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Most Annoying Person in the Field

Who Sucks the Most?

  • Dr. Bruce Goldberg

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • David Sereda

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • Dr. Chicky Greer

    Votes: 23 25.0%
  • Billy "the liar" Meier

    Votes: 10 10.9%
  • Jim Sparks

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Bud Dickman

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Michael Horn

    Votes: 14 15.2%
  • David Biedny

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • John Lear

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • Robby "The Robot" Simone

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Noory's Big Black Moustache

    Votes: 11 12.0%
  • Jim Moseley

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters

Free episodes:

Schuyler --

I'll second that. Ritzmann seemed to me to be someone who was sincere and had a unique set of experiences and some insights that deserved attention. I haven't listened to any Paratopia episodes or spend any time on the Paratopia forums (and won't), but I suspect you are 100% on target with this assessment.

Just yesterday I got an annoyed email from Ritzmann challenging me about the above statement. I don't know him very well, but I doubt he spends time combing these forums for comments about himself, so I suspect some troublemaker made sure he saw it.

I wish I could find it, but I recall some Biblical passage that describes that God sees us as "vipers wrestling in a pit of slime." This, unfortunately, is what most of the UFO "community" is about. I had the naive hope this corner of the "community" was isolated from this kind of stupidity to some extent. Silly me.

I gave up on the "community" a couple of years ago, and I'm seeing that nothing has changed for the majority of it.

Gene, David, I'll be peeking in now and then, but I'm done posting for a while.

All the best, everyone.
Just yesterday I got an annoyed email from Ritzmann challenging me about the above statement. I don't know him very well, but I doubt he spends time combing these forums for comments about himself, so I suspect some troublemaker made sure he saw it.

I wish I could find it, but I recall some Biblical passage that describes that God sees us as "vipers wrestling in a pit of slime." This, unfortunately, is what most of the UFO "community" is about. I had the naive hope this corner of the "community" was isolated from this kind of stupidity to some extent. Silly me.

I gave up on the "community" a couple of years ago, and I'm seeing that nothing has changed for the majority of it.

Gene, David, I'll be peeking in now and then, but I'm done posting for a while.

All the best, everyone.

Oh give me a break. YOU are the one that made the comment.

Hypocritical much?
I know that Jesus said, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" but just once more, I need to express myself from my own glass house here. Do any of y'all find Peter Robbins, Farah Yurdozu, David Huggins, and Bill Birnes annoying too, like I do?
Just yesterday I got an annoyed email from Ritzmann challenging me about the above statement. I don't know him very well, but I doubt he spends time combing these forums for comments about himself, so I suspect some troublemaker made sure he saw it.

I wish I could find it, but I recall some Biblical passage that describes that God sees us as "vipers wrestling in a pit of slime." This, unfortunately, is what most of the UFO "community" is about. I had the naive hope this corner of the "community" was isolated from this kind of stupidity to some extent. Silly me.

I gave up on the "community" a couple of years ago, and I'm seeing that nothing has changed for the majority of it.

Gene, David, I'll be peeking in now and then, but I'm done posting for a while.

All the best, everyone.

I don't get this either ?
Oh give me a break. YOU are the one that made the comment.

Hypocritical much?

You misunderstand me, Gareth. I stand by my statement. I'm fed up with the troublemakers in the "community," and I am fed up that these idiots aren't locked out, pushed aside, blacklisted, and cast into the outer darkness as they should be. I am pleased Gene and David have banned Ritzmann, Vaeni, et. al., because they got tired of taking the crap from these people that they had no business dishing out.

It is sheer spinelessness that this kind of thing is tolerated elsewhere.
I don't get this either ?

Not to speak for Daniel, but this originally started when Ritzmann was suggested by someone as a candidate for 'most annoying.' I responded, quite charitably, I thought, that Ritzmann might be salvageable and that it looked to me like his association with Vaeni had put him in a vortex of shit. Really, Ritzmann has done excellent work in image analyses and he's had some very strange experiences that are worth listening to. At least I find it compelling. If he wants to get out of the kiddie pool and start acting like an adult again my guess is he would be easily accepted.

