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Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts

Do you believe the Billy Meier Contacts and Evidence Are Real?

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ufoman said:
I remember reading somewhere that Adamski & Meier met each other in the 50s or 60s at a UFO lecture.
That's right. Meier had more then a little interest in Adamski and even visited him on one of his lectures in Switzerland where Meier also asked for a private audience. Not that the end result on Meier's part was remotely flattering. Many years later Meier wrote much about Adamski in his contact notes, almost exclusively negative. According to Meier, Adamski used models to create his photographs(!), used figures on glass plates to make double exposures(!) and get this, Adamski used hypnosis on his friends to let them see things that weren't there! You should see the effort Meier put in debunking and discrediting Adamski and to top it off he even goes as far attacking Adamski's character by saying he acted nice but was a bad person underneath. Totally unsubstantiated nonsense and Meier supporters are the last persons to recognise that their leader is one helluva debunker himself but the "prophet" seemingly is allowed to do just that.
Kingman said:
In truth, it would of preferred to be a part of a growing community, but not one that has this built in element to suppress knowledge for the greater good. You see, anybody with intelligence can read these posts and plainly see the intentions of the hosts and come to a rather quick conclusion the forum's is one sided, and bent on childish controls that have no desire to expand the truth. Petty actions of the controllers are weak minded attempts to be the great overlords of their miniscule domain. What fun is that for someone with intelligence? Your style of repression isn't even original, boring.....
So, it's done what I guess you can say is all it's capable of doing, and that's to expose more people to the incredible truth of Billy's reality, and to expose the posters here for what they are and that's not much.
Shawn King
The truth. HA. How many things in the Meier case are unsubstantiated? How many items depend on faith?
Sometimes I wonder about the intentions of Meier supporters like you Kingman. You are willing and able to present the Meier material as not the new gospel, but as the only gospel that ever existed. You want to put Meier in the role of prophet and that of someone with authority and....... you want others to follow. I fully realise that the ufo believers or persons with an openmind about UFOs and ETs are Meier's target audience for yet another new religion. But by all means Kingman, speak about intelligence and be oblivious as to what is pushing your buttons. Instead, focus on degrading others. You have the truth anyways, right? And you want to (quote) "expose more people to the incredible truth of Billy's reality".
To terrax

Yeh, but how many more are???
The fact that there are overwhelming plethora of materials to dissect and analyse by anyone and from wherever is in itself an extraordinary feat. What other case compares equally to this case in it's scope?? none whatsoever and people are still bantering about scientific credentials missing from this says more about how limited their perspectives are. It is afterall the work of an highly advanced ET civilization which helped the terrestrials to where we are today and the short end of the stick we are trying to measure it by just doesn't accord to something that we can never fully unravel with the present day technology or mind however intelligent we egotistically think that we are.

Whatever intentions you attribute to us billy supporters, there is no malintent or self regarding motives other than for people to comprehend the case without prejudice and to see what it is that makes it worthwhile. Theres really no simple answers to this nor to any other but if you think people are trying to elevate billy into sainthood and worship him like an all conquering GOD, you are severly mistaken and it is in this kind of judgement thrown at this case that somehow makes it worthwhile in some aspects as people who haven't comprehended the truthfulness of the case must surely be asking and objecting it the way they do as foreseen by the plejarens and billy. Afterall it is an extraordinary case with so much peculiarities for people not to accept so readily and for people like you to question and object the way you do is expressing the internal prejudices that as a whole, something that us humanity must eventually overcome towards becoming more spiritual.

Built into this whole case with all intent and purpose is the spiritual exercise in the process of discovering the unfathomable information, for people to learn how to really think for themselves without preconceived bias and prejudices, for people to slowly comes to terms with the harsh realities of the truth of existence and that of our true history untold, for people to engage in the real search for the truth, for people to reconnect with their spiritual aspect of their existence and learning to overcome their more animalistic side of their nature, the 'EGO', to discover that our intelligence and the materialistic aspect of reality isn't everything and that theres more and on and on it goes.

Then surely people must wonder how on earth the person named billy meier is on the tip of their tongues when it concerns anything to do with ufology, why won't it go away and disappear into the dark recesses of people's forgotten memory, I mean in all fairness to billy, it cannot solely be the work of the supposed hangers on and the cultishly converted and brainwashed follower who ferverently drive the forces of this reality and keep it alive, there has got to be more to the case for it to create so much disdain, objections, debunking effort, opposition and even hatred against it and isn't it funny, all this for something that is a fraud????????????????????????????. It really tells more about us in the way we react to this case than really about the case, which we can all learn from.

