valiens said:
God, if you'd known about this when you were battling Michael Horn would you have even bothered to do photo analysis of his "ships"?
The presenter is Randolph Winters. He's a whole other seedy story to the Meier fiasco.
Would we have bothered? Well yeah, I already knew all this crap anyway. The facts are this: if we dont continually as a community, put forth a cohesive work showing fakes to be what they are (only has to be written once, but replayed often enough to get to newbs of the field), then we have only ourselves to blame when we have to go back over and over to "take the trash out".
This community is swimming is filth like this. Mud to wade thru in every facet of the UFO debate. Sure, ya might say "who gives a f*k about these people, no one listens to them anyway." But, left unchecked these morons do a real disservice to the UFO subject...because ultimately, who does the media gravitate to? Right, the nutjobs.
Who's left holding the baggage they leave behind for us to clean up for the inquisitive public? You got it, us.
I for one would rather concentrate on real cases deserving of time. But one good webpage to send people to that show every reason why it's crap? I'm all for it. No more arguing...there's the page. Bye!
It would save all sorts of nonsense here, and at ATS, and help people new to the field be a little more educated on fakes and ridiculousness that permeates the field.
Sure, Horn and his pack of dips will cry about it, but it's there and there's nothing any one of us, has to say any more about. It's over. Again, bye.
Till such time, these goofballs will always pop up in UFO magazines (where Horn apparently blasted me last as I recall), the net and radio shows. Just as much as they parade this utter nonsense, we need to counter it with that single webspace that shows it for what it is. The difference is, we dont have to waste time typing every time.