Daniel basically wrote back and agreed, and THEN Ritzmann wrote to Daniel cussing him out. He did not write to me, which is a little strange when you think about it since Brenton was simply agreeing with my take on it. (No, I didn't lose any sleep over it. If I do have trouble sleeping, I just think of naked women and go right back to sleep.)

Daniel's subsequent post, the fourth in the 'mini-thread,' was lamenting what happened and expressing his frustration with the field. If you put all this together it makes some sense in context.
The mantle has to be shared, surely, by he who shall not be named , and the country doctor of who I need also not name , just for their sheer decent into deceptiveness and downright and utter madness.
If he was on the list I'd vote for Stan Romanek. The reviews for his book over at Amazon amaze me. Most of them are raves with it averaging nearly 5 stars. When you type in "ufo" for books in their search engine his is pretty close to the top of the results so I assume it's selling pretty well. I wrote a short review for it called "Hoax!" and so far I've got 3 negative votes for it, ha ha. The reviews where people are giving it perfect scores are getting a lot of positive feedback though. I guess quite a few people just like having smoke blown up their asses.
OK, I need to come out of self-imposed lurker mode to state that The Clueless One and Alfred Lehmberg (?) are the absolute worst in terms of a lack of logic and consistency. As noted, Alfred's sole purpose for existence seems to be for creating pretentious piles of steaming dung in verbal form. He intentionally writes in a way so obtuse and obscure that you either realize the man is a raving lunatic or you (if naive and innocent and have trouble getting through cartoons like the FAMILY CIRCLE without outside guidance) think he must be brilliant. For some inexplicable reason, Vaeni seems to adore the guy. Alfred used to be a regular on Vaeni's forum. Alfred would spend his time as a predator going after one poster after another, driving them away, while Vaeni just sat their on his large ass and giggled (as he does so often on the PARACAST in his famous "fart chair").

The other guy that has deeply disappointed me is Jeff Ritzmann. I love the guy's voice, and he once had the ability to speak coherently, relating his paranormal stories on The PARACAST several times in ancient times. Yet I give Jeff credit. In one PARATOPIA episode, he admitted that he doesn't think too well on his feet, i.e., he is not a verbal person. Yeah, no kidding. Usually, Vaeni does most of the guest interview (a bit like Dave Biedny) and then Jeff pops in afterwards in the summary section of each show (the guest is gone so the two either trash the person or praise him). Jeff's sentences are always punctuated with "I mean" (the standard meaningless phrase of a teenager) and "Y'know...". If someone did a transcript of Jeff from the PARATOPIA show now, you'd find that he seldom finishes a sentence, but constantly interrupts himself with the above 2 phrases. He can be nerve wracking to listen to.

Dave Biedny and Jeff were once very close friends, even soul brothers, according to Jeff. No one is talking about what the falling out was about (my theory: that Jeff decided to align with Vaeni and co-host competition to the PARACAST?). Seems to me that Jeff's choice has not served him well. His brain seem to be deep fried in Vaeni body grease.

Vaeni thinks the aliens are just peachy. In fact, he sees them as being the ultimate ideal of being in spiritual ONENESS (like an ant colony?). Anyway, he seems to have convinced Jeff of this. Jeff once had rather unpleasant paranormal experiences and choose to end them. Then good old Jer came on the scene telling Jeff what groovy little saints the aliens are, how interacting with them will guide you to enlightenment. Blah, blah, blah.

Well, Jeff decided to open up to the paranormal again. Results? He now lives in a house that he reports is haunted. Love that enlightenment! Also, some entity/naked guy wearing only a black sheet popped into Jeff's house (using a transporter beam or something). Jeff seems to have willingly become this "guy's" spiritual student. Results? Jeff reported on a recent PARATOPIA that he woke up with his back streaming blood from being whipped during the night. His new friend in the black bathrobe said it was punishment for Jeff being indiscreet about the dude's existence. Yep, lots and lots of enlightenment! Next I suppose we will hear that Jeff is possessed and his wife has had enough and has taken his son and left for more sane territory. But it's part of Vaeni's much vaunted ONENESS of those dear little aliens who are here to bring us tough love and enlightenment as we do faux Tai Chi movements in our boxer shorts!