All people needed to ask was 'it may just be real or it is real afterall'?
newinitiation said:
To terrax
Yeh, but how many more are???
The fact that there are overwhelming plethora of materials to dissect and analyse by anyone and from wherever is in itself an extraordinary feat. What other case compares equally to this case in it's scope?? none whatsoever and people are still bantering about scientific credentials missing from this says more about how limited their perspectives are. It is afterall the work of an highly advanced ET civilization which helped the terrestrials to where we are today and the short end of the stick we are trying to measure it by just doesn't accord to something that we can never fully unravel with the present day technology or mind however intelligent we egotistically think that we are.
Really, what you should do is take a look at the cases that preceded Meier and watch just how many similarities there are. The Meier case is certainly extensive but by no means so special that other material is irrelevant. If a person would try to do just that then I would regard that as another tactic of putting the Meier case on top and making it the sole authoritive source on everything relating to ETs and UFOs. Meier's ETs are by no means the only ones out there if you brush up on "contactee material". And what do I see the Meier case do? Systematicly debunk and discredit other contactees. Now, if the Meier case is on such a high level, why would it need to discredit others?
Whatever intentions you attribute to us billy supporters, there is no malintent or self regarding motives other than for people to comprehend the case without prejudice and to see what it is that makes it worthwhile. Theres really no simple answers to this nor to any other but if you think people are trying to elevate billy into sainthood and worship him like an all conquering GOD, you are severly mistaken and it is in this kind of judgement thrown at this case that somehow makes it worthwhile in some aspects as people who haven't comprehended the truthfulness of the case must surely be asking and objecting it the way they do as foreseen by the plejarens and billy. Afterall it is an extraordinary case with so much peculiarities for people not to accept so readily and for people like you to question and object the way you do is expressing the internal prejudices that as a whole, something that us humanity must eventually overcome towards becoming more spiritual.
The thing is Newinitiation, Meier supporters quite often just parrot the unsubstantiated parts of the Meier case while they don't know for sure if it's the truth. I can give you literally a list on that, with on top the TJ. I'm sure you fathom what I'm getting at. Now, if you say "I believe" that it is like that then that's another matter then stating it as fact. You're free to believe and that falls under your constitutional rights, however as I pointed out, when you start making it out as fact then you can expect counter arguments. The truthfullness of the case as you describe it, is that when you get in to the material Billy Meier is indeed portrayed as an important figure. There's "elevation" in the case which can easily lead to heroworship or putting a person on a pedestal. It's naturally there. Within the information Meier is labeled as a prophet who lead past lives as other prophets such as Jmmanuel (a.k.a. Jesus Christ), Mohammed and a host of other biblical figures. Meier is portrayed as an incredibly old and wise 'spirit' who originated from another part of the galaxy where he was also an important leader and even had the title 'Supreme Commisioner Nokodemion'. When reading this I personally have all kinds of alarmbells ringing but putting that aside for a moment there's clearly an endeavour made to point out that Meier has some authority 'under his belt'. For a person who's somewhat religiously inclined it's also easy to bridge the gap to the world of UFOs and ETs and to continue his religious preferences under the umbrella of the Meier case. There's no denying the connections, unsubstantiated as they may be. The truthfullness of the case has yet to be determined and preferably by scientific means.
Built into this whole case with all intent and purpose is the spiritual exercise in the process of discovering the unfathomable information, for people to learn how to really think for themselves without preconceived bias and prejudices, for people to slowly comes to terms with the harsh realities of the truth of existence and that of our true history untold, for people to engage in the real search for the truth, for people to reconnect with their spiritual aspect of their existence and learning to overcome their more animalistic side of their nature, the 'EGO', to discover that our intelligence and the materialistic aspect of reality isn't everything and that theres more and on and on it goes.
You make a mistake here. Your personal spiritual journey will be different then another person. Like all religions you insist that people should follow the example that works for you and you react when your way is criticised. That's the downside of religions because each seperate religion is constructed to be rigid and dogmatic, automatically making it incompatible with another one. That's how religious wars started because someone named Allah and another named God, someone went to church on sunday and others prayed towards Mekka and went to the mosque on friday afternoon. Even the tiny details of religions cause conflict with one another because no one is willing to give in and ruining there possible ticket to salvation. And, within each religion is the 'drive' to convert those that still fall outside the 'club'.
To be honest Newinitiation, I don't see you do anything different as to what I described above and that goes also for other Meier supporters. Now, I have a totally different concept about these things eventhough I'm not an atheist. Perhaps you'd like to hear it sometime.
Then surely people must wonder how on earth the person named billy meier is on the tip of their tongues when it concerns anything to do with ufology, why won't it go away and disappear into the dark recesses of people's forgotten memory, I mean in all fairness to billy, it cannot solely be the work of the supposed hangers on and the cultishly converted and brainwashed follower who ferverently drive the forces of this reality and keep it alive, there has got to be more to the case for it to create so much disdain, objections, debunking effort, opposition and even hatred against it and isn't it funny, all this for something that is a fraud????????????????????????????. It really tells more about us in the way we react to this case than really about the case, which we can all learn from.
Billy Meier is "on the tip of my tongue" because I recognise the dangers involved here and, get this, I'm trying to contain them. That also includes talking to people like you, which I have done for many years, and point out which conflicts the case is creating. Do you think any transition goes smoothly and without any price to pay? There's always a price Newintiation, don't you forget it. Should ETs and UFOs become widely accepted by an undeniable event then the Meier case has the potential to attract many people who feel inclined to accept its message. But there will still be people who will resist, opening up the possibility of new religious conflicts. Have you thought about such theoretical scenarios? So theoretically, the question arises why the Meier case is constructed as it is. Is it meant to help us or meant to hamper us?
All people needed to ask was 'it may just be real or it is real afterall'?
What I have learned in the many years discussing UFOs and ETs is that you can't force people to accept a reality. In the end they have to work on it on their own.
Kingman said:
DB wrote,
Jeff's pictures are surely some of the better attempts at duplication, the problem DB is they can't pass the same tests that Billy's are put through. Not even close.

