Now, as we can see, David has acknowledged that he indeed sent that less than warm and fuzzy email to me, so it's acceptable to post the next, somewhat less polite and respectable, one he sent to me, along with mine that preceded it, etc. This is done to show that the lovely concept of "innocent until proven guilty" has not been applied to me, and to the Meier case, as I think shall become evident:
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: The Paracast forums
Date: July 5, 2006 12:15:00 PM PDT
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Were you always paranoid, or is it something that
happened in your adult years?
It's our forum and we will not tolerate extreme
behavior. I'm telling you we don't stop people from
joining, but let's be clear, I would never be accused
of inviting you to ANYTHING at this point. You
continue to call me a coward, it's something you've
done since your first email, and it's really very
insightful of who you are and what you believe. I
really don't understand the source of your abusive
tone and derogatory attitude, I suppose there's
something in your childhood that would explain reveal
the cause of your mental state. A psychologist would
have a field day with you.
--- Michael <[email protected]> wrote:
I take that as an invitation to join, albeit a
fearful and control
laden one.
You can indeed register and post on the Paracast
forums, but Gene & I reserve the right to delete
abusive posts and ban destructive posters. You
and your freedom of expression is granted. You get
crazy and vitriolic, you get booted. Comprende?
This is what's known as baiting, intentionally designed to get little ol' me to lose my cool and rant angrily, you know, just like three people (at least) have already asserted is the way that I approach such openminded, fair and welcoming folks who are greeting me at the proverbial door here. But, since we are seeing the first signs of self-destruction taking place here from our esteemed moderator, who am I to impede the process, being the mere amateur that I am in all things hostile?
Moving along, we see the lovely post from lancemmody that pretends to repsond to the WCUFO issue. Please note that, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't respond to the specifics raised in either my article, Deardorff's site (complete with computations) or the self-evident unarguable video. Yet he would like me to answer questions about garbage can lids, as if that was indeed the issue. Weeeeell, I think that a little direct response from lancemoody is in order to my aforementioned and referenced information, and to these questions that I raised in my lovely little piece (absolute substantiation for all claims is absolutely necessary, thank you):
1. Where was the model made and concealed?
2. Who in Meier's area possesses the specialized skills required for this precision level of manufacture, at any size?
3. What is it made of?
4. Where were the materials obtained?
5. What was the cost of these materials?
6. Who paid for it?
7. How long did it take to make? (Remember, a two-armed model maker took four months to assemble his inferior model.)
8. What does it weigh, assuming even a 5' diameter metallic object, as suggested by one debunker?
9. How was it suspended at 30' by a one-armed man? (Setting up just one special effects shot with a 5' (let alone 14?) object requires numerous people and lots of time. Meier took over 60 photos of the WCUFO, plus the video.)
10. Where is the model now, what happened to it, would something of this complexity - and value - just disappear?
11. With all of the photos, both day and nighttime, how could Meier have accomplished all of this unobserved and without accomplices?
12. Why hasn't ANYONE come forward to show that they made and/or now have it?
Let me repeat that claims of hoax, models, minatures, etc. MUST be substantiated, something that our moderator, and his co-host on the radio show, have yet to do regarding their counter claims to any of the evidence in the case. (Hint: The six-year, on-site investigation carried out by top investigators, private investigators, etc. NEVER reveal any fraud or hoaxing on Meier's part...we can direct you to the appropriate docuemtnation, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay, lancemoody?)
BTW, after the show has aired, and David has posted his images, I'll be happy to respond to any issues regarding the photo in question.
At the risk of being redundant, but necessarily so since he claims that, "I have seen plenty of evidence that shows you to be skilled at avoiding the question, attacking the person and not the idea, and, in short, being completely unreasonable." I will ask lancemoody if he also read the photo and sound analysis documents and if he has specific counter claims - substantiated, of course - that he'd like to make...rather than deflecting this issue of his own non-responsiveness my way.
