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mysterious aluminum metal believed to be 250,000 years old

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I think that is a piece of Tank "tread" or "track", or maybe from an excavator or some other heavy plant.

I reckon that it would be of Axis manufacture given where it was found, but could also be Russian.
I thought this seemed familiar:

The 11,000-Year-Old Aluminium Wedge of Aiud

Here is a part of modern machinery which doesn't exactly match but is very, very similar.


When this story was posted last time the object was 11,000 years old, now they are saying it is 250,000 years old :rolleyes:

Also after rereading the first thread I realise that it was @pixelsmith who pointed out that it looked like a piece of machinery.
The article starts out claiming the object is 250,000 years old and winds up with it being possibly as recent as 800 years old. So if we're going to go with wild variations on the object's age, maybe we should also introduce the idea that aluminum may have been around in ancient times and is something that was rediscovered as opposed to a strictly modern material. Some historians think that the following passage may refer to the creation of an early aluminum artifact:

“Once a certain Roman jeweler was allowed to show the Emperor Tiberius
a chalice made of a new metal. The chalice was remarkable for its unusually
light weight, and it shone just as brightly as silver. The goldsmith told
the emperor that he made this metal from ordinary clay. He also assured
the ruler that the means of obtaining this metal from clay was known only
to him and the gods. The emperor was intrigued by the craftsman’s words,
and the financial side of the matter did not concern him much. But soon
he was struck by the thought that if people master the production of this
bright metal from ordinary clay, all the stores of gold and silver in his
treasure trove would instantly become worthless. Therefore, instead of the
expected reward, the craftsman lost his head.”

Pliny the Elder. Natural History: Tiberius Claudius Nero, 1st Century

Source: http://rusal.ru/en/press-center/RUSAL Encyclopedia_full_engl_FINAL.pdf
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The article starts out claiming the object is 250,000 years old and winds up with it being possibly as recent as 800 years old. So if we're going to go with wild claims about the object's age, maybe we should also introduce the idea that aluminum may have been around in ancient times and is something that was rediscovered as opposed to a strictly modern material. Some historians think that the following passage may refer to the creation of an early aluminum artifact:

“Once a certain Roman jeweler was allowed to show the Emperor Tiberius
a chalice made of a new metal. The chalice was remarkable for its unusually
light weight, and it shone just as brightly as silver. The goldsmith told
the emperor that he made this metal from ordinary clay. He also assured
the ruler that the means of obtaining this metal from clay was known only
to him and the gods. The emperor was intrigued by the craftsman’s words,
and the financial side of the matter did not concern him much. But soon
he was struck by the thought that if people master the production of this
bright metal from ordinary clay, all the stores of gold and silver in his
treasure trove would instantly become worthless. Therefore, instead of the
expected reward, the craftsman lost his head.”

Pliny the Elder. Natural History: Tiberius Claudius Nero, 1st Century

Source: http://rusal.ru/en/press-center/RUSAL Encyclopedia_full_engl_FINAL.pdf

Hi Randal, I think this is more of an allegory than something that actually happened.

The main reason I say this is because if the Emperor Tiberius killed the jeweler to keep his new secret metal secret, why would he go to the trouble of recording the remotest hint about its raw material i.e "clay".

He could of just said he annoyed me and that would be more than enough to have him executed.

My understanding is that Pliny the elder described the Emperor Tiberius as "the gloomiest of men", and I think this piece of text is an attempt to convey what Pliny felt abut Tiberius's character, using the "metal" in an imagined scenario.
The article starts out claiming the object is 250,000 years old and winds up with it being possibly as recent as 800 years old. So if we're going to go with wild claims about the object's age, maybe we should also introduce the idea that aluminum may have been around in ancient times and is something that was rediscovered as opposed to a strictly modern material. Some historians think that the following passage may refer to the creation of an early aluminum artifact:

“Once a certain Roman jeweler was allowed to show the Emperor Tiberius
a chalice made of a new metal. The chalice was remarkable for its unusually
light weight, and it shone just as brightly as silver. The goldsmith told
the emperor that he made this metal from ordinary clay. He also assured
the ruler that the means of obtaining this metal from clay was known only
to him and the gods. The emperor was intrigued by the craftsman’s words,
and the financial side of the matter did not concern him much. But soon
he was struck by the thought that if people master the production of this
bright metal from ordinary clay, all the stores of gold and silver in his
treasure trove would instantly become worthless. Therefore, instead of the
expected reward, the craftsman lost his head.”

