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My Rebuttal to Carol Rainey, Paratopia and other attackers of Hopkins and Cortile

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NEW, My Rebuttal to Carol Rainey, Paratopia and other attackers of Hopkins and Cortile

Free-For-All: The Assassination of Budd Hopkins and Linda Cortile

URL: http://www.alienjigsaw.com/Whats_New/Whats_new.html


Thank you for this thoroughly researched piece of work. Life can get so busy for us all and to take the time out to go through Rainey's claims one-by-one is laudable in the extreme. I will read it again more thoroughly after work. Greatly appreciated!
166 pages , yikes why don't you do a little more research and documentation? :)

J/K looks like a very thorough examination of this whole situation. Appreciate the hard work and when i get some time I'll give it a read.

Like i said in another thread I'm very dubious about the Cortile case however I'll give your evidence a look.
You've caught Rainey lying multiple times. Very well done. Whether or not that means all of her accusations are falsehoods is not a call I'm qualified to make, but this certainly seems to severely compromise her credibility. I still think that, ultimately, any challenge to established and entrenched systems of knowledge is a good thing, no matter what the intent, because no body of knowledge is so complete that it couldn't benefit from some adjustments, minor or major. So perhaps, despite herself, Rainey may inadvertently end up doing some good here if, as a consequence of her attempts at character assassination, abduction study ends up tightening up its methodology, keeping better records, starts asking itself serious questions about the reliability of hypnotically retrieved memory, and adopting a more transparent attitude towards sharing its findings. Speaking of adjustments, it's time for me to attempt to readjust my recently readjusted understanding of this mess.
I haven't read all of it yet, but I did read through a fair amount of the material quite early this morning. It is extremely well-documented, with a huge amount of citations. I find it incredible that Rainey made so many obvious misstatements, and her motives become more and more suspect by the moment. Again, I'm also troubled by her timing, waiting for Hopkins to be seriously ill before she starts this public onslaught. If she had evidence against him, she could have presented it years ago. Or was she only asked recently? But that would move suspicion onto the shoulders of those who published her article, and that is just speculation at this point.
What it does seem to point out is what had been said on these forums some time ago. It's a "He said, She said" situation. On the surface Rainey's accusations have little or no corroborating evidence. Also the fact that she seems to have lied numerous times. As for thingymebob's tapes. They sound legit but then she admits to editing some portions.
Wow, this is extensive. Phil, I think it goes a bit farther than the "He Said, She Said" here. He has documented his sources and is making a very good case. As a byproduct, I am now interested in learning more about the Cortile case. {deep breath} I was hoping to avoid diving into that case too far. How many f!@#ing rabbit holes does this phenomenon have anyway?
As a byproduct, I am now interested in learning more about the Cortile case. {deep breath} I was hoping to avoid diving into that case too far. How many f!@#ing rabbit holes does this phenomenon have anyway?

Ha Ha...that made me laugh :-)
Wow, this is extensive. Phil, I think it goes a bit farther than the "He Said, She Said" here. He has documented his sources and is making a very good case.

Of course. I was probably over simplifying the connotation.

I think this rebuttal also highlights what Archie was trying to put across about Carol Rainey before he was targeted by the hysterical mob that forms the fan base for the "Woods?/Rainey" faction. Shifting the focus on to "Archie Bedford" was a really lame attempt at deflection as the aforementioned faction seems to have a considerably weak case otherwise.

One really has to wonder why, after all these years, that she now decides to dump on her former husband. Probably because now she can glean some notoriety from this sordid affair. Whereas years ago it would've caused only a minor ripple.
It also makes the front men for the "Podcast that should not be mentioned" look a tad silly and inadequate. Maybe a bit more "unbiased" research is in order instead of hunting for publicity that fits your prejudices.
With all your copy, might i suggest a line-height of 120-140% for readability in your css style sheet? It will make it easier to read.

*sorry for being a jerk, but my eyes want to fall out of my head when trying to read tight copy on the computer*
I started reading yesterday late night and so far reached only page 30 but I gotta say I love the referencing. Very nicely done, thanks a lot for the hard work and all the effort. Looking forward to finishing it today...
kruggutter, congratulations on your serious research into this topic

Veani on the other hand has proven through this entire ordeal he's nothing more then an attention whore in this field

former MTV writer with delusions of Godhood (no kidding) wants to be a big fish in this pond

to quote Paul Kimball "Veani is the noise in this field"

You declined their invitation, good move.

