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Mini conversation with Jed 30-04-2013

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Thanks for answering.
'Tricksters', by the way, are basically inexperienced or immature souls who, for their own pleasure, decide to play around with us. Which, of course can be quite frightening to the people involved, and so will often be referred to as 'demons' or 'dark entities' which isn't the case at all.

Actually, that sums up my speculations about these topics, too. But, and that's maybe one reason why most of the posts in this thread are pretty dismissive, I don't see why you use such absolute statements like "they are immature souls" or "Jed is a non-physical entity". I mean, how can you possibly know? Is that information channeled by your friend? If so, I think you still would have to say like "in my opinion they might be this or that" because of the alternative explanations in the above posts.

Or did you have any corroborating evidence, like, say probably the best case scenario, an apparition of one of the channeled entities you saw right before you which you could see but wasn't physical? I guess that's about the only thing that would convince me personally (although I've had indirect evidence, as I said).
You're quite right, these are beliefs formed in accordance with my own experiences and what I have been taught, so they are my opinions and not necessarily the opinions of others.

Jed has never appeared to me, not as a physical manifestation. I can, however, see him through my higher self, my soul self, not as a person but as a bright light. It's hard to explain, as a lot of this is. I see him where the third eye is said to be, the minds eye, along with a strong pulsation feeling around that area whenever I do this. I can also feel him with my hands when he's around me. I can only describe it as pure energy. It feels, for lack of better terms, warm, tingly and magnetic.

I am also aware of my own, and other peoples aura, or energy. Again, it feels like a magnetic force and I can generate balls of it with my hands. Samantha can feel this too. In fact, we have done little experiments wherein she will try to walk past me whilst I attempt to create a magnetic field and she simply cannot pass the point where I am directing this energy.

I have also sensed this energy with other friends, and they have sensed mine. The only trouble is they were a little high on cannabis at the time and so put it down to the drug. What they, and a lot of other people don't realise is that these natural drugs raise your consciousness to such a level that you may be receptible to these phenomenon but won't quite understand what is happening, especially if you don't have an open mind. I think these plants should be considered teachers, in a sense.

There are countless other weird little things that have happened too. For example, when all this began Samantha and I were talking on Facebook and we decided to do another little experiment. She would think of a simple yes or no question and I would ask Jed to answer by guiding my head to nod for a yes or shake for a no. She asked 6 -7 questions and they were all answered correctly - without me knowing what the questions were. We have only done this once.

Another time we were in the car listening to my iPod on shuffle and we began talking about Jed. As we were talking two songs with the name Jed in the title played consecutively - out of 7000+ tracks.

Another time I was fooling around on an etch a sketch style toy and I decided to draw some trees with a moon and a cloud in the right hand corner. When Samantha saw this she asked if I'd seen her drawing twenty minutes earlier, which I hadn't, and she had drawn exactly the same thing. I did question Jed about this and he said that although I didn't see Samantha draw this picture with my physical eyes, my soul self may have, and so it was imprinted in my mind.

In my opinion we are all spiritual beings - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not - here to experience physical life in order to gain knowledge and wisdom. We have lived before and we may choose to live again, whether it's here or on another planet.

Everybody has the ability to connect with their true selves and experience these things but a lot of people have become so closed off that people like me are labeled 'nut jobs', as another user so eloquently put it earlier in this thread.

Finally, let it be clear that I'm not here to 'convince' anybody. I'm just hoping to open at least one persons mind, even if it's just a little bit, and be questioned and then dismissed, rather than just dismissed.
"...we have done little experiments wherein she will try to walk past me whilst I attempt to create a magnetic field and she simply cannot pass the point where I am directing this energy."

If you could use this ability in a way to prove your case on video, that would be interesting.
You're quite right, these are beliefs formed in accordance with my own experiences and what I have been taught, so they are my opinions and not necessarily the opinions of others.

Thanks again for the in-depth answer and the acknowledgement above.

What I still find hard to believe, though, is that you both went from agnostic to spiritual in like a week or something. I mean, sure, if I imagine I had these things happen to me, like some kind of epiphany, that should change my take on things, too. But to think that some tibetan monk or western mystic probbaly has to meditate for years to get to this point, whereas you said it happened right in your first meditation, without you having any prior experience or occupation with these things... that's hard to swallow, you know.
In my opinion we are all spiritual beings - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not - here to experience physical life in order to gain knowledge and wisdom. We have lived before and we may choose to live again, whether it's here or on another planet.

The funny thing is, a lot of good and thorough scientific work, accumulated over more than 100 years, is pointing in just that direction, but still people (like myself) get labeled nutjobs if they say, "hey, I had this experience and it looks to me like there's really something to these findings that points to some transcendent reality". Even here, where the motto is "separating signal from noise", lots of people are really only about seperating the stuff they think is nonsense from the stuff that fits their worldview. IMO, there is lots of signal in NDE and reincarnation research, but it just gets dismissed.

Well, what can you do. I'd like to think that there is some major consciousness shift ahead, as some people say, but I guess I'm too jaded to buy into that.
The thing is, these 'energy barrier' experiments that we do are very much 'feel' based. You can't actually see the energy, but you can feel it - very intensely at times. I've likened it to the force created by putting the opposite poles of two magnets together. So this wouldn't convey well to video because it would just look like a woman walking and then stopping.

The only other way I could attempt to show you would be if you were here with me. Now, unless you're planning on paying me a surprise visit this is a very unlikely scenario. This is why I keep saying that you all have the inherent ability to do this. Because learning for yourself is more than enough proof.


Yes I completely agree it is hard to believe, I myself couldn't quite understand what was happening at first. I'm only able to tell you what I think this is because Jed teaches and explains these things to the physical part of me, using my friends body to do so.

This is still a huge learning curve for me. The ability to manipulate energy and 'see' and 'feel' Jed at will has gotten stronger as the months have gone on and I am learning new things all the time be it during my meditations or during my conversations with Jed.

So yes, I have been in contact with Jed since my initial meditation, but I am still very much learning and developing in most aspects.

I am very interested in your personal experiences on this subject. Could you share more?
I made a crude summary in one of my first posts here. Much of the "evidence" is of a very personal nature, so I didn't really want to write more. But you'll get the overall picture. No real epiphany there, in the sense of one moment of insight, just a long and unwilling kind of "conversion" from totally agnostic to sceptically spiritual over a period of some 20 years.