And, indelicate as it may be at this early stage of our acquaintance, do allow me to copy to all concerned the introductory information that I forwarded to DB, prior to our speaking on the radio, which certainly warranted specific, substantiated commentaries from him (as they will from any other critics of the case) - although, for some inexplicable reason - NONE where ever forthcoming:
See: TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts:
?Analysis of Meier's UFO Photographs
?Report On UFO Sound Recordings
?Photo Analysis Ends Challenge by Skeptics
?Scientific Experts' Comments On Meier's Evidence
?Randi Retracts Claim Against Meier
You also should research and consider these:
The Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel movie film
The Hasenbol Photos
The Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel movie film
The Wedding Cake UFOs
More about the Fir Tree
Earliest testimony from Meier-case witnesses
Testimony from some Meier-case witnesses
Overlooked Photo Reveals Swiss UFO-Contact Case Genuine
And from my Newsletter Archives:
Newsletter of March 2005
Newsletter of June 2005
Welcome to the July 2005 Newsletter
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
Welcome to the September 2005 Newsletter
Welcome to the December 2005 Newsletter
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of May / June 2006
Kinda sorta just a wee bit much for a one-armed guy to pull off, no?
Now, please be so kind and considerate as to respond to the first post of mine in specifics BEFORE going on to make generalized statements about the evidence in the case. I suggest this for everyone's credibility, not just mine. If you do some reading through the rest of the Newsletters, Newsletter Archives, Articles, Prophecies, etc. at my site, you may begin to get a slightly more informed view of a case that has some 24,000+ pages of information...and six categories of still irreproducible physical evidence.
And, when you read the witness testimony, you might also ask yourself just how this one-armed man, with no resources, technologies, finances or collaborators, has managed to keep this case alive, for 64 years...and fool all the geniuses who, effectively, attribute to Meier himself such absolutely brilliant, varied, diverse, spectacular, above-genius level abilitiies in so many disciplines...all while renovating an old farm house, raising his family and avoiding 21 documented assassination attempts.
And okay, I concede that I think it's the most important story in all of human history, so you'll have to forgive me if I didn't state it here as a firm conviction but rather respected you enough to pose it as a suggestion. If my respect in this matter was misplaced, I apologize for offering it where it wasn't warranted.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: The Paracast forums
Date: July 5, 2006 12:15:00 PM PDT
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Were you always paranoid, or is it something that
happened in your adult years?
It's our forum and we will not tolerate extreme
behavior. I'm telling you we don't stop people from
joining, but let's be clear, I would never be accused
of inviting you to ANYTHING at this point. You
continue to call me a coward, it's something you've
done since your first email, and it's really very
insightful of who you are and what you believe. I
really don't understand the source of your abusive
tone and derogatory attitude, I suppose there's
something in your childhood that would explain reveal
the cause of your mental state. A psychologist would
have a field day with you.
--- Michael <[email protected]> wrote:
I take that as an invitation to join, albeit a
fearful and control
laden one.
You can indeed register and post on the Paracast
forums, but Gene & I reserve the right to delete
abusive posts and ban destructive posters. You
and your freedom of expression is granted. You get
crazy and vitriolic, you get booted. Comprende?
This is what's known as baiting, intentionally designed to get little ol' me to lose my cool and rant angrily, you know, just like three people (at least) have already asserted is the way that I approach such openminded, fair and welcoming folks who are greeting me at the proverbial door here. But, since we are seeing the first signs of self-destruction taking place here from our esteemed moderator, who am I to impede the process, being the mere amateur that I am in all things hostile?
Moving along, we see the lovely post from lancemmody that pretends to repsond to the WCUFO issue. Please note that, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't respond to the specifics raised in either my article, Deardorff's site (complete with computations) or the self-evident unarguable video. Yet he would like me to answer questions about garbage can lids, as if that was indeed the issue. Weeeeell, I think that a little direct response from lancemoody is in order to my aforementioned and referenced information, and to these questions that I raised in my lovely little piece (absolute substantiation for all claims is absolutely necessary, thank you):
1. Where was the model made and concealed?
2. Who in Meier's area possesses the specialized skills required for this precision level of manufacture, at any size?
3. What is it made of?
4. Where were the materials obtained?
5. What was the cost of these materials?
6. Who paid for it?
7. How long did it take to make? (Remember, a two-armed model maker took four months to assemble his inferior model.)
8. What does it weigh, assuming even a 5' diameter metallic object, as suggested by one debunker?
9. How was it suspended at 30' by a one-armed man? (Setting up just one special effects shot with a 5' (let alone 14?) object requires numerous people and lots of time. Meier took over 60 photos of the WCUFO, plus the video.)