Pay them no heed. Keep up the excellent documentation.
I wouldn't presume to tell anyone whether or not to go on another show, but it's always important to realize whether doing so is in your best interests, or someone else's.
Hello everyone.

I received the following message from The Clueless One at my youtube inbox section.
He was not very happy with me over writing "Free-for-all: the assassination of Budd
Hopkins and Linda Cortile". He invited me to come on their show at Paratopia. I said no.
Naturally they are not very happy with me. They gave me quite an onslaught in the comments
section over at Carol's video.


Enjoy the attachment.[

I personally think your "research" would get exposed on Paratopia. Take the challenge.
Thank you Lauren Jones for your reply.

Comparison of handwriting and drawing samples by two different witnesses in the "Linda Case"
by Budd Hopkins


Just read the article Sean. Thanks for posting it. As an artist himself I guess Budd Hopkins is well qualified to analyse the artistic pieces. I think he vindicates his stance on the Cortile case pretty well. Even the graphologist Rainey uses in her video is backing away from her use/misuse of his analysis. She claims to be a successful filmmaker...from this clip I'm not convinced. Maybe it's time for her to move onto a different subject?
kruggutter, congratulations on your serious research into this topic

Veani on the other hand has proven through this entire ordeal he's nothing more then an attention whore in this field

former MTV writer with delusions of Godhood (no kidding) wants to be a big fish in this pond

to quote Paul Kimball "Veani is the noise in this field"

You declined their invitation, good move.

Pay them no heed. Keep up the excellent documentation.

I agree when someone opens with words like illiterate horseshit, they dont want a debate,
You dont need to be a psychic to see how that would have panned out
Hello everyone.

I received the following message from The Clueless One at my youtube inbox section.
He was not very happy with me over writing "Free-for-all: the assassination of Budd
Hopkins and Linda Cortile". He invited me to come on their show at Paratopia. I said no.
Naturally they are not very happy with me. They gave me quite an onslaught in the comments
section over at Carol's video.


Enjoy the attachment.[

I personally think your "research" would get exposed on Paratopia. Take the challenge.

Well, one things for sure: Whatever they couldn't refute they'd just make snide jokes about because in the land of Paratopia humor, especially if it's nasty, is every bit as good as fact or even a point, perhaps better. An example: Always they go on and on about the opinions of Dr. Lilienfeld and to back it up they go on in equal measure about his credentials. Here's an example from Vaeni's article:

Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, professor of psychology at Emory University.

Dr. Lilienfeld is a contributor to Psychology Today and coauthor
of numerous books including Science and Pseudoscience
in Clinical Psychology (Guilford Press, 2004), 50 Great Myths
of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions
about Human Behavior (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Navigating
the Mindfield: A Guide to Separating Science from Pseudoscience
in Mental Health (Prometheus Books, 2008), Looking Into
Abnormal Psychology: Contemporary Readings (Wadsworth
Publishing, 1998) and Seeing Both Sides: Classic Controversies
in Abnormal Psychology (Wadsworth Publishing, 1994). If anyone
should know a thing or two about the application of hypnosis
for memory retrieval, it was this guy.
If that's not enough for you listen to their interviews with him. You'll get plenty more.

All of that basically translates to: "Dr. Lilienfeld's professional dick is really, really big. It's bigger than your dick, professional or otherwise. Therefor what Dr. Lilienfeld says goes. There is no room for debate."

Yet despite using that approach they had the nerve to turn around and mock Budd Hopkins for throwing precisely the same argument back at them when he pointed out in his rebuttal to Carol Rainey's article that John Mack "outranks" Tyler Kokjohn. I guess that what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander after all. We've got two arguments here set up on the same foundation with the only difference being that Budd decided to limit things to making points (A point they use themselves when it is convenient for them) while the Paratopia guys felt that tossing in adolescent jokes and insults was just as good as an argument any day, even if that humor was hypocritical in the extreme.
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