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NBC's 'The Event': The secret even the President does not know

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Paranormal Adept
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Source: [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-phoenix/nbc-s-the-event-the-secret-even-the-president-does-not-know[/FONT]

NBC's 'The Event': The secret even the President does not know.

  • <ABBR class=published title=2010-09-11T11:43:00-07:00>September 11th, 2010 11:43 am MT</ABBR>
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In "The Event", President Elias Martinez must disclose the truth of ET to the American public.

Photo: Joseph Viles/NBC

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Imagine a secret so secret that the President of the United States of America is not on the Need-To-Know list—one that would change the course of history were it to become widespread public knowledge.

For the rest of the story check whole article at:

---------- Post added at 02:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

And here is the trailer of "The Event":

Holy shit! Amazing!

That is the only Examiner article I've read that didn't set out to lie to me. It tells the reader about the TV show in a reasonable and intelligent way. The TV show looks like it could be very interesting and maybe epic.

At no point does the article claim the TV show is a psyops disinfo cointelpro exercise to leak disclosure to the masses as a means of an MKULTRA/blue beam/HAARP coalition to depopulate the Earth and make room for peaceful alien cultures. It doesn't even complain that Obama has put disclosure on hold. Wow!

If only there was a way to tell if Larry Lowe wrote the articles before clicking Examiner links?! He's the one and only Exopolitics person I know of who appears to have some integrity and honesty. Proof once more that there's always an exception to the rule! :D
I worry about anything NBC does after the disaster that was Heroes. That show started off so strong, but they botched it. Too bad.
My hopes are high for "The Event" though.
Cool way to tease the 'government within the government' as Bill Clinton would say. From the trailer, you could tell the script was very 'cliche'. Hope this doesn't turn out to be typical fare of brainless fast food.
I worry about anything NBC does after the disaster that was Heroes. That show started off so strong, but they botched it. Too bad.
My hopes are high for "The Event" though.

There will a certain number of people who will take this as some sort of preconditioning for some actual "Disclosure" announcement and believe that some portion of it is "true." Many of the Project Camelot fan base(?) types already think that many sci-fi programs like "Stargate" reflect reality to some degree. It's a scary thing to think about in conjunction with discussion about Nick Redfern's new book "Final Events" to think there could be individuals in position of influence and power who would think similarly.
I've been watching the advertising for this show with some interest and was hoping the the "event" wasn't going to be UFO related, since that was the most obvious thing. Now that the secret is spoiled should I even bother watching? What are the chances that the show isn't going to be horribly bad? On the other hand, I watch a lot of bad television. Hmmm....
There will a certain number of people who will take this as some sort of preconditioning for some actual "Disclosure" announcement and believe that some portion of it is "true." Many of the Project Camelot fan base(?) types already think that many sci-fi programs like "Stargate" reflect reality to some degree. It's a scary thing to think about in conjunction with discussion about Nick Redfern's new book "Final Events" to think there could be individuals in position of influence and power who would think similarly.

Never understood why those types jump to that sort of conclusion. Can't fiction just be fiction? And how many decades does it take to condition us I wonder.
There will a certain number of people who will take this as some sort of preconditioning for some actual "Disclosure" announcement and believe that some portion of it is "true." Many of the Project Camelot fan base(?) types already think that many sci-fi programs like "Stargate" reflect reality to some degree. It's a scary thing to think about in conjunction with discussion about Nick Redfern's new book "Final Events" to think there could be individuals in position of influence and power who would think similarly.

That's exactly what the author of the article thinks.
That's exactly what the author of the article thinks.

You have to ask yourself if a preconditioning campaign would actually be undertaken. I don't think so. Anyone who wants to argue that they have already been doing that has to reconcile the many contradictory themes presented. Aliens are good, aliens are bad, aliens are inscrutable, and so forth. The Event is Hollywood riffing on popular culture. Paranormal and conspiracy shows are all the rage.
You have to ask yourself if a preconditioning campaign would actually be undertaken. I don't think so. Anyone who wants to argue that they have already been doing that has to reconcile the many contradictory themes presented. Aliens are good, aliens are bad, aliens are inscrutable, and so forth. The Event is Hollywood riffing on popular culture. Paranormal and conspiracy shows are all the rage.

Hey, I don't think so either. Was just pointing out that the guy who wrote the article thinks that.
I have to admit that, just watching the promo, this is a good theory as to what 'The Event' is supposed to be about. However, I don't know if any actual proof has been presented. Regardless, I hope it is the case because, for a very long time, I have wondered why TV shows and movies don't mine the UFO mythology for good show ideas. If it does, I hope it goes way deeper than just the standard ETH; something spiritual that stretches the boundaries of our definition of reality (kind of like what Fringe has been doing) would be so much cooler.