Really now. And you know this precisely...how? Can you explain the tests alledgedly done to Meier's photos? Can you give me the accountability and credibility of the "lead" analyst...Dilettoso? Can you tell me his background? Not what he says, but what actually is? Quality of the messenger kiddo.

Do you know that imaging professionals the "investigating team" went to were told at the time to make the bottom of a beamship appear to reflect the ground beneath it??

Take the time to read a published factual document:

After you read the company's statements, who according to the Meier "official report" supplied the computers for analysis especially where it's mentioned:

"My impression of Jim Dilettoso is that he freely chooses to use whatever descriptive text he enjoys to describe things. He is not particularly versed in computer technology." -Ken Dinwiddie, De Anza

Then, tell me how well the "analysis" of Meier's photos and film holds up.

In short, the analysis showed exactly what the "investigators" wanted it to...this is evidenced by the reported alteration of data mentioned in the article. That single issue bears the breakdown hallmarks of a shoddy and highly dubious "analysis" or "investigation".

I have duplicated and even surpassed Meier's beamship photos, mine dont need a bonsai/model tree to hold it up. After duplication, Horn's only comment was more smack, and crying. Then, of course, the ever popular asking for *more* duplication of other ships and senarios. Well I aint workin' for Horn Light and Magic. I did my job.

I've said before, I'll put mine up against *any* Meier original, to a 3rd party independant analyst. As we've seen, Horn, nor Meier is willing. That speaks *volumes*, my friend.

Man am I sorry I missed this party.
Enough is Enough


We will NOT allow this forum to become an advertising platform for Meier marketing.

I've spent some time reading the Figu discussion forums, and it's truly disturbing. newinitiation, as far as elevating Mr. Meier to the level of sainthood or GOD, that's something you folks do all too well, don't even try to claim otherwise. This truth stands naked on those forums of yours for all to see. I will not tolerate another word of this brainwashing on <i>our</i> forums, am I making myself clear? We are about exploring the paranormal, not some personal philosophy classes from Mr. Meier. You have been put on notice, any further posting of Billy marketing material on this forum will result in an instant ban. My patience for this noise has come to an abrupt end.