Pliny the Elder. Natural History: Tiberius Claudius Nero, 1st Century
Source: http://rusal.ru/en/press-center/RUSAL Encyclopedia_full_engl_FINAL.pdf

Pliny's got the clay part right. Bauxite contains clay and the ancient Greeks and Romans did use aluminum salts as dye mordants and for medicinal purposes. They would have needed to use an acid on the bauxite to obtain the aluminum salts they needed.

You have to be careful with those ancients because they did like to recycle their stories. The story may have originated with Petronius and there is a similar story involving an architect from Cassius Dio.
They might have known about aluminum, but extracting it was a such labor intensive process that they probably didn't bother. Other metal ores could be purified through smelting which by Petronius' time had been around for thousands of years..
Hi Randal, I think this is more of an allegory than something that actually happened.
The main reason I say this is because if the Emperor Tiberius killed the jeweler to keep his new secret metal secret, why would he go to the trouble of recording the remotest hint about its raw material i.e "clay".
He could of just said he annoyed me and that would be more than enough to have him executed.
My understanding is that Pliny the elder described the Emperor Tiberius as "the gloomiest of men", and I think this piece of text is an attempt to convey what Pliny felt abut Tiberius's character, using the "metal" in an imagined scenario.
Sure. That theory sounds more plausible than a piece of 250,000 year old moulded aluminum from an alien spaceship ;). Every time I've looked into an OOPART claim, they've never had enough going for them to take them seriously. Maybe Pliny's story is just myth. I don't know. What other mundane explanations might there be? Here's another one:

Wedge of Aiud - Aluminum OOPART Possibly part of excavating equipment: He who controls the past...: Aluminum, Aliens (1): What "THEY" left Behind in Aiud
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Hi Randal, I think this is more of an allegory than something that actually happened.

The main reason I say this is because if the Emperor Tiberius killed the jeweler to keep his new secret metal secret, why would he go to the trouble of recording the remotest hint about its raw material i.e "clay".

He could of just said he annoyed me and that would be more than enough to have him executed.

My understanding is that Pliny the elder described the Emperor Tiberius as "the gloomiest of men", and I think this piece of text is an attempt to convey what Pliny felt abut Tiberius's character, using the "metal" in an imagined scenario.

Pliny had an axe to grind with Tiberius, too. Pliny ended up in prison thanks to him. I did some additional reading on aluminum. Soaking bauxite will give you aluminum hydroxide which melts at a relatively low temperature to become aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide melts at a much higher temperature than iron, so much so, that they have to use electrolysis for purifying the aluminum to make it cost effective. There isn't much chance that these societies would have the sophistication of technology to work aluminum.
Ya, I remember being fascinated with WWII aircraft back in elementary school after reading a book called God Is My Copilot about a pilot with the Flying Tigers ion Burma, which was made into a WB movie:

What was that old TV show about the corsair pilots in WWII? Baa Baa Black Sheep?

I remember that being awesome.

And one of the first model airplanes I ever completed was a ME-262.
I'd like to own a factory producing aluminum excavator teeth, provided someone had contracted to buy them. Kind of like making knives out of paper. Anyway, that looks like a forging from the last several decades. I didn't see any comparisons between the percentages of metals in the alloy and modern alloys. It should be pretty easy to nail down.

Would a buried piece of aluminum last more than a few centuries, anyway. I think not and as usual there is very little in the way or real information.

