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New HBO doco: "Right America Feeling Wronged"

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These are the same kind of folks who believe Earth is 5000 years old and Adam and Eve walked with dinosaurs. Ain't they cute?
These are the same kind of folks who believe Earth is 5000 years old and Adam and Eve walked with dinosaurs. Ain't they cute?

No, it's not cute, it's fucking horrifying.

"Why do you think that?"
"I dunno, I just do."

To live life in a state of preferential, self-imposed ignorance in a first world nation in the 21st century (and be PROUD of it) is inexcusable. I would say people like this are the vestigial tail of human social development but the reference would be pointless because they think evolution is the work of Satan...
I never cease to be amazed at the people who are trusted to vote and drive cars (oh and I forgot, carry firearms).

My personal favourite though was one of the ones that came out during the US election ...don't have the link unfortunately but in my mind it will forever be entitled Drunken Hillbillies On A Tractor. Such profound political thinkers.

I really do think it's time for these people to consider marrying outside the family.
You assclowns talk about how people on the right are a bunch of idiot hillbillies.

I AM one of the people on the right. I am what you non-thinking, sheepfucking morons call a conservative.

Your Anti-American, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Conservative bullshit isn't funny. You people most likely haven't sacrificed a fucking thing in your worthless fucking lives. Half you fucking idiots are from countries that haven't been free in your goddamned lifetime, where you gladly suck the cock of your government for a handout.

New Zealand reaped a shitload of benefit from who? AMERICAN FILM MAKERS. You people clamored for our dollars, and begged American Film Makers to come to your country. In fact, most of the people who aren't American on this board have had their respective governments belly up to our Foreign Aid Trough. NOT ONE of you people knows what an American Conservative is like.

I am an American Conservative. My Labor is taxed so that people like you can borrow money from MY government. I work every goddamned day because half the fucking world depends on my government to give them a goddamned hand out. I work every goddamned day so my government can betray me at every goddamned turn.

You think it's funny to mock people who don't think like you? I don't think like you at all. I couldn't bring myself to be a fucking slave, a dependent, or a goddamned liberal retard that can't think for myself.

You mock people like me, because you think you're smarter, or better. I promise you, you're not. You're weak. You're cowardly, and pathetic in my eyes. You're not fit to drink the piss from a rain puddle.

I am thoroughly disgusted.
Tommy, are you putting yourself in the same bucket as the people on that video?
a person can be conservative without being ignorant.

I tend to lean to the right, but I certainly appreciate all the benefits to my society that were brought about by the people on the left, things such as no more 85 hour work weeks if you don't want to and if you do, you get overtime. Our pension plan, seniors income guarantee, things that make life easier for those who spent their lives working for our society. Basic medical care for all, even if you have to wait to get it, those sorts of things.

The amount of people who benefit from our taxpaying citizen's dollars without doing diddly to earn it, is not so great in the grand scheme of things, percentage-wise, to make it important to cut everybody off.

but I do hope you don't consider yourself as ignorant and purposely uninformed as the people who were on that video. Just because something is different, doesn't mean it is no good or wrong, and that is the sort of feeling I was getting from them, Obama is different, so there must be something wrong.

and the comment about not being happy Obama wasn't a full-blooded American... he was born on US soil. None of the people in power in the US at the start of the country were 'full-blooded' Americans,; if they were, their skin would be a different shade, more like reddish tan.

I really hope you do not put yourself in the same category as that type of thinking.

On another topic, I do get what you warned about your temper and the fasting...
I am what you non-thinking, sheepfucking morons call a conservative.


as an ex pat new zealander, i'll have you know i resemble that remark..........:D

ah the motherland, where men are men, and sheep are nervous............

its been a sensitive issue ever since the saudi's rejected a shipload of live sheep for export and sent them back, the australian govt then painted "pacific princess" on the hull, and sent it to new zealand, hoping to convince the locals it was the love boat
Tommy, I suggest you re-read the thread, consider the fact that we did not name the youtube piece and maybe back the fuck up to your right wing hitching post and cop a squat and listen. Truthfully we here could care less if your right or left. On the other hand if you are an idiot, then ya, maybe we care the slightest little bit. So either Eat lunch, or eat your words but christ,:exclamation: lighten up.
Woah, Tommy. Were laughing at ignorance here. Not saying conservatives = stupid.

I named the thread as the name of the movie.

The problem is not all conservatives are inbred hicks, but all inbred hicks seem to be conservatives.

We know the difference here man.
Astro touched on it. Tommy is fasting and may be a bit more of a grouch etc. Case people are wonderin. He gave us a heads up the other day. The rest of the month should be interesting. It's like me hammered, but might last a little longer and be more mature.

To save Capn, probably my favorite poster some time, BSvalley, I think it's "couldn't care less".
Astro touched on it. Tommy is fasting and may be a bit more of a grouch etc. Case people are wonderin. He gave us a heads up the other day. The rest of the month should be interesting. It's like me hammered, but might last a little longer and be more mature.

To save Capn, probably my favorite poster some time, BSvalley, I think it's "couldn't care less".

I chose to ignore that.

This rant was inexcusable. If it was the food thing then ffs, dude shouldnt engage with shit that is going to get him riled up for at least the next month.
I chose to ignore that.

This rant was inexcusable. If it was the food thing then ffs, dude shouldnt engage with shit that is going to get him riled up for at least the next month.

I excused it. Makes little difference. If Tommy want's to get mad, I'm sure you can handle it.
well i dont think Mr allisons excuse is any better than aarons frankly, if you know you are going to have a bladder control problem, stay out of the public pool.
it only takes a one or two senseless selfish individuals with slowly spreading yellow stains, to pollute the pool to the point where no one else wants to swim there.

whether its alcohol or a fast one still expects a basic level of decorum to be upheld.

i feel sorry for Mr allison, because while a fast will rid the body of toxins, it would appear there is no means to rid the psyche of his obvious toxicity.

i feel doubly sorry for him, because the content of his disrespectful tirade clearly indicates a person with a very limited intellectual capacity.that sort of language and the manner in which it was used demonstrates a distinct lack of imagination

as they say insults are the last refuge of the incompetent........

when a person resorts to potty language to illustrate a point, they only demonstrate a septic mindset

thats the only point they make, they acheive and communicate nothing more than that
The problem is not all conservatives are inbred hicks, but all inbred hicks seem to be conservatives.
Not entirely true. I've grown up around plenty of inbred-hick-types who are more than happy to suck the gub'ment teat.
They are not the real problem...just easy targets for pissed off tax-payers rage.
The Mother-Load of tax revenue goes to people who wipe their ass with money every time another bomb rolls off the assembly line...and the Turd-factory is doing double over-time.