Jeff Ritzmann, welcome here, it's great to see you. Jeff has been a major figure in this topic, as he said, he was completely successful in meeting Horn's challenge and was subsequently harrassed, abused and intimidated by Horn. Jeff, sorry you missed it as well, but this party is definitely over, the parents are home.

In fact, for any Figu person who is going to try and attack me, Jeff or Gene for our findings, the only way you can address the issue at this point is to HAND OVER SOME ORIGINAL FILM. We'll be glad to scan it and take a careful look at the results. And I promise that it won't somehow magically get lost in the process, like so much of your other original "evidence". I see on the Figu boards that there is a suggestion that this is indeed what Billy should do, and I agree, so if you're going to start to try to put us through the ringer, you either put up some original material for actual scientific analysis, or go have fun on your farm. Anything else, especially anything sourced from Horn, is now suspect and will not be taken seriously. Relying on Vogel and his comments about the metal won't hold water any longer, how many years ago was that? You want us to take you seriously in the paranormal realm, you'll have to submit hard evidence - film, metal, notarized witness statements from non-Figu individuals - to current third-party testing facilities. You want to teach us about Meier's philosophical writings? Speaking for myself, I'm not interested. I am in no need of his channeled-though-invisible-aliens answers to questions or plagiarized prophecies. I have my own mind, thank you.

For the record, as it seen in the text of the last couple of emails Horn sent to me & Gene, there are clear words of threat, "I have you surrounded". Horn has made threats to try and harm my professional reputation, he is apparently working up some libelous press release and who knows what else he, or Figu have up their sleeves to question, discredit or attack us. Horn made harsher threats against Jeff than he did to me or Gene, which is disgusting, especially since he represents people who claim to be peace loving and benevolent. Well, folks, making direct and personal threats against someone via email is a Federal crime, as per the FCC. Gene, Jeff and I could easily file Federal-level complaints and/or charges against Horn, as well as have his ISP take separate action against him, so please take this into consideration before trying to subject us to a barrage of nonsense or any further abuse. I for one have not one shred of patience left for this crap. You have the right to discuss anything you want on the Figu discussion forums, we don't care, but bring it here and the response will be unpleasant. Frankly, the Figu folks should be ashamed that Horn is their official spokesperson, he is a disturbed individual. His childish, aggressive, abusive, condescending rants here, and on other forums, makes this fact painfully clear.

Oh, and for the record, Kingman has been banned for his flipping me the virtual finger after I attempted to engage him in a calm and rational discourse. Besides that, he obviously had nothing of any actual value to offer to the conversation except indoctrination and, at the very end, what appears to be completely nonsensical drivel. THIS WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED.

While it's nice to have an active forum, quite frankly, I'm tired of this venomous back and forth over what amounts to a one-armed philosopher with highly questionable UFO connections and a penchant for reading and writing. We either talk about genuine paranormal material or nothing at all. As Gene stated elsewhere on these forums, we're through with this "case".

I'm actually surprised it was allowed to go on as long as it did. I thought the disucssion fell apart awhile ago.

As I said in another post, I hope these forums stay lively with conversation about the paranormal. I'd hate to think that the Meier case is all people are willing to talk about when there's so much else out there.
I`m a supporter of the Meier case,but this sort of vicious circle,some people defending the case and some others trying to prove it`s fake does not take us anywhere.

I am curious about the question "speed of light".Einsteins relativity denies the possibility to any object to travel thru space and time at a faster speed than that of light,but in this matter i`m skeptic.

Somewhere i`ve read an article about an experiment conducted by Dr.Alain Aspect where he supposedly surpassed that speed several times.See also:

Upheavals in Physics: The Speed of Light Exceeded - Chuck Missler - Koinonia House

There is also the fact that galaxies are constantly expanding and this expansion motion can be measured by Hubble telescope for example, and calculations show this expansion speed shoul exceed the speed of light.

Quantum mechanics clashes with general relativity too,regarding this issue.

What is your opinion on this question? Thanks in advance
Image Analysis

Based on my own analysis of the photograph in question, I do not see any clear evidence of a line near the top of the photograph. The following images show enhanced versions of the Red, Green, and Blue channels respectively. Note that the "blockiness" (particularly pronounced in the blue channel) is an artifact of the JPEG compression used in the original source file. It would be interesting to know the process that David Biedny used to reveal the line in his analysis, since I was not able to reproduce this observation.