10. Where is the model now, what happened to it, would something of this complexity - and value - just disappear?
11. With all of the photos, both day and nighttime, how could Meier have accomplished all of this unobserved and without accomplices?
12. Why hasn't ANYONE come forward to show that they made and/or now have it?
Let me repeat that claims of hoax, models, minatures, etc. MUST be substantiated, something that our moderator, and his co-host on the radio show, have yet to do regarding their counter claims to any of the evidence in the case. (Hint: The six-year, on-site investigation carried out by top investigators, private investigators, etc. NEVER reveal any fraud or hoaxing on Meier's part...we can direct you to the appropriate docuemtnation, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay, lancemoody?)
BTW, after the show has aired, and David has posted his images, I'll be happy to respond to any issues regarding the photo in question.
At the risk of being redundant, but necessarily so since he claims that, "I have seen plenty of evidence that shows you to be skilled at avoiding the question, attacking the person and not the idea, and, in short, being completely unreasonable." I will ask lancemoody if he also read the photo and sound analysis documents and if he has specific counter claims - substantiated, of course - that he'd like to make...rather than deflecting this issue of his own non-responsiveness my way.
And, indelicate as it may be at this early stage of our acquaintance, do allow me to copy to all concerned the introductory information that I forwarded to DB, prior to our speaking on the radio, which certainly warranted specific, substantiated commentaries from him (as they will from any other critics of the case) - although, for some inexplicable reason - NONE where ever forthcoming:
See: TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts:
?Analysis of Meier's UFO Photographs
?Report On UFO Sound Recordings
?Photo Analysis Ends Challenge by Skeptics
?Scientific Experts' Comments On Meier's Evidence
?Randi Retracts Claim Against Meier
You also should research and consider these:
The Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel movie film
The Hasenbol Photos
The Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel movie film
The Wedding Cake UFOs
More about the Fir Tree
Earliest testimony from Meier-case witnesses
Testimony from some Meier-case witnesses
Overlooked Photo Reveals Swiss UFO-Contact Case Genuine
And from my Newsletter Archives:
Newsletter of March 2005
Newsletter of June 2005
Welcome to the July 2005 Newsletter
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
TheyFly.com - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts 9/11
Welcome to the September 2005 Newsletter
Welcome to the December 2005 Newsletter
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of January / February 2006
Newsletter of May / June 2006
Kinda sorta just a wee bit much for a one-armed guy to pull off, no?
Now, please be so kind and considerate as to respond to the first post of mine in specifics BEFORE going on to make generalized statements about the evidence in the case. I suggest this for everyone's credibility, not just mine. If you do some reading through the rest of the Newsletters, Newsletter Archives, Articles, Prophecies, etc. at my site, you may begin to get a slightly more informed view of a case that has some 24,000+ pages of information...and six categories of still irreproducible physical evidence.
And, when you read the witness testimony, you might also ask yourself just how this one-armed man, with no resources, technologies, finances or collaborators, has managed to keep this case alive, for 64 years...and fool all the geniuses who, effectively, attribute to Meier himself such absolutely brilliant, varied, diverse, spectacular, above-genius level abilitiies in so many disciplines...all while renovating an old farm house, raising his family and avoiding 21 documented assassination attempts.
And okay, I concede that I think it's the most important story in all of human history, so you'll have to forgive me if I didn't state it here as a firm conviction but rather respected you enough to pose it as a suggestion. If my respect in this matter was misplaced, I apologize for offering it where it wasn't warranted.