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National Archives of Australia relesed files of Frederick Valentich incident

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Always thought did he see something come out of the ocean and image the extreme fear in his voice by the wording of the transcripts. Also was all the recording tape actually put to pen and paper ??

Complete tape is transcribed and today transcript is available everywhere on the net.

About audio tape - some facts and updates:
Haines has one copy of the tape. Recently metalic sounds were finally released within sci channel documentary thanks to Haines.

For the last few years together with colleague from Australia I was involved in the search for the copy of the tape. I actually located source who has it but at the end he declined to make it available.

My good colleague from Australia recenly achived a breakthrough. He was searching most part of his life for the tape and finally located a source who has uncut version. He was allowed to listen to it but he was not allowed to make a copy (which is understandable of course).

I plan to interview him when I catch some time in a very near future so other can hear his impressions of the whole tape.
Thanks and hope to read your enquiry about the interview tape and can you ask your friend what types of "unusual sounds" are made if any in the background ??? apart from distressful noises, plane egine etc.
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