There are some interesting anomolies near the vehicles, particularly an orange streak of light that passes in front of a tire and the shadow underneath the vehicle. There are also five points of light visible on the fender. These light artifacts are anomalous, but the exact cause is not known. They may be the result of reflections, a fast moving light source, double exposure, or optical effects. This area of the photo seems to present the strongest evidence for a forgery, however that conclusion cannot be stated with any degree of certainty.

The results of my analysis are inconclusive, since the original source file is a low resolution compressed format, and does not allow for in-depth analysis. I cannot confirm Biedny's conclusion that this photo is in fact a forgery, especially since his strongest point of evidence (the line near the top of the photo) was not observed in my own analysis. However, the other anomolies that were reported by Biedny, and those which I also observed, do suggest that the image may have been manipulated, and further investigation is warranted.
Dx27, that's very interesting, but at this point, I will need to see the original film negative/positive for this image to follow up in a reasonable fashion. I have problems with many of the issues in this image.

I would be happy to analyze a high-resolution scan from the original film and follow up on your findings.

TerraX said:
Hey Jeff, yeah you missed the 'party' but as always one guy got drunk and had to go outside to get that 'excess stuff' he digested outside of his system. Btw, didn't see you in a while and did you catch up on this topic on ATS?
Garbage can lid part of Billy Meier UFO?, page 1

Terrax-that guy always has that problem. It's what happens when ya make bad wine with with those grapes of wrath. hehe

Yeah I saw the trash can lid thing, which has been brought up to Horn and many others. But as I've said before, I'm largely done with the case. In truth, it's not worth the aggravation or effort to me anymore. I'm content to let supporters of the case go off on their fantasy, as I believe they deserve it.

Like David said, until Meier comes up with the negatives - *original* ones, of one of the 1200 or more supposedly shot, he's more then proving our points.

No fake can hide. Unless Meier can build a 30 ft craft that flies with no wings or propellor, and have it be capable of interstellar travel, he'd be caught. Period.

I'll make a prediction, and I'm not even Pleadian. There will never be any submitted, ever. But, this case will continue for those who feed it. I agree with David, this should not be fed here.

I'd choose to let it starve.
Frankly I don't know how you let kingman post for so long. lol you put all his post together and you can't make a single sentence of any importance.

same goes for "newinitiation" I have seen you in other forums too, are you guys horn's helpers? ::)

I mean why post at all if you have nothing important to say about the analysis of the photo? wasn't this thread created for that purpose? yet no-one has even said anything about that?

I have a friend (who?), who is an expert (lol), that told me (lol).... was that for real? omg lol.
it was triple exposure not double.. hmm is triple exposure good?

this is photo analysis please don't talk about teaching or prophecies for now, first the photo then we can discuss the prophecies in which I will ask:

Why meier's prophecies have the same errors the media had at the time they were made?
The issue with all the "prophetic" info is that many have demonstrated that Meier most likely got the info from publications out currently at the time. Upcoming events, or hints at new celestial discoveries are still published to this day. "Ike42" if you do a google search, has put forth a good report on Meier's "predictions" and publish dates of journals and public media. Meier didnt predict anything. He read.

There's also the tidbit that there are NO verifyable documents that prove any such ability to predict the future. Only documentation that has as date on it from Meier, which interestingly always comes after the event has passed.

What makes me most sick is his alledged prediction of 9/11. Horn touts this alot, yet for being the wonderful and intelligent person you claim he is, he did nothing to warn anyone, nor did Meier (not that anyone would have listened). But thats not the point. NOT ONE WORD of such a prediction was ever put forth til after the event. To try and capitalize on such an event qualifies in my mind to that individual(s) being the most loathesome sort around.

I cannot buy into your "truth" because it has proven itself time after time, not to be. I have never stood to profit by fighting the outright and proven falsehoods of this case. On the other hand, your new age "prophet" can afford lavish compound decor as this:

Now you can sit back in the warm glow of your screen and tell me what the motives are in this case.

You can speak of the "data" in this case all you wish. The problem is those presenting it. There's where your "research" should take you. Then come back and tell me all about it. It's all about the quality of the messenger.
Oh No You Don't


I clearly stated that I WILL NOT TOLERATE Meier Marketing peddling their mindless crud on this forum. Your "clarity of mind" seems to have disabled your eyes and deductive reasoning abilities.