Forgive me, but these 3 characters really amaze me.

Jeff, please come back to sanity. Planet Earth misses you. I think it is too late for Vaeni, and Alfred has been missing in action for decades, but you have a chance to back out of this madness.
OK, I also want to support the nomination of Whitley Strieber (one of Vaeni's idols). I wrote an article about Strieber (which I admit is a bit dated) but posted to another website. I'll just stick it here. This is merely my opinion, of course.
I've been following Whitley Strieber's career since the late 80's. I'd like to offer my opinion on 2 subjects:


COMMUNION and TRANSFORMATION were shocking and disturbing books for me in the late 1980's. These were soon followed by BREATHTHROUGH and THE SECRET SCHOOL, all purporting to be the factual experiences (emotional, mystical and physical) of Whiley Strieber. My first annoying sense that something was wrong came with my reading of THE SECRET SCHOOL.

This book revealed a "camp follower" trend in Whitley's thinking that has continued to this day. By "camp follower" I refer to his tendency to take whatever is the passing fancy of the paranormal, metaphysical or eschatological pop culture, and entwine this into his personal life story.

For example, in THE SECRET SCHOOL, Whitley professes to have been secretly instructed by a bug-like being as a child in San Antonio. In one scene, Whitley is looking through a telescope and views the "Face on Mars", therefore inferring that HE was the first human to view this monument of intelligent design on the surface of Mars. To put this into context, the Face of Mars had been a fringe culture conspiracy topic for some time, crusaded by Richard Hoagland, frequest guest on the Coast to Coast radio program in the 90's. Since then, the Face on Mars has been soundly scientifically debunked and is no longer popular, even in the paranormal conspiracy theorist realm of speculation. Yet, Whitley incorporated this passing "late night paranormal talk radio" fad into his life story.

Whitley, in the same book, claims to have had many visions of the future, all with the intent of confirming that global warming will turn Earth into a desert within 20 or more years. For example, he saw himself as an elderly man with his wife, gathering nuts in a rather decrepid neighborhood of San Antonio. [NOTE: Whitley is now 64 years old, so the clock is ticking on this prediction]. Whitley shifted scenes without much prelude (a constant in his early books) to a vision of huge sand dunes making landings difficult at LA International airport. Once again, Whitley was incorporating a popular vision of the future into his personal life story, via a part of the story not yet manifested!

Yet, only a few years later, Whitley would join forces with talk show host Art Bell to author a book called THE GLOBAL SUPERSTORM which claims that we would not experience a global warming meltdown, but would instead shift rather suddenly into an ice age. Subsequently, the popular movie DAY AFTER TOMORROW was based on this book.

Another disturbing event relating to THE SECRET SCHOOL was that prior to the book's publication, the concept of a secret school of alien instruction was being bandied about on a popular UFO forum. In particular, one woman reported that this had been her conscious experience in childhood. Whitley was reportedly lurking on this forum. After the publication of THE SECRET SCHOOL, the woman who claimed these experiences as her own prior to the book's publication said she felt physically sick to her stomach, with a sense of betrayal. Her perception was that HER LIFE had been incorporated into Whitley's public life story based on her forum entries. Of course, I cannot substantiate if any of this is true, but at the time it was a disturbing possibility.

For an example of a recent example of Whitley jumping on the bandwagon of popular ufology myth, we have the 2007 drone fad. Unlike US military drones, these drones were extremely complicated devices with no conceivable means of aerial suspension. Pictures of such complicated devices became common. With the publication of 2012, Whitley appeared on Coast to Coast radio, claiming 2 events had occurred to him:

1. He had seen one of the photographed drones outside his bedroom window.
2. He had gained the ability to shift into other dimensions.