The proof of the aluminium deposit is that the UFO signals were previously caused by ancient scientific occult practices....manifested....... attacked natural Earth stone as natural nuclear, converted it and gained an aluminium deposit as a conversion to natural stone.

www.hydro.com/en/About-aluminium/How-its-made/Electricity is run between a negative cathode and a positive anode, both made of carbon. The anode reacts with the oxygen in the alumina and forms CO2. The result is liquid aluminium, which can now be tapped from the cells.

www.aluminiumleader.com/production/aluminum_production/At an aluminium smelter, alumina is poured into special reduction cells with molten cryolite at 950⁰С. Electric currents are then induced in the mixture at 400 kA or above; this current breaks the bond between the aluminium and oxygen atoms resulting in liquid aluminium settling at the bottom of the reduction cell.

www.australianminesatlas.gov.au/education/fact_sheets/aluminium.htmlAluminium (Al) comprises about 8.2% of the Earth's crust. It is the third most abundant element in the crust and the most plentiful metallic element, but is never found on its own in nature. Bauxite is the ore most commonly mined for aluminium in which aluminium occurs as hydroxide minerals.

The human mind is advised by atmospheric feed back on "how to" as mind consideration only because the condition was previously caused, the atmospheric body interaction with Earth stone conversion recorded the condition.....a recording existed that advised the human mind on "how to" convert.

The human self is natural, innocent of information, but sought information about conversion. Being innocent the human being never considered the consequences of copying what unnaturally already occurred due to past occult practices.

Changes to human health since the introduced UFO condition....and the human mind as a consideration of UFO manifestation altering Earth's natural fusion.
Why I'm Concerned About the Dangers of Aluminum

www.strangerdimensions.com/2016/09/04/angel-hair-ufo-residue-something/Sep 4, 2016 - The witnesses also noted a silver “spherical object” in the sky, and the ... Could the same happen for these possible UFO manifestations?

Airplane passenger takes pictures of 'UFO' close to Area 51 in Nevada | Daily Mail Online

Geological Survey Professional Paper
1990 - ‎Geology
Clark, L.D., 1965, Bauxite deposits of the Springvale district, Georgia: U.S. ... Jerry, and Neil, S.T., 1979, Masive zunyite rock from western Elko County, Nevada: ..
The Diggings™: Free Mining Claim Maps And Reports › Mines › North America › United States › NevadaAluminum mining deposit report for "A And O" (#USGS10125449) in Nye County, Nevada.

Since I was irradiated and my mind vision altered, in America and their rock formations I was able to see the remains of fused pyramids/buildings/temples as if the stone had been sealed shut. Stone obviously can only be changed by a huge atmospheric interaction.

The Ancient Giants of Nevada and The Mystery of Lovelock Cave - Locklip

New Evidence for the Site of the Temple in Jerusalem

The biblical aware status after being irradiated stated that the UFO gold body melted....just as the previous silver body had also melted. Both manifested appearances have been witnessed in the UFO condition.

The reason that a natural mind stated that the golden calf melted is due to the fact that the mind reviewing the information is natural. In the natural feed back existed various different advice of unnatural awareness.....the attack on the natural animal life, the attack of Earth's natural fusion along with the human irradiation of their person.

We currently witness the attack on the cow's life due to the UFO manifestation.

This is why biblical data seems strange in its advice, but unlike modern data gathering, the ancients only knew conversion due to their natural presence, their natural mind, the gain of designs and plan by study, the applications of those designs and then the unnatural attacks caused by converting Earth's nuclear.
I'd like to own a factory producing aluminum excavator teeth, provided someone had contracted to buy them. Kind of like making knives out of paper. Anyway, that looks like a forging from the last several decades. I didn't see any comparisons between the percentages of metals in the alloy and modern alloys. It should be pretty easy to nail down.

Would a buried piece of aluminum last more than a few centuries, anyway. I think not and as usual there is very little in the way or real information.

It would probably depend on what you were digging into. Softer soils and marshland would be just fine for aluminum. The same blog I posted a link to says that aluminum was often used where there could be risk of fire or explosion, such as in mines. I'm not sure I care about this enough to explore further.
It would probably depend on what you were digging into. Softer soils and marshland would be just fine for aluminum. The same blog I posted a link to says that aluminum was often used where there could be risk of fire or explosion, such as in mines. I'm not sure I care about this enough to explore further.

