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So is there any work @Gene Steinberg being done to have Mr. @Decker & @Jim Oberg on together for a moon anomalies roundtable "discussion" & debate? There seems to be a lot of interest on both sides to promote their contrasting points of view. It would make for an excellent show!
... did you all forget I have my own radio program?
Refresh our memories... where can we find it and download it?
I was thinking that more neutral territory might be a way to make the "debate" more feasible, as opposed to having it on any one single person's home turf.Ladies and Gentlemen, what say we don't get ahead of ourselves. First, it would behoove you to ask me and Oberg if we would be interested in a debate. I can't speak for Dr. Oberg but I suspect he may not be interested. And .... and this is an important and ... did you all forget I have my own radio program? If Oberg did agree to something like this, don't you think I would be interested in having it on Dark Matters Radio first?
My dream program: a roundtable discussion involving Don, Robert Hastings, and Jim Oberg. And perhaps a second skeptic to keep things balanced, if Mr. Oberg would prefer.