Chris Carter's X-files and Spielberg's Taken certainly did that don't you think?

Yep, you cite excellent examples, and I'm really enjoying 'Fringe'. But, I'm looking forward to movies that go for really, really, weird. I'm thinking along the lines of the classic movie 'Altered States'.

Think about the kinds of reports we get from people like say, Jeff Ritzman, with all kinds of weirdness popping into and out of his reality. Most of the time that stuff is played for 'horror', but I would rather see it played as deeply spiritual in nature. I guess most TVs and films are afraid to go 'too weird', but I'm from the camp that you can't get weird enough. :)

Having watched three episodes of this now I think I'm done. This show is soulless, the characters wooden and uninteresting. I doubt this will make it passed its first season. They could learn a thing or two from Fringe, a show that successfully balances concept and the human element. The Event is all the former, none the latter.
Having watched three episodes of this now I think I'm done. This show is soulless, the characters wooden and uninteresting. I doubt this will make it passed its first season. They could learn a thing or two from Fringe, a show that successfully balances concept and the human element. The Event is all the former, none the latter.

Yeah, I'm thinking of giving it up as well. Fringe is really good though.
Yeah, I'm thinking of giving it up as well. Fringe is really good though.

Yep, if they can't even entertain people interested in the subject matter enough to discuss it on internet forums, listen to podcasts, read UFO books, etc., they've got big problems. I've tried to like the show but it bores the hell out of me. Fringe, on the other hand, is very good. But Fringe has something The Event doesn't, likable and interesting characters.
Yep, if they can't even entertain people interested in the subject matter enough to discuss it on internet forums, listen to podcasts, read UFO books, etc., they've got big problems. I've tried to like the show but it bores the hell out of me. Fringe, on the other hand, is very good. But Fringe has something The Event doesn't, likable and interesting characters.

Yeah, and it also has a sense of humour, unlike The Event that seems to be taking itself WAY too seriously.
Yeah, and it also has a sense of humour, unlike The Event that seems to be taking itself WAY too seriously.

Indeed, it could use a good dose of that also. Walter was an excellent idea for Fringe as his character-type opens the door for lots of comedic bits. Interestingly, his character is the basis for the more emotional aspects of the show (Death and kidnapping of his son for instance) as well.
There will a certain number of people who will take this as some sort of preconditioning for some actual "Disclosure" announcement and believe that some portion of it is "true." Many of the Project Camelot fan base(?) types already think that many sci-fi programs like "Stargate" reflect reality to some degree. It's a scary thing to think about in conjunction with discussion about Nick Redfern's new book "Final Events" to think there could be individuals in position of influence and power who would think similarly.

Yup! NBC is certainly aware of all those who see such productions as "preconditioning" and it looks like a big fat market share to them. All the better to come out with it at a time when Larry King is interviewing UFO people, and the Disclosure Project is going on.

Quite frankly I don't expect Obama to stand up and tell us that the UFO's are real and that we have alien bodies from the Roswell crash. He has quite enough credibility problems as it is without bringing the nationwide giggle factor down on himself, and why should he when no other head of state has done so?

Moreover, a top down disclosure would open a truly enormous can of worms and take on a life of it's own, getting very quickly out of control. There's a lot connected with it that a lot of people in power REALLY do not want to answer for, like the black budget and extraconstitutional behavior.

It would get really messy really fast.
Yup! NBC is certainly aware of all those who see such productions as "preconditioning" and it looks like a big fat market share to them. All the better to come out with it at a time when Larry King is interviewing UFO people, and the Disclosure Project is going on.

Quite frankly I don't expect Obama to stand up and tell us that the UFO's are real and that we have alien bodies from the Roswell crash. He has quite enough credibility problems as it is without bringing the nationwide giggle factor down on himself, and why should he when no other head of state has done so?

Moreover, a top down disclosure would open a truly enormous can of worms and take on a life of it's own, getting very quickly out of control. There's a lot connected with it that a lot of people in power REALLY do not want to answer for, like the black budget and extraconstitutional behavior.

It would get really messy really fast.

Like Criswell, I predict that the alien people will turn out to be from Battlestar Galalaxitive....Think of the tie ins!! All the neat products that they could promote!! Yogurt, Castor Oil, etc etc...:redface:


---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

Besides, what are you going to watch after House??
