Paragilmorian guy
Hi folks,
Haven't been here for a very long time but wanted people who are interested to know that Emma Woods has published a new book ("Glimpses of Magonia") regarding her anomalous experiences. Her book, which is fascinating though a bit disturbing in some ways can be found on She has also done a podcast with The Clueless One of Paratopia fame, on his more recent podcast, The Experience on Whitley Strieber's website, Unknown Country.
The book is not about David Jacobs. For those that may be unaware of Emma, she became well-known in the alien abduction field through her whistleblowing regarding David Jacobs and his use of hypnosis. It caused a bit of concern around these parts about 10 years ago now.
Anyway, for those that are interested here are links to her book on Amazon, and the podcast mentioned above.
She has also got a website in which she has archived Jacobs related material, and has other material related to her new book.
Haven't been here for a very long time but wanted people who are interested to know that Emma Woods has published a new book ("Glimpses of Magonia") regarding her anomalous experiences. Her book, which is fascinating though a bit disturbing in some ways can be found on She has also done a podcast with The Clueless One of Paratopia fame, on his more recent podcast, The Experience on Whitley Strieber's website, Unknown Country.
The book is not about David Jacobs. For those that may be unaware of Emma, she became well-known in the alien abduction field through her whistleblowing regarding David Jacobs and his use of hypnosis. It caused a bit of concern around these parts about 10 years ago now.
Anyway, for those that are interested here are links to her book on Amazon, and the podcast mentioned above.
Glimpses of Magonia: A Memoir of My Anomalous Experiences - Kindle edition by Woods, Emma. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Glimpses of Magonia: A Memoir of My Anomalous Experiences - Kindle edition by Woods, Emma. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Glimpses of Magonia: A Memoir of My Anomalous Experiences.

The Experience with Jeremy Vaeni: Glimpses of Magonia
We welcome The Clueless One back for one of his occasional specials, and this one takes us deep into...Magonia! Emma Woods is the experiencer who f

She has also got a website in which she has archived Jacobs related material, and has other material related to her new book.