Horn is a mentally disturbed fraud, you have nothing to add to this conversation, your message has been deleted and you have been banned.

Jeff, that picture is darling, what a frikkin joke. I wish I were laughing. The 9.11 thing, that is truly, absolutely depraved. These morons know no shame, and they are most definitively NOT welcome here.


Email Sickness with Michael Horn

Just thought everyone here would like to see the lovely email Gene & I just got from Horn, who insists on harassing us with email even though he's received a cease and desist notice from us:


Hey guys, these things take a long tie to compose properly but I think
it's only fair to let you review it in case there are any FACTUAL

Feel free to comment and do be polite...I already have enough ad
hominum stuff to choke a horse!



World Famous Photoshop Expert Fails to Duplicate Meier UFO Photos
"Flying cigar" incident as a child may have motivated David Biedny to
attempt to disprove controversial UFO case

Los Angeles CA - With the failure of the self-proclaimed "Photoshop
Prophet of Earth", David Biedny (David Biedny - IMDb), to
conclusively prove that even the most admittedly implausible, but now
likely authentic, of Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier's UFO photos were
a "deliberate hoax" by a "cunning lair", it seems that the end to any
serious, professional skeptical challenges to the case is now certain.
Biedny, whose recent claims of having accomplished just such a
debunking were immediately challenged by noted UFO authority, and
Authorized American Media Representative for Meier, Michael Horn,
repeatedly refused to put his own claims to the test by duplicating the
one photo in question, using the same means proven to have been
available to the partially disabled, one-armed, Swiss farmer in the
late 1970s.

Despite being called upon to do so by several film, photographic and
special effects experts, who not only are skeptics of UFOs themselves
but requested anonymity so as to not be associated with the topic,
Biedny dismissed such traditionally accepted, scientific standards of
duplication as being unnecessary, due largely to his own, solitary,
claims that he was not required to do so.

In further examining the content of the heated online forum debate that
has raged between Biedny and Horn, and other supporters of the Meier
case before they all were surreptitiously barred from making any
further comments on Biedny's claims, or his inflammatory and aggressive
remarks, it appears that Biedny himself may have an unresolved,
underlying motive for his straying well beyond the bounds of

"Leaving Freudian interpretations aside for now, such things as
reporting being genuinely terrified by a flying cigar in Mexico, as a
young child, could indeed lead to traumas that might affect one's
behavior as an adult, " said Dr. S.....M...., a clinical psychiatrist
in practice in Los Angeles, California, who was shown copies of
Biedny's rambling, accusatory comments, which omitted Biedny's name.
"UFOs have long been associated with various lore and even archetypal
imagery connected to man's collective unconscious," said Dr. M.....,
"Of course, without examining the individual, no one can give a
qualified diagnosis but I personally would recommend that someone who
has expressed such tenacious concerns and apparent obsession with the
phenomena, and in attacking another person's own claims (whatever
validity they may ultimately prove to have) should consider exploring
the matter with a trained, dispassionate therapist, if for no other
reason than to possibly bring some clarity and assurance to the

Horn claimed that Biedny feigned sincerity when, at the end of the
second of the two radio interviews that Horn did, which included Biedny
for the first time, Biedny asked to see a film of "a UFO flying, then
touching the ground and Billy Meier getting out", as a barometer of
authenticity. When Horn's response of, "We have everything but Meier
getting out, do you want to see it?" was met by stony silence and
Biedny's co-host Gene Steinberg abruptly changing the topic, Horn
sensed that it was anything but a sincere request on Biedny's part.....

(Still on it, gimme more time!)
Oh, there's more...

Prior to the previous email, this lovely note landed in our inboxes - again, sent by Horn even though he was warned NOT to contact us, check out the exchange between Gene & Horn, the first time he uses the "surrounded" language:


On Jul 14, 2006, at 2:30 PM, Michael wrote:

> Nice spin, I've noted this too. You just couldn't resist and now your so far in over your heads that you do what all zealots and bullies do, try to censor the voice of opposition. And well you know that the vile bilge, including profanities, that was spewed by DB reveals the hypocrisy here.
> However, now that I'm not distracted by responding all the time, thank you, I'll take my time and publish my nice little press releases...which are all picked up with (certified) levels of 50,000-150,000 MEDIA hits, forwards, publications, etc.
> The good news is that you'll get LOTS of visitors...which is also the bad news.
> In case you haven't yet figured it out, you're way out of your league. I guess what I said long ago is right, there's one of me...and I've got you surrounded.
> MH

Let me try this again: You violated our terms of service repeatedly and threatened to slander David. Under any normal circumstance, you'd be barred from any responsible ISP for similar behavior. Don't blame the messenger. It is your behavior that precipitated this action. You aren't a "voice of opposition," just a hell raiser with no sense of perspective and no respect for facts.

