made up of 8 triangles each 2:3:4.
The qigong or yoga masters can then do real astral travel as long distance healing -- which means when they travel it's just as real as being awake. This is done as the "astral tube" which means more like remote viewing -- or "astral travel" which is the yin spirit body. So ghosts are also yin spirit bodies -- and they are stuck in the bardo -- the human astral realm -- since when they left the body there was a strong lower emotional attachment with their electromagnetic essence stuck in the lower body. So in Tibet when a person dies the monk will feel the body to see if the feet get cold first (then the person is going to heaven) or if the head gets cold first (then the person goes to hell).
I can actually read where a person's electromagnetic essence is stored in their body -- most people are between Number 2 and Number 3 according to Gurdjieff's system. The Number 1 person had some Freudian trauma before puberty was finished -- so they are "hard-wired" with their electromagnetic essence stuck in their lower chakra. The Number 3 is starting to open the third eye as their mind is more focused on formless reality -- this would be the mind yoga of Western religion. But Gurdjieff emphasized the problem with the West is that there is no conscious sublimation and purification of the life force lower body energy -- so that the love energy then creates electromagnetic healing transmission.
The best way to to this transformation is through the "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" practice. Here's a free book on it:
Mantak Chia - Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao
The astral travel is instantaneous as through photon entanglement so Chunyi Lin who works with the Mayo Clinic - he just needs the name, age, sex and location of a person to do long distance healing. Phone healing works very well because the voice is the generative force energy or electrochemical energy -- so that the blockage is easily taken in and then transformed back as healing energy through the third eye. Spring Forest Qigong if you want to get a phone healing. There's also video testimonies from people healed of late term cancer, M.S., Parkinsons, etc.
A great book on these types of astral travel abilities is called "Opening the Dragon Gate" a biography of Wang, Liping. Another one is "Nothing Ever Happened" by David Godman about H.W.L. Poonja. There are some good books on nonwestern healing abilities even though there's a lot vapid material out there. Science is helpful as a model but the real training is right brain dominant and requires direct supervision of a master, under special circumstances -- as the electromagnetic energy is dangerous once it builds up. Then you start doing spirit exorcism of people around you which creates what Reich called "negative transference" so it's important to be careful with the energy.