Yeah, me too. I've seen aluminum and brass pipe wrenches, and was told they were for working where sparks could be disastrous, so it makes sense. What does not make a bit of sense is some workers in a hole finding a tooth from an excavator and the tooth ending up being tested at a Swiss lab or whatever it was, and then being determined to be ancient. Yeah, I'm not going to even click the link again. The world makes less sense by the day. And get the hell off my lawn, & etc.
I think that it probably is a Bucket Tooth.

In the article the place where it was found is misspelt as "AUID" when it should actually be "AIUD" took me a while to work out why I couldn't find it on google maps. Anyway if you look on google maps for AIUD Romania on google maps you will see one of the major landmarks is called "METALURGICA AIUD" which means "metallurgical Auid" in English, and it is a factory that produced various types of metal machinery and parts:


There is a wikipedia entry for Metalurgica Aiud in romanian, I used google translate so this translation may not be the greatest:

"Metalurgica Aiud
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Metalurgica Aiud was a company specialized in the production of equipment for metallurgy and metal constructions in Romania [1] . It is the only producer in Romania for a range of products such as radiant tubes for heat treatment furnaces with controlled atmosphere, iron rollers etc. [2] . On 30 June 2005 , Group Commercial Services Romanian by contactors Buzau , together with businessman of Russian origin, Victor Ianusco and Metallurgical Employee Association, took over by AVAS package of nearly 74.5% of the share capital for $ 5.3 million the euro [2] . The deal proved to be a failure because the consortium has not complied with the privatization contract by not paying shares [2] . In December 2006 the company sold most of the assets by the company in the rail industry Remarul February 16 for 3 million [1] . Remarul February 16 took Metalurgica Aiud and employees [1] .

On 13 March 2013 the Court ruled Aiud official bankruptcy of the company Metalurgica Aiud after the company has not recorded profits in 2008 and at March 2013 had over 6 million debt. Total activity was stopped and the goods on sale. [3]

The existence within the city since the eighteenth century of tradition in the production locksmith and carpentry organized into guilds, led to the formation in 1894 of a factory building materials and Locksmiths, in which developed the current metallurgical enterprise.

1931 turned into factory technical items "GENIUS", based in Brasov, and in 1933 recorded in Aiud existence "Laboratory Technical Eng. Al Stoica" that outside the press articles and manufactured metal packaging, produce and articles to equip the army.

Since 1948, the company was reorganized and operated under the name "Plant Rapid Aiud" and had the profile of manufacturing: pumps and appliances fire, articles Locksmiths, wheelbarrows, metal, agricultural machinery simple, consumer goods cast cast iron.

Since 1951 the company was listed as workshop maintenance and repair of rolling stock subordinated Hunedoara steel mill, reprofilându on locomotive repairs, repairs of cars, buildings for casting and mine.

As a result, at the end of 1954 the company becomes its own economic management unit under the name "Aiud metallurgical enterprises", with the repair of rolling stock manufacturing profile throughout the steel sector. Since 1958, the company is looming on the manufacture of metal constructions, equipment and spare parts for the steel industry, metallurgy and machine building.

Investments in the 1966-1970 period was channeled mainly to hot sector development, in particular the centrifugal casting, metal construction and technological equipment.

1970-1980 is the period in which the enterprise benefit from two other stages of development resulting expansion of existing production capacities, enhancing integration being treated as high-tech new products. Is the period when the company was considered "Chief Mechanic" Romanian metallurgy and steel.

In December 2006 SC Metalurgica SA Aiud sold assets and goodwill SC REMARUL February 16 Cluj-Napoca, 100% private company. Thus it was established "Remarul Metalurgica Aiud" as a working point of SCREMARUL February 16 SA

"Remarul Metalurgica Aiud", is an integrated company, having sectors which ensure static or centrifugal Castings, Forgings, semi-welded and heat treatment sectors and machining.

Since April 15, 2008 the company called "Transylvanian Metalurgica Aiud". This represents a new start date regarding the company's image. "

It seems to say that there has been a long history of metal working in the area including Heavy machinery and Military equipment.

My feeling is that the "artifact" was made in the local factory for local mining.


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