Please be so kind as to NOT respond any further.

Thank you.

Gene Steinberg


Now, let's understand the "got you surrounded" point, which in the original email, caused us to send him the original cease and desist letter, stating that he was in serious jeopardy of violating FCC laws regarding harassment via email. When someone with the aggresive posture of Horn uses this type of language, we are concerned that he is not a known entity to us, so we're really not sure what he's capable of, the guy is sounding kinda crazy. If you don't believe that we have reason for concern, check out his postings here:

Discussionboard of FIGU: Skeptic's Corner

Scroll down (assuming this whole thread still exists when you click on the link), and check out Horn's statement about "they're still going to defend their egos and, frankly, I don't need to be around when that comes crashing down on them." This terminology, when combined with the idea that he's already threatening us in private email, is worrisome.

There is a really interesting nugget on that forum:

You guys need to admit that if David Biedny has worked for the big effects houses like ILM. We need these guys on our side. We need Billy to bring something that stumps them. Like an original negative. Or something new thats never been released before I'm sure Billy has it already. I can tell you if David gets Dennis Muran against Meier, then the debate over the pictures will be over for a long time in the eyes of the Media Etc, because Dennis Muran is the best in the history of Hollywood! It will be real hard to convince anyone to disagree with Muran.

Also fascinating is this sentence from Horn:

" We know what the core purposes of the case are and these guys are still stuck in the "paranormal" area."

Of course, given that this is The Paracast, paranormal is what we're all about. We're stuck, I admit it.

Suffice it to say, Horn just HAD to respond to our request to leave us along with this gem:


Humorless Knuckleheads,

The "there's one of me and I've got you surrounded" post was intended
as comedy but apparently it's more true than not (it's based on an old
joke, which is synonymous with you guys).

As far as K_ _ is concerned, only someone familiar with the IMDb would
search it out - despite the fact that I removed all references to his
various contributing roles - in order to post it when you were already
informed that he wanted anonymity. The fact that you identified him in
the first place, and refused several times to remove his name, speaks
loads about what unethical, petty parasites you are. Frankly, you are
unique, even in terms of the internet, for stooping so low.

Of course now that you know that it was indeed he, which was yet
another example of my truthfulness, you are indicted again by your
ignoring his professional, ethical statement regarding duplication. SO,
ARE YOU GONNA DO THAT OR JUST POUT? (Your failure to do so, when it was
indeed properly stated by an industry professional, will certainly be
"duly noted" in the PR.) As I said, he stands head and shoulders above
you, even with one of you on the others narrow shoulders.

Now you go ahead and get ready for a swell PR and start your legal
wheels turning. As usual, you have bitten off more than you can chew
and you certainly will find the results...difficult to swallow. So no
more communications from you - which are in themselves great evidence
of harassment.

I suggest that you stick to preaching to your tiny choir, which is also
likely to diminish now that I don't play in the mud with you.

Be gone I say! And watch out...there's only one of me - and I've got



Given that Horn posted his friend's IMDB resume verbatim, it took me around 20 seconds to find the missing name. Google is amazing.

So now that we've sent him a cease and desist, we're told by an aggressive, belligerent person that the threatening language is a "joke". Does this strike a familiar chord with anyone? And he restates his specific threat again, but this time <b>with emphasis</b>. I suppose that we're unreasonable for feeling concerned, but in the interest of disclosure, and in the event that Michael might try to involve Figu folks into harassing us via email, phone or otherwise, I wanted to make his words public so that everyone is clear on this guy's intentions.

And now he's threatening us with legal action because we didn't say nice things about him on this forum.

Mr. Horn, if you are reading this, be aware that I spoke with the good folks at the Culver City LAPD today, they were concerned abour your specific wording as well, don't be surprised when they contact you this week. How dare you accuse me and others of libel/slander. That's some dumb chutzpah.