Regarding number 1: Extensive evaluation by photo experts and MUFON has determined that the entire UFO drone scenario had been faked via Photoshop and Youtube videos. No witnesses ever came forward to defend these pictures. Therefore, Whitley claimed to see a UFO that only exists in Photoshop!!

Regarding number 2: The UFO field has become obsessed with the view that "aliens" now come from alternative dimensions rather than another planet in our dimension. "Coincidently," with the sudden arrival of Whitley's uncanny ability to make dimensional jumps was the release of 2012, which dealt in detail with the activities of at least 3 Earth centered dimensions. Hmmmmmm.

Therefore, in my humble opinion, Whitley has jumped the shark by carelessly incorporating rather dodgy elements of paranormal gossip into his life story, and continues to do so. I just sigh with relief that Ninja Turtles and Telletubbies have not turned up in Whitley's personal accounts.


I was shocked when Whitley had Steve Quayle as a guest recently on Dreamland. Steve Quayle is a right wing fundamentalist who hosts a daily shortwave broadcast called the Q Files. Every day, Steve Quayle literally rants and raves about how massive death and destruction are always about 2 weeks from happening. He implores his audience to repent of their sins and buy gold and other precious metals (Steve sells them) and stock up on ammo and food (a sponsor sells freeze dried food and seeds). Steve Quayle is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast, imploring the audience to beware the return of the Nephelim "longwalkers" (giants from the days of Noah who bred with Earth women and created monstrosities that invoked God's wrath and the Great Flood). In Steve's world view, aliens are just Biblical demons in disguise, part of Satan's End Times gambit to fool humanity. In another recent Q Files show, Steve warned listeners to not send their children to college, or liberal professors would return them to their wholesome families as homo's. You get the picture?

What is happening to Whitley now? Yes, both Steve and Whitley are now both big doom & gloomers (although Whitley has come to this marketing strategy relatively lately in terms of the planet's future). Ironically, Whitley sees our doom in ecological terms, and seems a big adherent to global warming plunging us literally overnight into an ice age. In contrast, I don't think Steve believes in global warming at all, like all good conservative right winger religious spokesmen.

Whitley also has never publically been a Bible thumping rabid right winger, like Steve. Whitley comes from a much more cosmopolitan intellectual New York vantage point, whereas Steve has spent most of his life in rustic Montana, fighting off the Luciferian New World Order from his survivalist store.

However, each has his hatred to join with the other! Whitley Strieber said he has a particular hatred for the producers and writers of a SOUTHPARK episode that lampooned his "anal probe" remarks. Whitley also harbors great hate for other media personalities who satirized him over the decades. So, both men while professing to be Christian, nurture their deep abiding hatred of others. Whitley said on the Q Files that this was his moral right. Hmmm....not what I was taught in Catachism classes where forgiveness was the way to freedom, not vengeance and decade's old hatred. Nonetheless, it does tie the two men together.

So what is Whitley up to with his interest in Steve? Of course, Steve can make a great talk show guest since he talks very fast and can handle the entire interview with one long monologue. I am sure Steve loves the opportunity for more exposure with a long term "big name" in the ufo field. I also found it bizarre that Whitley (on the Q Files) allowed Steve to interpret Whitley's experiences in a Bible thumper conspiracy manner. I suspect Whitley is intentionally allowing Steve to do this although Whitley has never indicated that he adheres to Steve's paranoid world view (aliens are all demons here as part of the End Times delusion, aka Lynn Marzulli's bread and butter).

Anyway, this will be interesting to watch. Will the 2 last as a couple? Will they perhaps write a book together? Will both become regulars on each other's show?

Let's all watch this strange joining of 2 masters of the ufo and conspiracy fields, and see if it lasts and what it produces.
2-28-10 Postscript: I confess that Whitley seems to have dropped Steve Quayle like a cat that throws up on your new shirt. Intsead, Whitley has decided to go whole-hog into the la la land of the New Age, with such co-hosts as William Henry (who seems to whip up a new book every few weeks about Star Gates and enlightenment via the standard new age mantra of increasing your frequency level as the Photon Belt approaches...and don't forget those ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans!) and some psychic (Marla? name escapes me) who gives us the standard "spirit guides" schtick and tells Whitley how psychic he is. Oh, I forgot! Yes, for awhile Whitley was promoting the idea (on Coast to Coast and Dreamland) that he was a closeted psychic. Of course, who isn't? Finally, Whitley seems to be edging bit by bit closer to the Exopolitics gang. He has had several of their notable spokesmen on Dreamland and seems sympathetic to their dogma. What next? Dogs sleeping with cats?
beyondthestargate said:
that The Clueless One and Alfred Lehmberg (?) are the absolute worst in terms of a lack of logic and consistency. As noted, Alfred's sole purpose for existence seems to be for creating pretentious piles of steaming dung in verbal form. He intentionally writes in a way so obtuse and obscure that you either realize the man is a raving lunatic or you

Has Courtney Brown been discussed? You know, Cosmic Yoyage....
It was with The Secret School that I also began having serious misgivings about Strieber. The only criticism I might add is that the thing with Steve Quayle might just be for the show. It's common for radio show hosts to humor guests even if they don't necessarily agree with anything they are saying. You write well. Why not write up some UFO Watchdog entries? With some editing that Strieber piece could be one.
It was with The Secret School that I also began having serious misgivings about Strieber. The only criticism I might add is that the thing with Steve Quayle might just be for the show. It's common for radio show hosts to humor guests even if they don't necessarily agree with anything they are saying. You write well. Why not write up some UFO Watchdog entries? With some editing that Strieber piece could be one.

The reason Whitley's close encounter with Steve Quayle annoyed me is because I read something on Whitley's website at the time saying that this interview was just the beginning of a beautiful relationship (to paraphrase a line from Casablanca). Whitley was oozing with praise for the guy, and said they could get together in a room and talk for days without running out of great material. Steve also refrained from interrupting Whitley during the interview (Steve went on Whitley's Dreamland, and Whitley appeared on Steve's Q Files show). Steve, like Chris Matthews and Alex Jones, interrupts his guests constantly to go off on a rant. Anyway, it was a mutual schmooch session that made me think these 2 had long term plans until Prop 8 was rejected by the voters. (just kidding, folks).

I am sure Whitley does not agree with all his guests. However, I have most of the Dreamland shows on MP3 for years and years (I subscribed long enough to download everything, then unsubscribed - cost me about $2.00). It seems to me that Whitley does present guests that he is promoting. Often there is a direct tie-in to Whitley's wonderful Dreamland store, where the guest's books and DVDs and CDs are sold. What turned me off from Whitley is just the kind of drivel he regularly promotes. He is to the New Age (yet proclaims to be a devout Catholic) what Camelot Interviews are to Exopolitics. Neither met a person in the respective genre they didn't seem to like.

Postscript: Just skimming through my Dreamland MP3's, I came upon an interview about Merlin and the sword Excaliber, which my childhood memories tells me was wielded by the mythical King Arthur. Yet in the context of this scintilating interview, both Whitley and the guest assumed that Merlin was real and that there IS a sword named Excaliber. In fact, sinister forces are at work to stop the human race from finding out the truth about Merlin, Excaliber, Lord Sauron, Lord Voldemort, and the cow that jumped over the moon.