The Prophet is I

And as far as that thingie of me calling myself the "Photoshop Prophet of the Earth", it's really funny how Horn likes to quote things out of context for his own twisted agenda. Here's the piece of the email I sent Horn before his second appearance of this show, where I, David Maximus Biedny, state myself to be a Prophet, just like, well, <i>you know...</i>


It's gonna be a fun, enlightening time, psychic skills
not required. I am the Photoshop Prophet of the Earth,
and I bring the truth of matte layer edge artifacts to
the people.



Yup, I am the Walrus... I mean, Prophet. Self-Proclaimed.

I am also the world's greatest guitar player, turkey eater, Radiohead fan (hey, this one might be true!), back scratcher (ask my girlfriend, she'll swear to it!), and truth seeker. Did I mention Radiohead?

Oh, and about that Dr. MS

I wonder what the Doctor with that weird name ("Dr. S.....M...., a clinical psychiatrist
in practice in Los Angeles, California"
), who doesn't want to be quoted because then Horn would actually have to produce the proof that anyone outside of his imagination provided this "analysis", would have said if he read ANY of Meier's stuff. Talk about weird childhood experiences, and I wonder, does this mean that _anyone_ who has a UFO experience suffers from sort of disorder? If I had the reaction of being happy upon being confronted with the object that I saw that day, would this make me a more sane person in my adult years? Did my brother, my parents, and the multitude of people on the streets of Caracas that day all hallucinate the exact same thing at the exact same time? Ask Carlos Andres Perez, then president of the country, who was having an outside gathering at his prez palace, maybe a mile from our location at the south end of Plaza AltaMira, center of the city. The story - but no photo - was on the front page of El Nacional, one of the two big papers, but I suspect that somewhere in that city there is a picture of that craft lying in a drawer.

If anyone wonders why I've been hesitant to divulge my experiences, let Horn's jealous attacks educate you about the pitfalls of being sincere, honest and forthright with admissions of paranormal episodes. I will remind our listeners/readers that Horn accused me of sharing this story on The Paracast because I wanted to start a cult. Yup, that makes perfect sense, dontcha think? Horn will become my authorized media rep for Zimbabwe. Or Guam. I'm still not sure which.

Has anyone but me noticed that every single person that Horn quotes, aside from those who have passed, doesn't want to go on the record? I mean, his imaging expert, his psychiatrist, heck, just about everyone he quotes lacks a face, name, email address. Well, I spoke to one of his quoted special effects experts last week, who says he's sick and tired about getting calls from people asking him about Horn's quotes regarding the photos, video and testing/validation procedure requirements. He says he hopes he never hears this name again. He was not happy, let me tell you. I'll leave his name out of this conversation, he actually, genuinely asked me for anonymity. I told him I'd send him a case of chocolate cream soda for his troubles.

Listen, everyone needs to believe in exactly what they want. A philosophical following is fine, BOB™ knows I have my own spiritual guides and voices, but getting belligerent and condescending is never the way to get anything in life. As a rational and aware person. I abhor this behavior, and have little use or patience for people who don't know when to back off. We attempted to be reasonable in ways not documented here, but Horn's attitude and complete lack of any sense of respect was deplorable.

Figu folks, I would be really fascinated to know if all of you approve of Mr. Horn's words. What happened to the peaceful, benevolent teachings of Billy Meiers, in fact, what does Billy have to say about all this? Does he approve of the way in which Mr. Horn is handling this situation? Please have him email me at [email protected], and I will be happy to have a conversation with him about pictures. I noticed that there has been a call for Billy to provide an original negative to us for testing on the Figu forums, is he willing to do his with the image I examined? I'd be willing and happy to take a close, careful look at it, and I know that Jeff Ritzmann would love to help me in the analysis, so we can get to the bottom of the "paranormal area" aspect of this case. Or are you actually going to make me undergo the shame, the embarrassment of asking Dennis to take some time out of his incredibly busy schedule to chime in? Not that you really want me to, because, and trust me here, I know exactly what he would say. He is a smart, <i>very smart</i> man, who knows more about the science and art of making visual images than all of your so-called "experts" all rolled into a big ball and dunked in donkey doo.

Lemme know. One prophet meets another, who knows what we'll figure out.

Otherwise, I'm just really tired typing about this crap, and I want to do something else. If you don't care about the paranormal aspects of your beliefs, why should we?

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