Heavens to Betsy! OMG! Talk about synchronicity! I think the cow's name was Betsy. When she isn't flying over the moon (as part of the secret Space Patrol) she is the spokesperson for a certain butter and margarine company.
Tiny update: in browsing through my DREAMLAND MP3's with Whitley Strieber (to delete the most odious and save some space on my H drive), I came upon a notorious episode where Whitley supports Stan Romanek, claiming that the evil nasty biased mass media was WRONG in not taking Stan's "little peeking tom Grey in the window" video seriously. Evidently, Whitley thinks Romanek is right on the mark! I think the Grey in the window is exactly what Whitley has seen himself. Figures....I suspect if Romanek put up a cardboard cutout of Britney Spears with black almond eyes painted in, Whitley would be agog and probably claim he'd seen this same alien. Whew....
Tiny update: in browsing through my DREAMLAND MP3's with Whitley Strieber (to delete the most odious and save some space on my H drive), I came upon a notorious episode where Whitley supports Stan Romanek, claiming that the evil nasty biased mass media was WRONG in not taking Stan's "little peeking tom Grey in the window" video seriously. Evidently, Whitley thinks Romanek is right on the mark! I think the Grey in the window is exactly what Whitley has seen himself. Figures....I suspect if Romanek put up a cardboard cutout of Britney Spears with black almond eyes painted in, Whitley would be agog and probably claim he'd seen this same alien. Whew....

Whew, that's sad. Romanek is so obvious in his dishonesty that it amazes me that anyone believes him. It's not like one has to do a lot of digging. The man flaunts his absurdity.

Speaking of Strieber I remember a while back Hopkins catching him on something. I think he wrote about it in the MUFON Journal. Hopkins pointed out the tiny cranium of the being on the cover of Communion. The being is all face and there just doesn't seem to be anyplace for the large brain to be. Hopkins described it as a pinhead and hypothesized that a being with a head like that would likely be a complete idiot. I agree. It seems to me that the cranium needs to be a great deal larger than it is in that image for it be a depiction of an intelligent creature. What makes this important is Strieber's constant suggestion, back in those days anyway, of the accuracy of the picture. He made a big deal about it looking exactly like what he saw. Now I know it's possible that because it's alien or potentially something even weirder that it could exist outside of our laws of anatomy. But other abductees describe beings with huge craniums.
Whew, that's sad. Romanek is so obvious in his dishonesty that it amazes me that anyone believes him. It's not like one has to do a lot of digging. The man flaunts his absurdity.

Speaking of Strieber I remember a while back Hopkins catching him on something. I think he wrote about it in the MUFON Journal. Hopkins pointed out the tiny cranium of the being on the cover of Communion. The being is all face and there just doesn't seem to be anyplace for the large brain to be. Hopkins described it as a pinhead and hypothesized that a being with a head like that would likely be a complete idiot. I agree. It seems to me that the cranium needs to be a great deal larger than it is in that image for it be a depiction of an intelligent creature. What makes this important is Strieber's constant suggestion, back in those days anyway, of the accuracy of the picture. He made a big deal about it looking exactly like what he saw. Now I know it's possible that because it's alien or potentially something even weirder that it could exist outside of our laws of anatomy. But other abductees describe beings with huge craniums.

The X FILES did a fantastic episode that brings out how crazy all of this is. The episode is called FROM OUTER SPACE. A guy is writing a book about aliens, and at the end we see the book. The cover is obviously taken from COMMUNION with the same face, but there is a cigarette dangling from the alien's mouth. Great show!
I remember reading that the head on Communion was an artist's conception that had no basis in reality. That came up a few months ago. I'll never be able to track the reference.
The X FILES did a fantastic episode that brings out how crazy all of this is. The episode is called FROM OUTER SPACE. A guy is writing a book about aliens, and at the end we see the book. The cover is obviously taken from COMMUNION with the same face, but there is a cigarette dangling from the alien's mouth. Great show!

That's not what Strieber was saying at first. The article is here on page 4: http://www.theblackvault.com/encyclopedia/documents/MUFON/Journals/2006/MARCH_2006.PDF

Here is a snippet of it:

"Eventually Ted began to work with
Whitley, carefully following his specific
instructions as to how the alien looked,
slanted eyes to the shape of the cranium
to the color of the skin.
I am not sure how long the project
took, but I vividly recall Whitley's
phone call to me when the small oil on
canvas was completed.
He had it near him as we spoke, and
the gist of his intense excitement was
this: The painting was uncanny. It was
exactly like the faces he'd seen.
He could close his eyes and see the
face he'd recalled, and then, when he
opened his eyes, there was the very
same face before him, futed for all time
on canvas. It was frightening-real-exciting,